Yes, Nina hated Natasha from the first evening of acquaintance, from the very moment when Ilya put his hand on her knee in the room with the Backstreet Boys poster.
One day, while waiting for Ilya at the agreed place, on the farthest bench of a huge park on the embankment, Nina had a sober thought: she thought for a second about the terrible situation in the epicenter of which she found herself. She secretly meets with her older sister's fiance, lies to her mother, wishes Natasha death. And Ilya? Why did he create this situation? Why does he need a fourteen-year-old Nina?
But the sober thought immediately disappeared when He appeared on the horizon. He became for her the universe, the center, the most important, native, close, idol, god. Nina was ready to pray for him, worship him and do whatever he said. It was her drug and her religion.
Ilya kissed Nina in a brotherly way and sat down next to her on a bench. The girl's cheeks turned purple. At those moments Nina was so happy, his smell intoxicated her brain, his face was for her the most beautiful on earth. If she was ordered to give her life for him, she would only ask how exactly she would sacrifice herself on the altar of the deity Ilya.
– Hi, baby, how are you, my good kitten? Your eyes are so red, have you been crying again? Naughty baby, daddy forbids crying to such beautiful eyes! – Ilya began stroking Nina's shoulder.
– Normal… uh… Hmmm… Nina was afraid to ask this question, but having gathered her courage, she decided. – Natasha spent the night with you yesterday… again .... – Nina's eyes filled with tears, she looked like a rubber toy for the bathroom with water that will flow, if you just press on it.
– Silly, my little one, why are you upset? Well, come here, Daddy will feel sorry for you … Ilya transplanted Nina to his lap and hugged her waist.
Nina forgot about everything in the world, buried her face in Ilya's shoulder, his smell, voice, tenderness drove her crazy. At such moments, she was ready to share him with anyone, with Natasha, Glasha, Masha and ten other women, if only sometimes, at least occasionally, he would be only hers.
His voice brought Nina back to life from the love frenzy:
– Baby, aren't you tired of living in cramped quarters with Natasha? You are already two mature marriageable girls. Ilya laughed rudely.
– Ilyusha, my mother is saving up for my apartment, saving all the money she earned. We have a hiding place at home, only Natasha and I know about it. Mom promised to buy an apartment for each of us for the wedding, it's like dad left us an inheritance after his death … Nina gently looked at her idol and stroked his hair.
– I see, kid, but do you know where the hiding place is? Or maybe mom is putting noodles on your ears, hoping that you will find richer suitors and blame them on all four sides"
Ilya laughed out loud, and Nina did not even pay attention to the insult to her mother and the strange, inappropriate question.
– No, dear, she's not lying, I myself saw how Mama hid her and Natasha's salary there again....
Chapter 6
Ilya yawned lazily and reluctantly noticed:
"Don't call me cute anymore. It annoys me, you know.
– But she always calls you cute, even on the phone!
Nina tearfully remarked and pouted her plump lips.
Very good appearance, Ilya thought briefly, not like a colorless and spineless sister. Oh, you wouldn't be a teenager…
Ilya stroked his back appreciatively and noticed a beautiful smooth curve, the result of dancing lessons from the age of six, the chest is undeveloped, but still ahead, the face is almost perfect.
– Baby, and let's go to my house?
Nina chewed her tongue in her mouth, mumbled something inarticulate, but she had the willpower to shake her head negatively.
– Well, silly, don't be stubborn. Let's sit for a while, watch a new movie "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban".
– "Prisoner of Azkaban" is correctly spelled with a "z", Nina automatically corrected, but neither for her nor for him it did not matter in principle.
The hunter saw that the victim had swallowed the bait and he didn't care about all consonants, no matter ringing or deaf.
The victim has already realized that she will go. She knew it from the very beginning, but common sense, strangled by stupidity, still tried to resist. The second passion, besides Ilya, were books and films about Harry Potter. Nina was waiting for the release of each new book as a holiday, so common sense realized that he had no chance, lay down and died.
– How far do you live?
They were walking briskly towards the Marino metro station. Nina tried to take her lover by the hand, but he pretended to straighten his clothes.
She's obviously worried about my reputation – she whispered, like stupidity whispers to dead common sense.
When Nina repeated her question, Ilya replied that he was not far away, on Rimskaya Street, near the Rimskaya metro station. Ten minutes walk.
After the subway, they walked not ten, but all forty minutes. Nina was tired because she hadn't eaten or drunk anything after school. They approached an old, five-storey Khrushchev house without a combination lock and the guy, still playing the role of a gallant cavalier, opened the front door to the entrance.
Nina was sharply hit in the nose by a distinct smell of ammonia, human urine and (or) cat urine, but from the fact that the door to the entrance was prudently closed, although not locked, the smell apparently stood here all year round. Ilya lived on the fifth floor and Nina went through four circles of hell with him, with vomit, a lying drug addict, whom Ilya simply stepped over, and Nina practically carried over him. On the fifth floor, where all the cigarette smoke was rising, Nina realized that the first floor with a breath of fresh air was not so smelly anymore.
They went into a corner apartment with a door lined with red dermantine.
– Please go to the bachelor's lair! Ilya optimistically turned on the light and Nina immediately saw two cockroaches that disappeared somewhere in the direction of the kitchen.
The poor one-room was so cramped that Nina already saw the window of the room on the left from the corridor, and the kitchen window on the right. In the middle of this creation of human insanity called "housing", the island "toilet \ bathroom" stood proudly, which divided the kennel into sleep and devour. The furniture was very poor from the distant fifties: a sideboard on thin legs with a rectangular door in the middle, which became a table for no clear reason, and at the top there were two glasses that moved apart towards each other, and if it was necessary to get a service or documents, then he grabbed one glass with his fingers and gently "pushed" it towards his friend. At the same time, the whole service rattled, the glasses rattled, and on the porcelain cockerel, in which most men hid vodka so that their wife would not guess, the lid threatened to break. Two chairs with thin legs were pushed to such an extent that it seemed that if you sat in them, you would need all the physical form to get back up. And the crown of the furniture was a huge couch in the middle of the hall, thoughtfully covered with a clean sheet. The sheet smelled fresh and Nina realized that it was the only thing she liked in this house. Nina sat down right on the sheet, but not because she wanted to make love, but because it was the only pleasant and clean place in the apartment.
Ilya, obviously unaware of Nina's true intentions, visibly winced.
– Baby, wait, take your time, but what about your jailer?
Nina shuddered:
– What jailer, Ilyusha?
– Well, Harry Potter.
– Yes! Nina jumped up and clapped her hands.
What kind of stupid kid are you, Ilya thought with bitterness and resentment, and added under his breath: