Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

‘Why (ах: «почему»), the beautifullest lady you ever see (наипрекраснейшая дама, которую ты когда-либо видишь = могла видеть), dressed right gay and ga’ (одетая очень: «прямо» весело = разряженная в пух и прах). The young master (молодой хозяин), he never took his eyes off her (он не отводил от нее глаз).’

‘Well, I should have liked to have seen her (я хотела бы увидеть ее = жаль, что я ее не видела),’ says Cap o’ Rushes.

‘Well, there’s to be another dance this evening (назначен другой бал этим вечером), and perhaps she’ll be there (и, возможно, она будет там).’

But, come the evening (но когда пришел вечер), Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go with them (что она была слишком усталая, чтобы идти с ними). Howsoever (как бы то ни было), when they were gone (когда они ушли), she offed with her cap o’ rushes and cleaned herself (она сняла свой камышовый чепец и почистила себя), and away she went to the dance (и прочь она пошла на бал = и отправилась на бал).

perhaps [pə’hæps], howsoever [,haʋsǝʋ’evǝ]

Well, next morning they said to her, ‘You did miss a sight, Cap o’ Rushes!’

‘What was that?’ says she.

‘Why, the beautifullest lady you ever see, dressed right gay and ga’. The young master, he never took his eyes off her.’

‘Well, I should have liked to have seen her,’ says Cap o’ Rushes.

‘Well, there’s to be another dance this evening, and perhaps she’ll be there.’

But, come the evening, Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go with them. Howsoever, when they were gone, she offed with her cap o’ rushes and cleaned herself, and away she went to the dance.

The master’s son had been reckoning on seeing her (сын хозяина рассчитывал на то, чтобы увидеть ее), and he danced with no one else (и он не танцевал ни с кем еще = кроме), and never took his eyes off her (и не сводил глаз с нее). But, before the dance was over (но прежде чем танец закончился), she slipt off (она ускользнула), and home she went (и домой она пошла), and when the maids came back (и когда служанки пришли назад) she pretended to be asleep (она притворилась спящей) with her cap o’ rushes on (в своем камышовом чепце).

Next day they said to her again (на следующий день они сказали ей снова), ‘Well, Cap o’ Rushes, you should ha’ been there to see the lady (ты должна была быть там, чтобы увидеть эту даму; ha’ = have – разг.). There she was again (там она была снова), gay and ga’ (разряженная), and the young master (и молодой хозяин) he never took his eyes off her (он никогда = вовсе не сводил глаз с нее).’

‘Well, there (ну: «ну там»),’ says she, ‘I should ha’ liked to ha’ seen her (я хотела бы увидеть ее = жаль, что я ее не видела).’

‘Well,’ says they (говорят они; says во множ. числе – разг. вместо say), ‘there’s a dance again this evening (будет бал снова этим вечером), and you must go with us (и ты должна пойти с нами), for she’s sure to be there (ибо она точно будет там).’

reckon [‘rekən]

The master’s son had been reckoning on seeing her, and he danced with no one else, and never took his eyes off her. But, before the dance was over, she slipt off, and home she went, and when the maids came back she pretended to be asleep with her cap o’ rushes on.

Next day they said to her again, ‘Well, Cap o’ Rushes, you should ha’ been there to see the lady. There she was again, gay and ga’, and the young master he never took his eyes off her.’

‘Well, there,’ says she, ‘I should ha’ liked to ha’ seen her.’

‘Well,’ says they, ‘there’s a dance again this evening, and you must go with us, for she’s sure to be there.’

Well, come this evening (когда пришел этот вечер), Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go (сказала, что она была слишком усталой, чтобы пойти), and do what they would (и что бы они ни делали = пусть делают, что хотят) she stayed at home (она осталась дома = а она останется дома). But when they were gone (но когда они ушли), she offed with her cap o’ rushes and cleaned herself (она сняла свой камышовый чепец и почистила себя), and away she went to the dance (и отправилась на бал).

The master’s son was rarely glad when he saw her (сын хозяина был на редкость: «редко» рад, когда он увидел ее). He danced with none but her (он не танцевал ни с кем, кроме нее) and never took his eyes off her (и вовсе не сводил своих глаз с нее). When she wouldn’t tell him her name (когда она не захотела сказать ему свое имя), nor where she came from (ни откуда она пришла), he gave her a ring (он дал ей кольцо) and told her if he didn’t see her again (и сказал ей, что если он не увидит ее снова) he should die (он умрет).

Well, before the dance was over (прежде чем бал был окончен), off she slipped (прочь она ускользнула), and home she went (и домой она пошла), and when the maids came home (и когда служанки пришли домой) she was pretending to be asleep with her cap o’ rushes on (она притворялась быть спящей = что спит в своем камышовом чепце).

herself [hǝ’self], rarely [‘reǝlɪ]

Well, come this evening, Cap o’ Rushes said she was too tired to go, and do what they would she stayed at home. But when they were gone, she offed with her cap o’ rushes and cleaned herself, and away she went to the dance.

The master’s son was rarely glad when he saw her. He danced with none but her and never took his eyes off her. When she wouldn’t tell him her name, nor where she came from, he gave her a ring and told her if he didn’t see her again he should die.

Well, before the dance was over, off she slipped, and home she went, and when the maids came home she was pretending to be asleep with her cap o’ rushes on.

Well, next day they says to her (на следующий день они говорят ей), ‘There (вот: «там»), Cap o’ Rushes, you didn’t come last night (ты не пришла прошлой: «последней» ночью), and now you won’t see the lady (и теперь ты не увидишь эту даму), for there’s no more dances (ибо нет больше танцев).’

‘Well, I should have rarely liked to have seen her (я бы исключительно: «редко» хотела увидеть ее),’ says she.

The master’s son tried every way (сын хозяина пробовал каждый способ: «путь») to find out (обнаружить) where the lady was gone (куда дама ушла), but go where he might (но куда бы он ни ходил), and ask whom he might (и кого он ни спрашивал) he never heard anything about her (он так и не: «никогда не» услышал что-то о ней). And he got worse and worse for the love of her (и ему становилось все хуже и хуже из-за любви к ней) till he had to keep his bed (пока он не должен был оставаться в постели).

‘Make some gruel for the young master (сделай немного каши для молодого хозяина),’ they said to the cook (сказали кухарке). ‘He’s dying for the love of the lady (он умирает от любви к той даме).’ The cook set about making it (кухарка начала делать ее; to set about – приступать) when Cap o’ Rushes came in (когда Камышовый чепец вошла внутрь).

‘What are you a-doing (что ты делаешь; разг. вместо doing)?’ says she.

‘I’m going to make some gruel (я собираюсь сделать немного каши; to be going to do something – собираться сделать что-то) for the young master (для молодого хозяина),’ says the cook (говорит кухарка), ‘for he’s dying for the love of the lady (ибо он умирает от любви к той даме).’
