Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Please sit down, Siglin,” Lewin said politely.

I nearly didn’t, because that might keep them standing up, too. But they were all so tall I’d already got a crick in my neck. So I sat grandly on the chair they’d put ready facing the table. “Thank you,” I said. “You are a very kind host, Updriten Lewin.” To my great joy, Alectis went bright red at that, but the other four simply sat down, too. Pious Palino took up a memo block and poised his fingers over its keys. This seemed to be in case the recorder in front of Lewin went wrong. Lewin set that going. Wriggly Terens leaned over and passed me another little square box.

“Keep this in your hand,” he said, “or your answers may not come out clearly.”

I caught the words lie detector from his wriggly head as clearly as if he had said them aloud. I don’t think I showed how very scared I was, but my hand made the box wet almost straightaway.

“Court is open,” Lewin said to the recorder. “Presiding Updriten Lewin.” He gave a string of numbers and then said, “First hearing starts on charges against Siglin, of Upland Holding, Wormstow, North Sveridge on Home Eight, accused of being heg and heg concealing its nature. Questions begin. Siglin, are you clear what being heg is?” He crumpled one eyebrow upward at me.

“No,” I said. After all, no one has told me in so many words. It’s just a thing people whisper and shudder at.

“Then you’d better understand this,” Lewin said. He really was the ugliest and most outlandish of the five. Dragonate men are never posted to the world of their birth, and I thought Lewin must come from one a long way off. His hair was black, so black it had blue lights, but, instead of being dark all over to match it, like wriggly Terens, he was a lot whiter than I was, and his eyes were a most piercing blue, almost the color they make the sky on the media. “If the charges are proved,” he said, “you face death by beheading since that is the only form of execution a heg cannot survive. Renick—”

Elderly Renick swept sourly in before Lewin had finished speaking. “The law defines a heg as one with human form who is not human. Medical evidence of brain pattern or nerve and muscle deviations is required prior to execution, but for a first hearing it is enough to establish that the subject can perform one or more of the following: mind reading; kindling fire or moving objects at a distance; healing or killing by the use of the mind alone; surviving shooting, drowning, or suffocation; or enslaving or otherwise afflicting the mind of a beast or human.”

He had the kind of voice that bores you, anyway. I thought, Great gods! I don’t think I can do half those things! Maybe I looked blank. Palino stopped clicking his memo block to say, “It’s very important to understand why these creatures must be stamped out. They can make people into puppets in just the same way that the Slavers can. Foul.” Actually I think he was explaining to Alectis. Alectis nodded humbly. Palino said, definitely to me, “Slavers do it with those V-shaped collars. You must have seen them on the media. Quite foul.”

“We call them Thrallers,” I said. Foul or not, I thought, I’m the only one of me I’ve got! I can’t help being made the way I am.

Lewin flapped his hand to shut Palino up, and Renick went on again. “A heg is required by law to give itself up for execution. Any normal person who knowingly conceals a heg is likewise liable for execution.” Now I knew why Mother had told me to keep Neal out of it.

Then it seemed to be Palino’s turn. He said, “Personal details follow. How old are you, er, Sigrun?”

“Siglin,” I said. “Fourteen last month.”

Renick stretched out his chicken neck. “In this court’s opinion, subject is old enough to have awakened as heg.” He looked at Terens.

Terens said, “I witness. Girls awaken early, don’t they?”

Palino, tapping away, said, “Mother, Sigrid, also of Upland Holding.”

At which Lewin leaned forward. “Cleared by this court,” he said. I was relieved to hear that. Mother is clever. She hadn’t let them know she knew.

Palino said, “And your father is?”

“Timas, Donal, and Yan,” I said. I had to bite the inside of my cheek not to laugh at how annoyed he was by that.

“Great Tew, girl!” he said. “A person can’t have three fathers!”

“Hold it, Palino,” said Lewin. “You’re up against local customs here. Men outnumber women three to one on Home Eight.”

“In Home Eight law a woman’s child is the child of all her husbands equally,” Renick put in. “No more anomalous than the status of the Ahrings on Seven, really.”

“Then tell me how I rephrase my question,” Palino said waspishly, “in the light of the primitive customs on Home Eight.”

I said, “There’s no such place as Home Eight. This world is called Sveridge.” Primitive indeed!

Palino gave me a pale glare. I gave him one back. Lewin cut in, smooth and humorous. “You’re up against primitive Dragonate customs here, Siglin. We refer to all the worlds by numbers, from Albion, Home One, to Yurov, Home Ten, and the worlds of the Outer Manifold are Cath One, Two, Three, and Four to us. Have you really no idea which of your mother’s husbands is actually your father?”

After that they all began asking me. Being heg is inherited, and I knew they were trying to find out if any of my fathers was heg, too. At length even Alectis joined in, clearing his throat and going very red because he was only a cadet. “I know we’re not supposed to know,” he said, “but I bet you’ve tried to guess. I did. I found out in the end.”

That told me he was Sveridge, too. And he suddenly wasn’t a genius in the Camerati anymore, but just a boy. “Then I bet you wished you hadn’t!” I said. “My friend Inga at Hillfoot found out, and hers turned out to be the one she’s always hated.”

“Well,” said Alectis, redder still. “Er, it wasn’t the one I’d hoped—”

“That’s why I’ve never asked,” I said. And that was true. I’d always hoped it was Timas till now. Donal is so moral, and Yan is fun, but he’s under Donal’s thumb even more than he’s under Mother’s. But I didn’t want my dear old Timas in trouble.

“Well, a cell test should settle it,” Lewin said. “Memo for that, Palino. Terens, remind me to ask how the regular Dragonate usually deals with it. Now, Siglin, this charge was laid against you by a man known as Orm the Worm Warden. Do you know this man?”

“Don’t I just!” I said. “He’s been coming here and looking through our windows and giggling ever since I can remember! He lives on the Worm Reserve in a shack. Mother says he’s a bit wrong in the head, but no one’s locked him up because he’s so good at managing dragons.”

There! I thought. That’ll show them you can’t trust a word Orm says! But they just nodded. Terens murmured to Alectis, “Sveridge worm, Draco draco, was adopted as the symbol of the Dragonate—”

“We have all heard of dragons,” Palino said to him nastily.

Lewin cut in again. I suppose it was his job as presiding Updriten. “Siglin, Orm, in his deposition, refers to an incident in the Worm Reserve last Friday. We want you to tell us what happened then, if anything.”

Grim’s teeth! I thought. I’d hoped they’d just ask me questions. You can nearly always get around questions without lying. And I’d no idea what Orm had said. “I don’t usually go to the Dragon Reserve,” I said, “because of being Mother’s heir. When I was born, the Fortune Teller said the dragons would take me.” I saw Renick and Palino exchange looks of contempt at our primitive customs. But Mother had in a good Teller, and I believe it enough to keep away from the Reserve.

“So why did you go last Friday?” said Lewin.

“Neal dared me to,” I said. I couldn’t say anything else with a lie detector in my hands. Neal gets on with Orm, and he goes to the Reserve a lot. Up to Friday he thought I was being silly refusing to go. But the real trouble was that Neal had been there all along, riding Barra beside me on Nellie, and now Lewin had made me mention Neal, I couldn’t think how to pretend he hadn’t been there. “I rode up behind Wormhill,” I said, “and then over the Saddle until we could see the sea. That means you’re in the Reserve.”
