Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– I wonder how? Your candidacy was not considered even under torture, death threats and blackmail. Are you sure you could have done something? People like you can't do anything, and women look at you with either fear or pity.

– I'll kill you, little snake! – the Arenian autocrat lost his temper, demonstrating that the blow hit exactly on target.

Ratmir easily deflected the deadly lightning shot at him and, almost without swinging, hit the attacker in the jaw, from which he flew three meters into the corner of the tent. Watching this scene, Arthur and Edward exchanged amused glances almost as much as the Rhone brothers. The fallen king, who miraculously remained conscious, was not helped.

He grinned, wiping the blood from his split lips, and said in a low voice:

– Well, you'll answer for that very soon.

Bustling clerks quickly brought the necessary papers to the Duke of Auden and the Counts of Rhone, who slowly studied and signed them.

– Knights, I'll be glad to have you at my table, – Raven said. – And I hasten to thank you for your help in this fight, without which such a quick and easy victory would have been impossible for us.

Ratmir looked him in the eye, as if testing the sincerity of what he had just said, and when he was sure that there was no mockery in what he had said, he bowed.

– We accept Your invitation, Your Majesty, and we will be happy to share your dinner.

After that, the young men bowed once more and left the tent.

As soon as the courtiers dispersed, leaving the king in the company of Edward and Arthur, the latter gave a cry of delight:

– Did you see how the guy put the punch?! And magic?! Arenian – a powerful sorcerer, to playfully repel the attack of such! Yes, this is what kind of stock you need to have?!

Robin rubbed his forehead tiredly and slumped his shoulders, as if the strain of the last few months had weighed heavily on him.

– And the dragons, the dragons, the men! Have you seen the dragons?! – Arthur demanded.

– Oh, come on, – Edward said. – Only you saw them. Because your eyesight is special. Yes, and the last dragon died fifty years ago.

– Uh – huh, – Robin muttered under his breath.

– Oh, how boring you are, – the Bear finished regretfully. – Maybe you can have some fun at dinner.

– Closer to night, the teleport opens. The King of Arenia is being sent back, – the Falcon said.

– I'd like to take him to the cemetery, – Arthur added grimly.

– Unfortunately, that's not possible yet, – Raven said.

As he dressed for dinner, the king looked at himself in the mirror. His black trousers and white doublet fitted him perfectly, but there was something wrong with his face. He frowned, a heavy sense of foreboding tightening his chest. Something was going wrong, but what?

"In any case, it will soon be clear," – he thought.

Robin stepped away from the mirror and felt an unexpected female embrace on his back. He recognized his former mistress by the strong smell of sweet perfume.

– Greetings to the victorious king, – the black-haired Elenia cooed. – I've come a long way to see you.

– Who gave you permission to come? – Abruptly, the young man released her hands and turned around.

– Aren't you glad to see me? – The beauty pouted resentfully.

– No, especially since I didn't invite you here, my lady.

– Yes, and who did you expect? Is it really the conqueror of the hearts of a past era – the Countess Anna Rein?

Raven quickly approached the girl, grabbed her by the chin and pulled her so quickly that she screamed.

– Perhaps the king needs to report to you? I hasten to remind you that you would not even be my mistress if you did not make a love spell.

Hearing this, Elenia turned pale.

– That alone, madame, is enough to put you in a convent for ever.

He pushed her roughly onto the couch and leaned over her.

– Forget that name, madame. Forget me, too, or the way to your cell will be open to you. Now, go home immediately. Guards!

A few seconds later, the soldiers were in the tent.

– Take my lady away quickly and send her back to where she came from.

Tired, Robin didn't even bother to find out how Elenia had gotten to him. It was probably bribery and female guile, and he would punish those responsible later. He also suspected that this lady might be supported by an entire clan pursuing their own selfish goals.

A Falcon and a Bear were waiting for him in the tent that had been prepared for the feast. Edward walked slowly along the food table, checking it for poison and other unpleasant things. Raven looked around the room, but Ratmir Odensky and his friends weren't there yet, and he didn't like it. It was time to sit down at the table. Finally, the canopy opened, and the allies deigned to enter. The women who had been invited to dinner, and who were in the minority, held their breath as they looked at the young men. All three of them were simply dressed and did not attract attention with their outfits. An unbreakable strength and youthful energy radiated from them in waves, and it couldn't help but be felt. Raven was the first to approach them.

– I'll be happy to share your dinner, – he said, extending his hand to Ratmir.

A young man with eyes like steel looked at the king searchingly from under his short platinum locks. For a moment, Robin thought he could see into his soul. Finally, the Duke of Oden shook his hand.

– I'm sorry, Your Majesty, for not coming sooner. We needed to place the dragons in a suitable place to take off.

– Not so long ago, your aunt, Lady Raine, graced our court with her presence, – Robin said suddenly. – How's she doing?

Rathmir glared at him again, but he didn't read anything in the impenetrable face.

– Thank you, Anna is in a good mood, despite what is happening.

Raven realized that the young duke did not know anything about what had happened in the palace.

– She told me that your province is no longer a desert.

– Yes, it is. And you can see it for yourself, Your Majesty. The King of Adenia will be welcome in the County of Rhein.

The young man's eyes were open, and there was sincerity in his voice. But there was a wariness in his whole appearance, and Robin knew that Odensky did not trust him. At dinner, Ratmir, Luchezar, and Buslay ate little and drank no wine at all. The courtiers made toasts, but the guests preferred to salute with clean water. A footman came up to the king and handed him a note. After barely glancing at it, Robin quietly got up from the table and headed for the exit. Edward and Arthur quickly followed him out.

– What happened? – Bear asked, breathing in the frosty evening air.

– Trouble with the Arenian wires, – Raven muttered.

– Maybe we should take the guards with us, – Falcon suggested.

– Everyone's drunk. And what can three wizards do with their magic securely locked? We only open the portal in one direction, – said Arthur.

Three Arenians and six Adenian mages were standing on a slope covered with snow that sparkled in the torchlight. When the king saw the Raven, he grinned ominously.

– Your Majesty, – the wizard said to Robin. The teleport didn't open at the scheduled time. We're looking into the reasons.

– What, you decided to stay with us? Raven asked the monarch.

– Yes, there are unfinished business, – the sinister Arenian replied in the same tone. – It's a pity, pup, that you refused to make a magical strike on the Rhineland. He could have been twice as strong. The young man of the word was struck with a whip. Yes, the king continued. Soon this desert of the Rhine will cease to be blooming. The Piranha Rose knew that they were in danger of a magical strike. Yet she chose to protect Adenia rather than her own land. So I didn't manage to kill two birds with one stone. But that's for now. I wish I could kill you personally, you know, the contract. But that's okay, but I'll enjoy watching you die. Robin saw Murd approaching, and a smile touched his lips. The teleport opened, releasing fifty Aden mages who had betrayed their king. The six escorts were blown away by the flow of magic. Arthur and Edward shielded the Raven, releasing a powerful stream of energy that killed ten mages. But they were followed by others, even stronger, and it was clear that the young men were doomed.
