Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  That sheds an ocean of blood!

  Do not believe it, being a pioneer is not weak,

  I'm a boy, but a fighter is so cool...

  For us, believe me, even the world is not enough,

  He threw a grenade with his bare foot!

  I scribble on the Nazis very aptly,

  And he began to get very active ...

  And even the grid does not save

  And I get consistently five!

  Do not believe that fascism is invincible,

  I fought him bravely, pioneer...

  Above us wings fly cherubs,

  Let's set an example for others!

  Fought in the Name of God Jesus

  And the great God Svarog is with us ...

  We have known the victories of the glory of taste,

  After all, strength is with us, White, Wise God!

  Yes, my homeland is dearer than anything,

  I'm a pioneer, I'm fighting for Rus' now...

  And I will move the Fuhrer straight in the face,

  So, boy, fight and don't be afraid!

  I was somehow captured by the enemy by accident,

  Fritz's heels were burned to the child ...

  The fire under the soles burns mercilessly,

  Broke the boy's toes!

  Flogged very hard, almost to death,

  They brought the iron to the chest with heat ...

  Fascists, it's like hell from hell

  Almost took the boy's head off!

  They led me to the noose barefoot,

  Although I'm still quite, consider the kid ...

  And I heard a lot of evil words,

  But Stalin is still my father!

  At the moment of the last shot of the partisan,

  He mowed down the line of evil monsters ...

  Enemies then did not seem enough,

  At least someone was screaming in wild fear!

  I returned to my squad again,

  A boy running barefoot in the snow...

  And the willows are shaking over the snowdrifts,

  I will not give mercy, I see the enemy!

  Let the era of communism be famous,

  And Stalin is our most glorious father...

  We will scatter the hordes of fascism to ashes,

  Who is with us, he is forever well done!

  Yes, our Motherland knows no measure,

  We will zealously exterminate the Fritz ...

  Let's rid the land of violent cholera,

  To be able to pick up prizes for yourself!

  I am a boy, a pioneer, a big warrior,

  I fight, believe me, like a giant ...

  And Hitler, it's just, you know, byaka,

  And to me Svarog is only a lord with Rod!

  And if necessary, the time of communism,

  Will come in the glory of the country's knights...

  Let's break the chains of evil revanchism,

  And we will reflect the streams of darkness of the horde!

  Here we are fighters entering Berlin,

  We attack bunkers, palaces...

  Victory came in radiant May,
