Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Упражнение 36*

а) Прочтите текст, вставляя нужные формы глагола to be.

About Me and My Family

Hi! My name … Ivan, I … from Russia, from Vladivostok. It … a large port city in the Russian Far East. Vladivostok … a very nice city on the hills (холмы), it … near the sea. I … twenty-two years old, and I … in my final year (на последнем курсе) of acting department (актерского отделения). My specialization … a movie and theatre actor. And my hobby … modern choreography. Tuesday and Friday … days for my dance classes.

My family … not too (слишком) big: father, mother, my younger brother Vlad, and our pet Maestro. It … a beautiful white tom cat (кот) with blue eyes. Maestro … very smart, but he … too lazy, selfish (эгоистичный), and arrogant (высокомерный). He … sure (уверен) that we all … his servants (слуги) and our life task (жизненная задача) … to please (угождать) him.

My father’s name … Maxim; he … fifty years old. Dad … a businessman; he … often on his business trips (командировки) far away from home. He … not a tall man, and not very handsome. His skin … dark, and his hair … already grey (седые). Father … not much of a good (не слишком хороший) sportsman, so his body … not too fit (подтянутое), and he … not broad-shouldered (широкоплечий).

My mom’s name … Sabina, she … from Finland. She … forty-seven years old, but her attractive face … so young that people … sure she … only thirty-five! Her long wavy (волнистые) hair … blond, and her wonderful big eyes … blue. Now mom’s Russian … really perfect, but her accent … a bit funny. She … a housewife, and … always busy with work about the house (по дому). Mother … a very active person, and she … never tired! She … a great cook, and her dishes … always so tasty! Endless (бесконечные) Mexican serials … her great hobby.

As for (что касается) my brother Vlad, he … a teenage brainiac (умник), a real nerd («ботаник»)! He … crazy about (без ума от) computers, and, of course, his future profession … an IT specialist. Besides (кроме того), he … a big football fan. His favorite (любимая) music … punk rock that … quite terrible for my ears.

We … all friends in our family, and we … really glad to spend time together.

б) На основе текста “About Me and My Family” составьте рассказ о вашей семье либо о любой группе людей, каким-то образом связанных друг с другом.


В отличие от общих вопросов, требующих ответов «да» или «нет» (Are you a teacher? – Yes, I am / No, I’m not), специальные вопросы задают, чтобы получить дополнительную и уточняющую информацию. В специальных вопросах используются вопросительные слова или словосочетания.

Вопросительные слова: whatчто, whoкто, whenкогда, whereгде, whyпочему, whichкоторый, whoseчей, whomкого, кому, howкак.

Вопросительные словосочетания: what + сущ. – какой (what book, what day); which of + cущ. / местоим. – кто / который из (which of you, which of the students); how + прил. / наречие (how much, how long, how old).

Специальные вопросы с глаголом to be строятся по следующей схеме:

Вопрос. слово / словосочетание + to be + сущ. / мест. (+ …) ?

Выучите несколько часто употребимых вопросов с глаголом to be:

What’s your name? – Как вас зовут?

How old are you? – Сколько вам лет?

What’s your profession? – Кто вы по специальности? (букв.: Какова ваша профессия / специальность?)

What’s your job? – Кем вы работаете? (букв.: Какова ваша работа?)

Where are you from? – Откуда вы?

What country are you from? – Из какой вы страны?

How are you? – Как дела? (букв.: Как ты (поживаешь)?)

What’s up? – Как дела? В чем дело?

What’s wrong? – Что случилось? Что стряслось?

What’s this? // What’s that? – Что это?

How much is it? – Сколько (это) стоит?

What time is it? – Который час?

What day is it today? – Какой сегодня день (недели)?

What date is it today? – Какое сегодня число?

What’s the weather like today? – Какая сегодня погода?


Упражнение 37*

Соедините следующие вопросы с подходящими по смыслу ответами.

Вопросы: 1. Where is Jenny from? 2. What’s your child’s name? 3. What’s this? 4. What day is it today? 5. What’s your job, Steve? 6. How’s your wife? 7. What’s the weather like today? 8. How old is Mrs. Winston? 9. What’s wrong with you? 10. What city are you from? 11. What time is it now? 12. What’s up? 13. What’s your profession? 14. How much is it? 15. What date is it today?

Ответы: a) She’s seventy-two already. b) Colin. c) I’m from New York City. d) Today is the 15th of May, if I’m not mistaken. e) I’m a bank teller. f) From Scotland. g) Twenty bucks only. h) Nothing. I’m good. i) Friday. j) She’s very well, thank you. k) Great! You? l) It’s a present for my girlfriend. m) It’s perfect for a picnic. n) Ten sharp. o) I’m a landscape architect.

Упражнение 38

Прочитайте следующие предложения, по возможности заменяя полные формы глагола to be на сокращенные разговорные конструкции. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Why are your hands so cold, Jimmy? – Because I am cold, mom! 2. Which answer is incorrect? – Yours, dear! 3. Who is responsible (ответственный) for keeping things safe (зд.: в сохранности)? 4. What kind of movie is this? – It is a comic thriller. 5. How much is that bike, Billy? 6. What is wrong with Nataly today? She is sad all day. 7. How old are buildings in the city center? – They are about a hundred years old. 8. Hell! Where are my white jeans? – Aren’t they on the couch (диван) in your room? 9. Who is that nerd on stage (сцена)? – It is our school genius. 10. What state (штат) are her friends from? Why this funny accent? – They are from Massachusetts. 11. Which of the team captains is absent? – Greg McKinney. His ankle (лодыжка) is damaged (повреждена). 12. What is wrong? Where is our luggage (багаж)? It is not here! 13. What are Jack’s favorite books? – The book series about Harry Potter. 14. Where is their office? How far is it from here? – Oh, it is just five minutes’ walk. 15. When is your birthday, kid? – Tomorrow, sir. Where is my birthday present? 16. Kathy, what is your pet’s name? – Its name is Miau. 17. What is your daughter by profession? – She is a French teacher. 18. What is the time of your flight departure (отправление рейса)? – It is three-thirty p.m., if I am not mistaken. 19. How many of your colleagues are ill? – Only two. 20. God, where are we now?! – We are in the middle of nowhere, honey! 21. How deep is the river? – It is only two meters deep. 22. What is the weather like tomorrow? Is it good for walking in the park? – Let’s see… Yep, it is perfect! 23.
