Yet, a closer look derailed those designs as premature – no picking your silly nose here and smudging the mucosities of nitwit hopes on the items in public domain, if you know what I’m about…
On the other hand, here is your brand new account plus the blog, unasked-for…
That way, the confluent circumstances slithered in to kinda mate and make me ponder on self-education issues, although at the start I would not count the like matters among my natural bents.
So, yes, straight from the shoulder, that too-smart-ass trap-scheme does indent the principle of non-interference, an impudent (though cleverly disguised) intrusion into my innate sloth.
But then again, the more we learn the more we know. Period.
In the light of the above-demurred, I’d like to also point out the rumors fleeting, now and then, tangentially, at the periphery of my scattered, in general, attention as regards divers show business celebrities, who—before to pass away in their usual way of hopeless fight with cancer (when choosing a career you sign up for the strings commonly attached) or hang themselves to spite the life that failed at fulfillment of the hopes pinned on it some fifty years back—by their blogs were blowing the Net up – now, get it, bugger!.
How’s that for a good-bye kiss from me, sweeties, huh?!.
But why? Why not to drown themselves in peaceful, polite manner?.
Anyway, more than once it swished at the bottom-page news level—like a flying saucer over a far off neighborhood in the opposite hemisphere—that some scum bag of fame «has blown up the Net». Which arrogant sabotage can hardly find a properer response than just 2 words: „Fuck youself!“ (Both stressed, the latter stronger.)
To be frank, in my post-pubic life I was not much attracted by a career of a demolisher. However, the pranks of plumb crazy stars keep interest to bloggerism a-simmer (though pretending I don’t care a fig still in its place). They do undermine my unconditionally rooted reflex of genetic proclivity to leisure and slow, serene thinking, alphabetically.
As for the sporadic spells of living my life in accordance with my likings, then I am more than reluctant to skim all those googlies-wikies and would prefer drawing my own ad hoc conclusion or two (of various amount of probability) concerning the matter in hand, when in doubt. A screeching process, yep, why deny, yet at my natural pace and taking breaks when feeling like that.
By and large, «blog», at the given moment of my single-handed brain-storming, does not too categorically outpace an average chisel, which they use to scratch their marks—“here I am, the one and only!”—so as to impress the eternity to come by their (chiselers’) personal uniqueness, the praiseworthy claimant to the mutual awe and admiration.
Quite natural and ubiquitously wide-spread drive, exceeding dinky racial dissimilitudes. Suffice it to recollect the pole to pole go-getter Mr. Kilroy, and in no way less omnipresent Citizen Vasya. Two tireless champions of screwing the world with their respective autographs to preserve their popularity forever and a day.
Still keep in mind both you, sneaky-slinker Vasya, and you, most respectable Mr. Kilroy, that each and any of your askew scribbles is supervised and disposed of by OBPS.
Yes, yes, and yes over again – every single one, for it’s the rule of no exceptions. And wherever you leave your scrawl—on a chimney or the wall, or be it even an ancient temple’s abacus, a 4-axis railroad cistern for sulfatophenol transportation, the top of a decrepit water tower, the concrete lid of the Chernobyl Sarcophagus, the left hip of a drowsing off Hippopotamus, the cup of an alertly spinning radar, the tails spasmodically jerking under the back of a symphonic orchestra conductor, a Sequoyah stump, the plastered pedestal or marble back of the monument to Great-Leader-Liberator-Teacher-Steerer, the palate of a cannibal Orca frisking gaily after a hearty meal—each your mark is just another supplement to the blogs of your lives, delivery of whose disconnected messages (even though you, blockheads, never bother to indicate the name and whereabouts of your addressee) would be handled by the Oceanic Bottle Postal Service, OBPS, whose clients are all them bloggers, lock, stock, and barrel. See what I mean?
And here pops up the dark side in the blog definition—if you abstain from getting lost in digging thru the sites of all those googles and wikipedias, who certainly are in the dark and have not the slightest idea of OBPS, because they are so too busy, engaged in copy-pasting from each other to have their content full updated, you know, because not only my nose gets rubbed into them those antiquarian terms by the bitchy realities of life…—
Yes, Mr. Kilroy, yes, Citizen Vasya, all of your blog as well as any of its constituent crappy scrap-and-crumbs is none but just a drop lost in the immense Digital Ocean (DO) where for all and anything (A-N-Y-thing!) there are austerely forked out just 0 and 1 in all kinds of combinations.
There, in DO, it, your blog of all your scribble-doodles, is nothing but a message stuffed into an empty bottle by one more screwed-up sucker, the loner-resident of an uninhabited island smack-bang in the middle of the wide ocean—from one horizon to the opposite—carrying one more plop-toy among its playful waves, a dildo for the torrents or just another gourmet nosh for the pack of ever greedy gulpers from the shark species like the dumb, and the small-fin, and the leaf-scale, and the mosaic gulpers, as well as the bird-beak, the long-snout, the arrowhead, and other members in the dogfish family, the large-tooth, the small-eye, the cookie-cutter, and so on from the kite-fin family of sharks, the comb-tooth, the ornate, the bare-skin, the granular (whatever it means) in the lantern family, the cylindrical, the ninja, the brown, the pink, the velvet-belly, the blurred, the lined, the thorny, the rasp-tooth ones, and—their cousin from the viper Genus—the prickly, and the rough-skin, the white-tail, the sparse-tooth, the large-spine, the knife-tooth (I bypass the all-out concatenation of the Genuses of sleepers), the blunt-nose, the big-head, the green-eye, the fat-spine, and the not yet described Lombok, the high-fin spurdog, then comes the order of labor-loving sawsharks (ten types in two Genuses), the divine-helpers Angel sharks from all over the globe, the bullhead sharks including horned and cryptic, the great white, the goblin, the megamouth, the sand tiger, the crocodile (not relative to crocodiles per se), the big-eye, and other horror-inspiring mackerel killers, as well as swish dandies from the Carpet subdivision – the epaulette sharks of divers Genuses up to the hooded carpet sharks, and the banded, and the tussled, and the network (sic!), the epaulette wobbegongs to be followed by the collared and the saddle, and the barbell-throats, the ginger, and the necklace, the whale shark, and the zebra (we’re still among sharks), then come the Family of requiem sharks: the gray sharp-nose, the spade-nose, the black-nose, the big-nose, the hard-nose, the dagger-nose, the slit-eye, the pig-eye, the silver-tip, the copper, the bull, the tiger, the white-cheek, the nervous, the silky, the lemon, the hook-tooth, the snaggletooth, the straight-tooth, all kinds of ribbon-tail both the slender, and the graceful, and the magnificent, and even the false cat sharks different from true cat sharks as exemplified by the white-bodied, the white ghost, the hoary, the pale, the milk-eye, the short-belly, the humpback, the broad-nose, the long-nose, the long-head, the flat-head, the broad-head, the sponge-head, the fat, the broad-gill, and also (my favorite) the Black wonder cat shark (not described as of yet), the spotted, the pale-spotted, the orange-spotted, the variegated, the blotched, and the starry, the somber, the mud, the jaguar (do you really have so much time, eh?), the painted, the draughtsboard, the flag-tail, the balloon, the lollipop, the saw-tail (not to confuse with the saw-heads!), the file-tail, the black-mouth, the mouse, the pepper, the phallic (oho!), the quagga, the puff adder, the grinning, the crying, the honeycomb, the beige, the velvet, the boa, the lizard, the freckled, the chain, the cloudy, (now passing to the hammerhead sharks): the wing-head, the scalloped bonnet-head, to mention just a few, the whiskery shark, the black-tip tope, the big-eye hound shark, the gummy, the dusky, the starry (yes, again but from another Family, if you are still here), the star-spotted, the spotless, the flap-nose, the narrow-nose, the leopard shark, and… and… and now subtract the number of the above-listed from 536 to evaluate the volume of my goodwill, and also the kindness of my heart of gold.