Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Yes?” Kors distracted himself from the map, which he took out of the cylinder, using the seal. “Who's there? Valentine, is it you?”

And since there was silence outside the door, he swore and, coming up, sharply opened it.

Arel stood on the threshold, without a jacket, undressed to the waist, and Kors froze, a little dumbfounded, but quickly pulled himself together.

“Oh,” a pause followed, “do you want more, prince? Well, come in.”

Kors didn’t take his eyes off the thick ring protruding into the slit of the mask cut specially for it.

“Come in, come in.”

Arel took a step into the room, as if with an effort, his eyes were empty.

“Can't you forget our time with you?” Kors grinned, slapped Arel on the cheek so that his head dangled to the side.

“Well?” Kors looked expectantly. “Why are you only half undressed? Take everything off. As it should be.”

Arel clumsily began to pull down his pants with fingers clumsy like wooden, revealing a metal chastity belt.

Kors saw it. He saw his body covered in tattoos:

“Beautiful,” he said, “nothing can be said, it suits you. And what's that? A hole through which you can only pee? Oh, poor thing! So your lover chained you, was he afraid that you would cheat on him? Yes, you can. You are a slut of noble blood. You can't be left alone for a minute, right, Arel?”

Arel was silent.

“Well? You came so that I could put something in you, as you love. And where to? Wait,” Kors laughed, “or, judging by the way you stand, there is already something in your ass. You moron!”

Kors screamed and suddenly, going up to the table, knocked it over with a crash. Arel jumped to the side, but Kors had already grabbed him, pulled his hand:

“Where are you going? Stay, once you've come!”

He grabbed Arel, dragging him to the table, pushing on its leg, throwing his own leg over it. Arel tried to break free.

“Sit! Sit!” Kors shouted, and Arel froze. He stood with his back resting on the bottom of the countertop and with his hands back a little, clutching the edge of it. Between his legs was now a table leg, a massive four-sided one. And Arel almost lifted himself on his toes so that this wooden edge was as far away from his crotch as possible.

“Sit, I have said!” Kors sharply pressed on his shoulders, and Arel sat down with a swing, the table leg’s sharp rib bit into him, pressed on the chastity belt. The stick inserted inside the prince went even deeper from the push, and since it happened unexpectedly, Arel, unable to restrain himself, cried out, immediately tried to get up and pull himself up on his hands.

Kors slapped his arms.

“Hands removed! And legs! Lift them up!”

He grabbed Arel by the ankles, tying them together with his pants. Forcing him to tear his feet off the floor and bend his knees, he tied them to the table leg behind the prince’s back. Arel arched up, heaving himself up, helping himself with his hands, but Kors finished and again unhooked his fingers from the tabletop by tying his wrists there, behind his back.

“Sit, Arel, sit! Make yourself comfortable.”

Arel endured and allowed him to do all this, until, finally, Kors shook him several times, lifting and lowering him on the table leg, and only then, unable to bear it, Arel shouted:

“No! No! Don’t do it!”

“So I'm right, and there, in the ass, you have something. Hop, Arel! You see, he can close you from head to toe, but I'll still figure out how to fuck you!”

Arel looked at Kors with some horror:

“Please, Kors, let go… I have to…” he closed his eyes in pain, his breathing was interrupted, “not this way…”

“Not this way?” Kors grinned and stretching out his hand patted the prince's ring. Arel again tried to arch, dodge. Any movement hurt him. He sat on the edge of a four-sided leg and couldn’t move, the stick inserted into him dug deeper and deeper into his insides.

“This mask and this ring suit you. It is threaded through your nose, I hope? Was it painful?”

“Nik… he will see everything, no…” Arel barely uttered these words.

“See your ripped ass and wonder how I did it, despite the chastity belt? Do you think I'm afraid of him? For God’s sake! I'll leave a message for him myself, right on you! There is still some space left.”

And taking a pencil with a rod soaked in black dye, Kors wrote on Arel's chest: “Before my name was a stupid handsome prince, now I am a thing of a demon named Nikto.”

“Let him read it, he will like it.”

“Kors, the key is in my pants pocket, you can open the mask, Ver gave it… Nik allowed… let me go… in another way…” Arel’s voice was hoarse, “I will give you pleasure in another way.”

“The key? He allowed? You will give me pleasure? Gods, how done you are, and I still felt sorry for you, you idiot!”

But Kors nevertheless untied the prince, and he, on stiff legs, got off the table leg. Behind him, blood oozed from under the leather and metal of his chastity belt.

“Well, I'm letting you go, although I planned to leave you like that for the night, so that you howl. I want to see how you decided to please me,” Kors smiled.

Arel straightened his crumpled trousers, took a key from his pocket and handed it to Kors. The prince's hand trembled a little from the tension he had just experienced.

“What should I do with it?” Kors asked.

Arel went to the platform on which the bed stood, knelt down sideways to Kors, bowed his head:

“Open the lock, unfasten the buckle and pull out the laces,” he said.

Kors rolled his eyes, shaking his head, but nevertheless walked over and inserted the key into the padlock.

“Well, come on, I'm wondering what you came up with,” he opened the lock, buckle and pulled out a tight lacing.

“Wait,” Arel turned, pulling his pants off Kors, touching his cock, and Kors let him do it. He stood and watched Arel stroking his cock with his gloved hands, and waited for what would happen next.

“I understand that you want to suck me off, but I don’t understand how you’re going to do it,” said Kors, and his cock became erect.

Seeing that his actions had achieved the desired result, Arel turned sideways again, directed Kors’ cock straight into the slit of the leather mask and further into the hole. Kors, obviously not expecting that he would not meet any resistance of his cheek, lost his balance, leaning on Arel, and Arel made several movements with his head here and there.

And Kors shouted:

“You motherfucker!” He shied away from Arel, pulling out his cock, pushing the leather of the mask sideways with his hands, already understanding everything.

“No!” He grabbed his throat with his hand as if he was about to vomit. There was no trace of the former fun on his face.

“What a disgust,” Kors barely uttered and rushed, bent over, into the next room. Arel didn’t move and sat in the same position, waiting for Kors to vomit, come to his senses and return.

Finally he returned to the room.

“Are you still here?!” he asked in surprise when he saw that Arel was still sitting on the platform, without changing his posture.

“Go away, Arel! Get your clothes, all your keys and locks, and get out!” Unable to bear it, Kors shouted. And then he said more calmly: “Go away before I strangled you out of pity, in order to finish your torment!”

And Prince Arel, without looking up, quickly gathered his things and left the hospitable room.

He returned to his room and sat rigidly on the bed while Ver busily laced up his mask again. When Ver was closing the lock, they suddenly heard a noise in the courtyard. There were hooves and Valentine’s shouting. Ver froze for a moment, and then said:

“Kors has left the building.”

Chapter five

Arel’s story

Returning, Nikto, Lis and Karina were unpleasantly surprised. Lis and Karina sincerely couldn’t understand what had happened and why Kors left.
