Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– I'm going to cast an illusion spell on us now. I hope no one will be there at this time, but we should cover anyway. In case if the approaches to the portal will be watched, they just saw a pack of wolves running somewhere “on their own business”. Of course Dark mages are no fools, however we`ll able to buy ourselves some time for hide.

After she finished, the party immediately continued on their way. As soon as they rounded the mountains and came to the Orc’s forests, they saw a terrifying picture. Wild forests which were here short time ago, full of all kind of animals, now has been turned to the scorched earth with burnt sticks sticking out of it. The smell of burning immediately hit their noses. On the Zerton`s spot, which once had stretched for several hundred miles, was nothing but a pile of fragments. And only alone in the distance raised a brightly glowing building.

– Let`s go! – has ordered Tagrin.

The journey from the western foot of the Canyon of Death to Zerton usually took half a day. But in the current situation, when it was no longer necessary to make their way through the insurmountable forest, Tagrin and Inohildis`s squad covered this distance in a couple of hours. Their presence here left unnoticed, and when they reached the ruins of the city, they took up an advantageous position on the southern side a few hundred meters away from the portal. They were very well hidden by a high hill which has half survive one of the Orc`s forts.

– How will we act, commander? – One of the soldiers asked.

– The Mages will come from the east side. They were taking cover on the western hillside of the mountains as well as we did. The undead should be send straight from the west to meet them in the center. This is a very useful position the main thing is to exactly calculate everything.

– Ikru? – Inohildis looked at the sorceress questioningly. And she turned to Ethelkir:

– How long will it take to rise up the dead?

– How many do you want me to rise up?

After this question, Ikru thought about it. The reality was such that they didn`t know how many dark wizards will be with Borgind. Moreover, the dead should be raised three-four times more than number of the enemy. It will give to squad enough time to maneuver, because dark mages are very strong and they will burn them very quickly.

– I can say if we are talking about a few hundred then not more than five minutes. But if we are talking about several thousand or more it can take up to half an hour – explained Ethelkir.

Ikru thought even harder. When the enemy begins to approach, from a long distance, it won`t be clear immediately what their numbers are. And if when they approached it`s will be tens of thousands, consider that the mission has failed. They needed reconnaissance. Ikru turned to the warriors of the squad.

– Brothers, we need one volunteer who will ride out to meet the enemy and find out their numbers before they get here. I know it's probably a one-way ticket, but there's no other way. We need to know how many of them before they come to the portal, so we could raise the right number of dead. Today, the fate of our world is being decided.

– I'll go. – Teari raised his hand.

– Teari – Tagrin said, disappointed.

Teari was one of the best Tagrin`s soldier from the garrison of Afleeakwein, whom he once coached. Teari was surprisingly not so good with a bow as any other elves, but he was no match for acrobatics and swordsmanship.

– It`s okay brother, I can handle it. What is required from me?

– I'll put all sorts of hiding spells on you, but you must understand that it won't help you in an open area. The dark mages will feel the alien magic and immediately hunt you down. Try to find a cover. I'll be in constant telepathic contact with you. When the enemy passed by you, tell me how many of them, and then leave immediately.

After a short spell of magical manipulation by Ikru, Teari immediately saddled the horse.

– Give them a hard time here! I'm counting on you! – He smiled and sped off to the east.

The squad lay low. They could only wait. From time to time Ikru contacted with Teari, but the response was only "everything is quiet". An hour later, when she contacted Teari again, surprisingly she didn't get a mental response from him, which worried her. But then, a few seconds later, she heard: “Ikru! There are at least a hundred thousand of them here! Let`s Ethelkir raises all of the dead!” “Okay, I got it. Get out of there! Run to the south, through the Middle Pathway. Will see you in Afleeakwein!”

– Ethelkir! – Ikru exclaimed, turning to the dark elf – Raise up all of the dead!

After this exclamation, everyone in the squad looked at the sorceress in a stunned manner.

– A whole of Zerton? – He re-asked.

– Yes! All of them! – Ikru exclaimed again – Dead bears, wolves, birds. All of them!

In response, Ikru stood behind the necromancer, placed her hands on his shoulders, and began to transfer magical energy to him.

– Raise them up!!

Ethelkir immediately put hands into the ground sending a dark energy to the mortal bodies of orcs and animals. His dark-gray eyes instantly turned black, becoming like a two piece of charcoal.

After a while, in the southwest, in the place where once was Zerton, some movement began. Five minutes later, the entire squad saw the grimly walking figures of the dead. A little later, dead animals began to rise from the ground. Not only from Zerton`s direction, but also in the south, east and north.

– Don't let them get too close to the portal – Ikru commanded – I'll let you know when to throw them into battle.

– Okay.

Shortly, about half a million creatures, including dead animals, were raised from oblivion. They are all stood back, waiting for the Ethelkir`s command. The enemy was not long in coming. Soon, their army appeared on the horizon. As they approached, Ikru realized – Teari wasn`t mistaken. Perhaps even slightly underestimated their number. There were more than a hundred thousand dark mages.

Borgind and Keries were going in the front accompanied by several the strongest mages. Behind them, at a little distance, their army marched in straight lines. When they were at the distance of about half a mile, Ikru gave an order to Ethelkir to attack. Dead rushed to the attack. Just raised up, they were insanely hungry and wanted for human flesh. When they saw the countless dead, the mages immediately attacked. Fireballs, lightning, ice blocks, bubbles of violet energy – everything that was in their arsenal. The mages were conducting a preemptive attack, keeping the walking dead at the distance, to avoid break their own formation. Ikru ordered to Ethelkir to divide Borgind and Keries from their main forces by all means. But while the undead were advancing mainly from the southwest, the mages held their formation stably, and undead were turn to ashes before they tried to come two or three hundred meters. Everything changed when the undead began to attack from all directions. Wild bulls, bears, wolves, snakes. Distracted by the sudden threats from the north and east, the main part of the dead orcs quickly broke into the ranks of the mages, biting their throats and tearing them apart. The formation was broken. Borgind, Keries and their entourage were cut off from the main forces. They could only flee to the West to the Portal, where in ambush, Tagrin, Inohildis and their squad waiting for them. Ikru quickly cast a cover spell on the entire squad. After that, they left the ruins of the Fort and hide a couple of dozen meters from the portal. Borgind, Keries and their entourage were getting closer very fast.

– Who has the key? – Tagrin asked.

– I don't know – perplexedly said Ikru – Probably Borgind has, but it can be Keries as well.
