Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Natasha clicked her bare heels and sang:

  - War is always cool,

  Spring is raging in the sky ...

  Pass, I believe, years

  But we are young forever!

  And after that, she sent a wave with a worm virus into the huge terminator. And this rattling electric boa constrictor went into the circuits of a huge terminator robot, and it really began to shake.

  And the guru boy and Tyranus continued to fight. And their lightsabers flashed and glowed with bright flames.

  The young warrior was finally able to really invest in the blow, and his lightsaber cut off the hand of the black warrior.

  He cried out:

  - Damn, it hurts!

  The guru boy chuckled and remarked:

  - Rather, you're the devil! And I'm an angel!

  Tyranus chuckled and remarked:

  "But you won't kill an unarmed man, will you?"

  The young warrior nodded.

  - Give up! We will judge you, punish you and forgive you!

  The black warrior raised his left hand and suddenly, suddenly, threw a pea. A miniature atomic bomb exploded. And Tyranus is gone.

  The boy-guru whistled:

  - That's how it always is! And how does he get it?

  Suddenly, from behind came:

  - Get it!

  The young warrior barely managed to jump back. A crocodile and a lion shot at him. And the rays broke through the robot that jumped out towards. It detonated and exploded. And fragments flew in different directions. One of them hit the guru boy on the bare heel. And he yelled.

  But then the young warrior turned and sang:

  - We will boldly go into battle,

  For the cause of the ninja...

  We will destroy all enemies

  In the name of life!

  And then the boy-fighter, as he charges the mutant lion with his bare heel on the temple, and he collapsed, as if knocked down.

  The enemy crocodile swung a piece of rail and wanted to move the kid, but hit his knee and crashed. The guru boy kicked him on the back of the head and remarked:

  - You stood in my way for a very long time!

  Natasha, who, by throwing a pea with explosives, sent another mutant for scrap, corrected:

  - On our way!

  And the warriors grabbed two stunned bandit beasts by the arms.

  The guru boy remarked:

  - If we hand them over to the police, then Tyranus with his equipment and robots will break any prison and free them:

  The ninja girl with white hair suggested:

  - Let's set a trap for the black lord. He will rush to rescue the mutants, and then we will grab him!

  A ninja girl with yellow hair remarked:

  - This idea is really good! But here's the catch, won't Tyranus smell a dirty trick?

  The ninja girl with red hair remarked:

  - There is another problem here. The police can be confused if they put mutants. Indeed, animals are kept in menageries, not in prison!

  Natasha tweeted:

  Animals get ready for school

  The rooster crowed for a long time ...

  Like you really don't try

  Don't kick, don't bite

  Doesn't help anyway!

  The guru boy declared emphatically:

  "Perhaps we should throw them back to Tyranus?"

  Natasha shrugged.

  - And why is that? We've had so much fun with them!

  The young warrior remarked:

  - Because these cretins are our old acquaintances, whom we constantly beat. And so, the Hyperbrain can create mutants much more smart and agile!

  The ninja girls burst out laughing and chirped:

  - I believe that people do not say goodbye to a fairy tale,

  And they will remain true friends forever!

  After that, they took and with their bare, graceful, tanned, muscular, as if woven from steel wire, legs succumbed to two large mutant beasts, and they flew along a tangent trajectory and fluttered into the portal.

  After that, the glow stopped. Five warriors: four girls and a boy looked around.
