Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Partial blackout.

Musical lyrical background.

Scene 2. As always, not at the right time.

The music of the first scene subsides.

Eleanor and Kostya are trying in some not very clever way to move on to more decisive actions, logically following from everything that is happening above, but they are interrupted by Violetta's nasty voice.

Violetta (skeptically). Ding-ding…

Violetta enters.

Eleanor and Kostya discontentedly return to a decently seated position, look at the guest.

Violetta (not really worrying about her inappropriateness). Guys, really, when will you fix the bell?

Eleanor (displeased). Yes, Kostya fixed it a year ago. And you still won't learn how to use it!

Violetta (including the fool). And.. yes? About how. I didn't know. Mechanically, therefore, I entered. Well…, I will know now. And then… why should I call, on the other hand.

Violetta turns the keys to the door in her hand.

Eleanor (displeased). But by the way! Why do you have the keys to our house? I don't have the keys to your house, and mind you, I've never allowed myself to come to visit you without an invitation. And for some reason you allow yourself to do this, moreover, quite often.

Violetta (calmly, confidently). Everything is right. I'm not your sister, but Kostya. What's the big deal? I don't understand your feelings about this. If you were my sister, you would also open my door with a kick, I wouldn't even make a peep. And that's fine. So se la vie. Well… for interrupting you from an important lesson – for that, I humbly ask you to forgive me. I had an important reason for that.

Kostya (getting better, putting himself in order, getting up from the sofa.). Hello, Violetta. Did something happen to you?

Eleanor (nervously). It happened! Exactly what happened to me!

Kostya (attentively, cautiously). What?

Eleanor cautiously looks at Violetta, waiting for the disclosure of the intrigue.

Violetta (nervously, loudly, to Kostya and Eleanor). Why are you both staring at me? Don't you know that there's a shoe store sale today, what's underneath you?

Kostya (pointing down, looking at his wife). Is there a sale today?

Eleanor nods affirmatively to Kostya.

Kostya (turning back to his sister). Yes, there is a sale, we are aware. Well, so what?

Violetta (freaking out, waving her arms). Yes… Psh… I mean, what? I looked at three pairs of shoes for myself. They all fit me perfectly. But I don't have enough money for all three. So either give me an urgent loan, or come with me, tell me which ones to choose. I'll scrape together two pairs, but there's no way for three.

Kostya and Eleanor exchange confused glances.

Violetta (nervously). Guys-guys-guys!!! There's no time to be stupid. In general, give me the money and you can continue to do your obscenities here.

Eleanor (exhaling nervously, pulling her purse towards her). Yeah… I guess I'll have to pay you to leave.

Eleanor takes a few bills out of her purse and hands them to Violetta.

Eleanor (relatively calmly). Is that enough?

Violetta (accepting the money and counting it). Well…, give me more, don't squeeze! There's another fourth couple so pretty, well, so pretty…

Kostya takes out another bundle of money from their pocket, counts out a few more bills and gives it to his sister.

Violetta happily eats, kisses Kostya on the cheek, reaches out to Eleanor, but she disgustedly pushes her away.

Violetta runs away.

Eleanor and Kostya remain in a depressed state, with a broken feeling and mood.

Eleanor (displeased). With such sisters, no enemies are needed.

Kostya (walking thoughtfully, not immediately answering). Actually, she's good. A little reckless, but simple, open…, sincere..

Eleanor (skeptically). … uh-huh…

Kostya (walking thoughtfully). This… you know what they say. There are devils in a quiet pool. And here everything is simple, honest and open. Everything that's on your mind is on your tongue.

Eleanor (skeptically). Oh, is it? Yes, your sister, I'm sorry, she's not hiding her friendship with the devils. Isn't she a beast herself? Do you call her shamelessness and impudence openness?

Kostya (stops, thinks). Well… Yes, she is not a countess, she is not trained in high manners. Well, I'm not a count either. Why are you mad at her? Is it because of the money? So she will return, the first time or something.

Eleanor (nervously). I didn't care about the money! Kostya, don't pretend to be a fool! Do you think it's okay when your sister shows up like this at any moment and starts taking over here?

Kostya (enters into an argument). Is she the boss?

Eleanor (nervously). What else is it called?

Kostya (already nervously). A person asked for help. What are you making a tragedy out of this?

Eleanor (nervously). Yes, because she is already zatrrrrr.....Avila, with his visits. Then her faucet is leaking – help Kostya. Then her curtains need to be removed to wash – Kostya again. Then by all means hang it – naturally to you. To bring potatoes – to you. To consult about the purchase of household appliances – we call my brother again. Is it okay that your brother has his own family and your worries have not fallen anywhere for him? What doesn't happen – Kostya! Kostya! Kostya! Tea, not a girl for a long time, it's time to grow up!

Kostya (shouting). Will you calm down today or not? I grew up alone in the family, and I got used to walking in queens! All attention to you, all care to you. You didn't give a damn about the others. So it is in life, as it can be seen leaked from childhood. And Violetta went through a difficult childhood. She's not just my sister, she's me....

Kostya stops talking at the last moment, holding his tongue.

Eleanor (barely restraining herself). Well, well… Go on. So I'm spoiled, selfish…, callous, apparently. What else?

Kostya (relatively restrained). And you also like to make a big deal out of a molehill.

Kostya is rapidly going somewhere.

Eleanor (nervously, with interest). Are you going far?

Kostya (restrained). I'll go, get some air, cool my head a little, otherwise I've already started to hurt. And you ventilate here, otherwise lightning discharges are felt in our humble abode… I came home cheerful and happy … ah …

Kostya waves his hand and leaves.

Eleanor, pouting, puts her hands on her hips, turns away from Kostya in the other direction.


Scene 3. In a related way.

Violetta's apartment.

An optimistic musical composition sounds.

Business Violetta enters with several bags from the boutique. Not the face, not that it would be joy – but also not sadness. Rather indifference.

Kostya comes in behind her. He's sad. Hands in pockets. Haggard himself.

The music stops.

Violetta (leaving her bags in the room and going to change). Yes, I know your betrothed, you don't have to tell me. In general, I was never surprised that you would come to the shoe store 5-10 minutes after I left.

Violetta is hiding in another room. Changing clothes. From time to time, replaceable things fly out from the filing of her hand.

Kostya (turning away from the place where Violetta is changing clothes). Listen, this is unbearable! Don't say a word to her. It starts with half a turn, and then try to stop it again.

Violetta (shouting from the other room). I don't understand how you live with her at all.

Kostya (softly, so Violetta wouldn't hear). Yes… I don't always understand myself…

Violetta enters. She is in a bright, defiant housecoat, dressed in general decently, but at the same time partly frankly. In any case, it's exciting. Gently and at the same time passionately, she steps with her bare feet on the floor. The gait is open, bold, not at all sisterly.

Kostya turns to her, but immediately hides his gaze, as if trying not to look.
