Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The fifth of November, end of a line.

Description of Video One. from Dictaphone Record. by Martin

I interviewed Susan for the first time. Despite the fact that I previously had plans for a couple of projects more, now I felt almost entirely engaged with this one. Let’s tell the world about Susan because Mr. Shadow wants it so much. And who am I? Am I more than an instrument in this matter? I ask myself again and again in recent days. But now I am too much interested in the truth, about the essence of this story. Who? Why? – are the two questions keeping to twist in my mind. And also the plot itself seems to be very intriguing. Quite spicy. In some way.

And then it was time to follow the next line from my personal instructions. And they told me that before interviewing Sue again, it was time to play another video. I got ready and launched a flash drive. Instructions prescribed that I can’t copy files provided to me on my computer and that I should disable any internet connection before watching them, in case I watch them on a device able for a web connection.

What did I see in this video? I don’t know. I mean I am not really able to tell precisely. Video had two parts. In the first one, a location was some apartment. In the beginning, two female figures appeared. I almost immediately supposed it was Sue and Jane. They were dressed differently for sure, but still could be quite recognizable in comparison to the office footage featuring them. They stood with their backs to a camera angle. And the camera was placed somewhere close to the ceiling as it seemed because a point of view was from above. For few instants, they stood rather close to each other and watched through window glass. Then as it seemed by her gesture, Jane asked Susan to come closer. Sue was still standing apart from her. And then she was watching her. Then Sue came closer. And Jane held out her hand and pointed to something across the street probably. Then they kept watching there. And they were talking a little. For a while. Then Jane disappeared from the view and reappeared again having something long and cylindrical in her hand. It was hard to tell what it exactly was, it could be some sort of bat or something else, but as she put a thinner end of it to her face, I understood that it was a spyglass or some sort of portable telescope removed from a tripod. She was looking at the other side of the street. And after a couple of seconds, she gave the tube to Susan. Sue took it slowly like being not sure about it. She cast a flashing glance at the internal side of the room. And then she also began looking through a spyglass at the other side of a street. For at least five minutes they kept watching this way, exchanging their observer instrument with each other. And after that, Susan looked at an internal side of the room for one more time. This time she did it more certainly. Her gaze was longer and was surely directed at some spot. It seemed that Jane somehow provoked it with some words she said because after a while she also looked in this direction. And only then I noticed that.

There was something else inside the room. And this something was hidden inside the dark spot of the shadow. And the angle of the camera also hid it as the camera was more focused on another side of room’s space. I tried to identify what it was. And it is more correct to say – who it was. All I could see. As it seemed to me… This video footage isn’t clear that much, I say again. Well, it was two legs. Appearing from the dark. Someone was sitting in the corner. And that was a woman as I supposed looking at forms of her legs and design of shoes on them. It was difficult to identify anything even about her shoes, but at least they seemed to be a female pair of shoes. With that little to be seen, this figure looked mysterious, powerful and challenging. What was her part in it? Was she the Lead Hero? How could I tell about it when I even didn’t know what was going on?! When you don’t know the play, you can’t say what role one of the actors has in it. Do I tell something that looks to be so evident? Next thing that happened was that Jane came closer to a mysterious figure comfortably sitting in the dark. At this moment Susan moved aside in the frame. And then she stood leaning against the wall in the right part of a picture. It was her figure that was visible clearly enough then, but not her face. But from her pose, as she touched the wall with the palms of her hands and bent her legs slowly moving down in softly sliding motion, that all looked rather sexy, even in the sight of the uncertain picture.

Then Jane gave a spyglass to a dark figure in the corner, and it looks like the woman used it to look at something that probably was still happening on the other side of the street. Jane sat down on the floor near the armchair in which a dark female figure was sitting. And then for the rest of time in this part of video nothing happened. All three stayed at their places, and as they were all in some distance from the center of the room’s space on which camera was focused, it all looked like some abandoned chess board with the last figures standing in the endgame. That was all in the first half, but there was the second one. And I am not able now to tell what connection is between them.

In this second half, there were two new characters. An episode begins with an image of a girl sitting on a bed in an apartment. She wears jeans, probably, some light unbuttoned jacket and blouse under it. Her hair is falling on her shoulders. She sits keeping her back straight like some good pupil in the class. She sits immovably for some period. Like a frozen sculpture of a good pupil. Then she stands and walks away from the room. After a short period of time she comes back, and as she opens the door and steps through a threshold, another girl appears too. At this moment she holds a hand of this other girl lightly. As it looks, this second girl wears some similar clothes. The only exception is a jacket. The first girl comes back to the bed and places herself on it in the same manner as she did when being alone. She sits with her back straight. At the same time, the second girl makes a couple of steps after door. For an instant, they watch each other in a frame of the frozen picture. Then the second girl makes a couple of confident steps toward the first one and then goes down on her knees. She starts kissing her hands and her neck and at this moment the first girl bends back a little. Then she takes off her jacket and puts it away in rapid motion, and this girl that stands on her knees continues to kiss her neck with her palms placed on a surface of the bed. Then the first girl unbuttons and takes off her blouse. They waste some time to take it off together with her bra. And then the previous image of kissing reappears with a difference that the girl sitting on the bed is topless and active one covers more of her body with her caresses. She mostly concentrates on her partner’s belly, but time after time she rises still standing on her knees and moves up to reach the breasts. And breasts are good… They have nice shapes. And they are a little bigger than an average size of a young girl. Then she stands and makes a couple of short steps back, while another girl still rests on the bed. Half-lying, fixedly watching her partner. They both stared at each other, keeping a short distance.

And the active girl then starts to undress. She takes off everything. Shoes, blouse, jeans, and finally her bra and briefs. She even makes some soft dancing motions like someone trying to repeat after strip-dancer. When she is barely nude, she stands still with her legs a little apart and hands placed on her sides. It looks like she gives an opportunity for the other girl to see her well-shaped body. Fifteen seconds after that, she comes to a girl on the bed making a couple of steps backward. She stands on her knees again and takes her partner’s jeans off together with her underpants. She kisses her legs. At that moment, finally, a passive girl entirely lies on the bed, spreading her hands wide. Then the active one stands and climbs on the bed placing one of her hands on its soft surface. She moves down, now placing her body over the body of her partner and starts kissing and caressing her. She goes a little up and down covering the girl’s neck and the girl’s breasts with her caresses. Then she comes down from the bed, now standing on her knees on the floor again. She looks at the face of a girl holding her legs at the same time. And after some pause, she bends, and her face becomes unseen as she hides it in between her partner’s legs.
