Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

All three of them smiled.

– I like it when you play the fool, you can continue this activity at your leisure, and now there is no time, – Raven said, forming a ball of energy between his palms and grabbing the bars to bend them.

Anna was smiling at his surprised face when the attempt failed.

– There is no need to strain yourself so much, Your Majesty, – she said without mockery. – The thing is, the bars in this cage are cast from the ancient bell of Selbornus, the metal of which holds back all magic. It's all the fault of the ignorance and mismanagement of officials. A stroke of the pen and here – in a worn-out police station there was such a treasure.

– Even this metal can't hold us for long.

– That is true, – said the Countess. – He can only hold such powerful mages for three hours. That's just enough time for me to leave.

– Anna, don't make me be cruel, – Robin said, gripping the bars with his hands and glaring at her.

He sensed that the Falcon and the Bear were already testing the cage for strength and using all means to break it quickly. Now you just need to distract the girl.

– I have never provoked anyone to do this, Your Majesty, – the Countess replied.

– My woman leaves the palace without permission, breaks into the vault, and injures three dozen warriors. Isn't that a provocation?

– Only I can call myself yours, – Anna's voice was steely.

The king's face twisted in anger.

– And if a man does it?

– Without a woman's consent, that would be nothing, – the Countess chuckled.

Arthur and Edward also shared a faint smile.

– Even if the words are the king's? – Raven asked.

– Even if the words were uttered by the deity of the Piran peasants.

– You have a lot of audacity and stupidity, Lady Raine, – Arthur said harshly. – A woman cannot survive without the protection of a man.

– However, I have been able to prove the opposite many times, – Anna said calmly.

– I am not trying to impose my opinion on you, my lords, but I believe that a woman does not need a man at all.

The movement in the cage froze.

– Yes, just as a man doesn't need a woman. We don't need each other without love.

There was a moment of silence in the room. August stirred on the bench. He woke up and looked at Anna.

– August, are you going to eat?

He nodded his head in the affirmative. The Countess sat down beside him and opened her bag, taking out vegetables, bread, and fruit. Augustus looked much better and ate his food with an enviable appetite. After eating a few good bites, he noticed that he and Anna were not alone. Arthur winked at the boy.

– Anna, – Augustus said, surprised. – And what are the king and my lords doing here in such clothes and behind bars?

Lady Rain yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

– I don't know what their plans are. But if they've changed their clothes, it means they don't want to be recognized.

– They must be hungry. Can I give them something to eat?

– Sure, do whatever you want. Just move carefully, you're still weak.

The child took a large dish and, putting food on top of it, carried it to the cage. Arthur took the food from the boy with a smile and thanked him. Augustus immediately turned around and handed him a pitcher of water. The Falcon and the Bear devoured the food greedily. Robin also took a few slices of bread and vegetables, keeping his eyes on Anna and noting with satisfaction that the magic they had unleashed was beginning to work.

– We'll be back at the palace soon, – he said to Augustus, biting into his bread.

There was fear in the boy's eyes. He turned to Anna.

– We're not going back, – she said. – His Majesty is joking. Here, give it to him, and he'll stop having fun.

With that, the Countess handed the scroll to the boy. Chuckling ironically and taking the unfolded paper from the child's hands, Robin turned pale. Edward and Arthur went over to him and looked at the scroll, too.

– No, there's no hurry, – muttered the Bear. – Where will we find soldiers to face the two armies?

For a moment, the fire in Raven's eyes seemed to go out. He silently handed the paper to Arthur and looked at Anna, who was already packing.

– August, we have to go, – she smiled.

The boy came over and took her hand. As Anna passed the cage, she stopped in front of Robin. Time suddenly froze.

– If only I'd had the strength to stand up to the clans and get you out of their clutches. It would have been different then. And now we're all going to have a hard time. Forgive.

She touched his fingers, which were gripping a metal rod. Raven immediately grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips.

– Don't go away. Stay with me forever.

Anna gave him a long look and slowly withdrew her hand, which the young man did not want to let go.

– It'll be all right, – This time she looked at all three of them as if she wanted to remember every detail of them.

The cold valley of the borderlands was almost completely covered with snow, and the thawing was only visible here and there. In the royal tent, Edward, Robin, and Arthur were arguing over a map.

– I can only see the way out in retreat, – Duke Kern was saying. – Yes, if we put the main force out now, we might win, but at what cost? One battle won will result in the complete ruin of the country for us.

– It's also unavoidable in a retreat, – Robin said.

– Yes, but at least we'll have a chance, – Edward insisted.

– I don't think so, – the king said again, looking grimly ahead.

– I agree with the Duke of Lanberg. It is better to strike a decisive blow now, and then arrange a guerrilla war for the remnants of their troops.

– Wake up, Robin, after such a meat grinder, there will be no one to go to the partisans.

The young king sighed heavily.

– Then so be it. In the battle of the mages, they will try to destroy us at any cost.

– You won't take part in it. It's too much of a risk. If they kill you, there will be no Adenia, – Duke Ereman shook his head.

– There are still worthy pretenders to the throne in Adenia, and I will not hide behind my own subjects. This will not inspire anyone, the soldiers are already discouraged. The forces are unequal.

– We'll fight, and come what may, – said Arthur grimly.

The tent flap opened and a soldier from the King's guard entered.

– Your Majesty, Lord Murd has an important message for you.

– Let him in, – Raven said curtly.

A hunched, shifty-eyed man entered and made a deep bow.

– Greetings, Your Majesty, and to you, Your Excellency.

– Likewise, my lord, without further ado. Get straight to the point, – Robin said.

The tent flap opened the Minister of War entered the tent and he heard the conversation.

– Your Majesty, – Lord Murd continued, casting a surly glance at the newcomer. – I have every reason to believe that the alliance of the three provinces has betrayed the crown and is on the side of our enemies.

– That's a blatant lie! – The Duke of Lanber shouted.

– Your Grace, control yourself, – Raven said softly. – I hope your words are confirmed by the facts?

– Here, – The lord handed the papers to the king. – This is evidence that the army of the County of the Rhine has been put on alert and is about to march under the command of the Duke of Rathmir of Oden. Intelligence has reported that the Countess of the Rhine plans to put her nephew on the throne of Adenia. Now is the right moment. She is about to form a marriage alliance with the king of Arenia.

– Then why does she put her hopes in her nephew? If she becomes queen? Will Adenia be divided between the two powers? – Robin asked even more quietly.

– Not all of Adenia. Our army, though weak, can still fight back even against two states. Both monarchs understand this. Therefore, they claim only a part of the northern lands, wanting to expand their borders. The rest will go to Ratmir of Oden.
