Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


Donald trump said in a harsh tone:</p>


- the Fuhrer is connected with the higher forces that suggest solutions... Himmler do you know that the British have deciphered our code, which is the code for government and military communications?</p>


The head of the secret police stared:</p>


"No, my Fuhrer! We do not know such information!</p>


Hitler-trump yelled, slamming his fist on the table:</p>


"But I do! Immediately change all codes and the very principle of their encryption. This should help us in the future war with the British. In addition I will provide you with a list of individuals who will need to be carefully monitored! Understood Yes! Now get to work. The law on universal labor service from fifteen to sixty-five years, for both men and women(with only a few exceptions) must be adopted by the Reichstag! It's time to launch a massive technological offensive against England, and the United States behind them, and only a fundamentally new miracle weapon can do this! Funding for research and new types of weapons will be significantly increased! So be it: because I said so!</p>


The members of the government nodded their approval, then exclaimed in unison:</p>


- Glory to the great Fuhrer!</p>


Billionaire captain Donald looked at his watch, his stomach was already beginning to revolt, and ordered,</p>


" Now for supper, gentlemen!" Himmler my strict order: keep an eye on every oligarch, so that no one dares to shirk military orders! And especially developments in the field of creating new weapons, so that you don't waste money!</p>


Hitler-trump walked confidently into the dining room. Although the Fuhrer was a vegetarian, his table was quite sumptuous: pineapples, melons, peeled bananas, kiwis, mangoes, and a mixture of orange slices with black caviar. Well that's not bad: he is now one of The strongest and most influential rulers of the earth. And by establishing a Pro-German regime in Britain and defeating the United States, it can become the most influential! And what was he: just a military pensioner who never rose higher, not the most enviable rank! But of course he was annoyed that various types are much dumber and less erudite than he is; received the rank of General! No wonder the symbol of the General was an empty barrel! Like the enterprising servant in the famous Comedy: the marriage of Figaro; to get ahead wisely? Servile mediocre, that's who rules the ball! And he will show everyone that he can manage better than Hitler... Personality, undoubtedly charismatic and not ordinary! True, the Fuhrer was certainly not a genius in the true sense of the word, understanding many issues - especially scientific and technical ones-very mediocre. In particular, Hitler did not evaluate in time the capabilities of jet aircraft, atomic bombs, rocket artillery, radar equipment, tanks with the location of the transmission along with the engine, the inclined arrangement of armor plates(although the latter was already used in the first world war in the famous Maccabees!). However, you can list the Fuhrer's mistakes for a long time, but... If during the passage of columns with German equipment in the Anders, they were hit by a massive air strike, and then cut down heavy and medium British and French tanks, then the Fuhrer's plan would be called a gross strategic miscalculation. However, everything is relative, it is not yet known what they will say about him if Stalin attacks.</p>


The billionaire Fuhrer ate with fine gold Cutlery, taking his time, so he continued to think about the future strategy. One of the possibilities in particular would be peace with Britain, since it seems that Germany has already won the war... But this would mean giving their opponents a break, and the United States time to build an atomic bomb. No, it was necessary to defeat America before it had a chance to launch mass production of annihilation weapons! On the other hand, the USSR must also fight, that only the Third Reich and Japan will shed blood, and Stalin will pick up the wreckage? But how do you get a cunning Asian to join the war? After all, it is profitable for him to sit on a palm tree and wait for the fall of coconuts?</p>


Aide-de-Camp Schechter, a tall, fair-haired warrior, served a fruit cake on the table and asked the Fuhrer:</p>


"Would you like some orange juice or tea?"</p>


The Fuhrer said briefly,</p>


" Orange with mango and avocado!"</p>


The Aryan girls serving at the table flashed their bare legs, hurrying to obey the Fuhrer's order...</p>


Hitler-trump looking at their synchronized movements, thought that it was still strange that the Germans lost the Second world war, and to a greater extent it was the Soviet red army. After all, he himself observed the state to which the Soviet army was reduced under Gorbachev and precisely under Eltsin, when Russian troops washed their faces in blood during the Chechen campaign. This was generally a disgrace to the army, before which the whole world had recently trembled. So that the army equipped with the latest technology loses to the militia? This is nonsense! This could only be on purpose. Stalin himself, it must be admitted, learned from his defeats, he tried to take into account the realities of the war, and not obediently follow a pre-laid course. In General, the opinion of experts is a relative concept, because they are bound by limited human knowledge. After all, many of Hitler's decisions also seemed adventurous to professionals. Yes, and Hitler himself achieved success only at first, in the future it became insufficient justification for these decisions. But on the other hand, intuitive validity is also a very controversial thing, because a person can make mistakes. But in any case, the war with the USSR is a big gamble and if we assume excessive caution of Stalin, it is best to beat, and Britain specifically. The English lion is a creature that must be tamed. And the main thing is to do it before the dominions get involved. Psychologically, the rulers of the dominions are pragmatic, they think what is the point of them to go to war with the mighty and victorious Third Reich! So that their boys and girls die for the sake of the already hated Britain.... Who needs this from the dominions?</p>
