Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The Mirror of Simple Souls. Author unknown (London, 1927). Nicholas of Cusa. The Idiot (San Francisco, 1940). Nicholas of Cusa. The Vision of God (London and New York, 1928). Николай Кузанский, Сочинения в 2 тт. М.: Мысль, 1990. Nicholson, R. The Mystics of Islam (London, 1914). Oman, John. The Natural and the Supematunal (London, 1938). Otto, Rudolf. India's Religion ofGrece (London, 1930). Otto, Rudolf. Mysticism East and West (London, 1932).

Patanjali. Yoga Aphorisms. Translated with a commentary by Swami Vivekananda (New York, 1899).

Патанджали. Йога сутра. М.: Наука, 1992.

Ponnelle, L. and L. Bordet. St. Philpi Neri and the Roman Society of His Time (London, 1932).

Poulain, A. The Graces ofinterior Prayer (London, 1910). Pourrat, P. Christian Spirituality, 3 vols (London, 1922). Pratt, J. B. The Pilgrimage of Buddhism (New York, 1928).

Radhakrishman, S. The Hindu View of Life (London and New York, 1927).

Radhakrishman, S. Indian Philosophy (London and New York, 1923-1927).

Radhakrishman, S. Eastern Religions and Western Thought (New York, 1939).

Ramakrishna, Sri. The Gospel ofSri Ramakrishna. Translated from the Bengali narrative of "М" by Swami Nikhilananda (New York, 1942).

Пол Репс. Плот и кости Дзен. Харьков: Аре, 1991.

Rumi, Jalal-uddin. Masnavi. Translated by E. H. Whinfield (London, 1898).

Джалаладдин Руми. Поэма о скрытом смысле. М.: Наука, 1996.

Ruysbroeck, Jan van. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage (London, 1916) Consult also the studies be Evelyn Underbill (London, 1915) and Wautier d'Aygalliers (London, 1925).

Sales, St. Francois de. Introduction to the Devout Life (nemerous editions).

Sales, St. Francois de. Treatice on the Love of God (new edition, Westminster, Md., 1943).

Sales, St. Francois de. Spiritual Conferences (London, 1868). Sales, St. Francois de. See also J. P. Camus.

The Secret of the Golden Flower. Translated from the Chinese by Richald Wilhelm. Commentary by Dr. C. G. Jung (London and New York, 1931).

Stocks, J. L. Time, Cause and Eternity (London, 1938). Stout, G. F. Mind and Matter {London, 1931).

Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch, Hui Neng. Translated by Wung Mou-lam (Shanghai, 1930). Repiinted in a Buddhist Bible (Thetford, 1938).

Suzuki, B. L. Mahayana Buddhism (London, 1938). Suzuki. D. T. Studies in Zen Buddhism (London, 1927).

Suzuki. D. T. Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra (Kyoto and London, 1935).

Suzuki, D. T. Manual of Zen Buddhism (Kyoto, 1935). Tagore, Rabindranath. One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London, 1915) Tauler, Johann. Life and Sermons (London, 1907). Tauler, Johann. The Inner Way (London, 1909).

Tauler, Johann. Consult Inge's Christian Mysticism, Rufus Jones's Studies in Mystical Religion and Pourrat's Christian Spirituality.

Tennant, F. R. Philosophical Theology (Cambridge, 1923).

Theologia Germanica. Winkworth's translation (new edition, London, 1937).

Tillyard, Aelfrida. Spiritual Exercises (London, 1927). Traheme, Thomas. Centuries of Meditation (London, 1908).

Traheme, Thomas. Consult Thomas Traheme, A Critical Biography, by Gladys I. Wade (Princeton, 1944).

Дж. С. Тримингэм. Суфийские ордены в исламе. М.: Наука, 1980.

Underhill, Evelyn. Mysticism (London, 1924).

Underbill, Evelyn. The Mystics of the church (London, 1925).

Upanishads. The Thirteen principal Upanishads. Translated bv R.E.Hume (New York, 1931).

The Ten principal Upanishads. Translated by Shree Purohit abnd W. B. Yeats (London, 1937).

The Himalayas of the soul. Translated by J. Mascaro (London, 1938). Watts, Alan W. The Spirit of Zen (London, 1936). Whitney, Janet. John Woolman, American Quaker (Boston, 1942). Elizabeth Fry, Quaker Heroine (Boston, 1936). Дхаммапада. М.: Изд-во восточной литературы, 1960.
