Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Anton leans back in his chair with a satisfied grin looking at the back of the departing Director.

ANTON'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: What a fool. He doesn't know who works for whom in this organization. I love these suckers. (Philosophically) Ah… Life would be boring without fools! Thank you, God, for sending such an idiot on my beautiful path. Go, go, (mockingly) Filippok, live in your happy ignorance.

Philip turns abruptly to Anton, his arms outstretched in a belligerent attitude, lightning flashing on his face.

Anton suddenly leans back in his chair, his face showing genuine fear.

The Director pulls himself together and, coming out of the position and pose, snaps his fingers and points his index fingers at Anton.

PHILIPP: (Anton) Pretty boy!

Philip drops his hands and looks at his working colleagues in resignation, realizing that they are really slackers, deceivers, and hypocrites. He leaves with a wave of his hand.

NATALIA: (to the guys) It's not like that today… strange…

Anton drains back in his chair, recovering from the shock.

ANTON: Yeah… does the head have weakened our leader…

YURI: Man, he scares me with his behavior. No matter what happens…

Plays a growing mysterious cheerful music (recommended Linkin Park "Faint" – Intro)

(It is desirable to "shake" the viewer with a loud pulsating rhythm, by this time he is already tired).

Employees of the company sigh with relief, Natalia waves the report in front of her face, blowing herself, Anton shakes his head, leaning back in the chair with his feet on the table. Yuri scratches the back of his head and taps his fingers on the tabletop in thought.

Music plays as loud as possible.

The light gradually begins to fade.

The end of the scene ends with a rapid fading of the music volume.



Yulechka lies in her crib, moaning and basking, gets to the edge of the bed, tries to get up. But her legs are shaking feverishly, and there are obvious problems with her balance.

YULECHKA: (staggering) Oooh, no-no-no… not now, but later.

Lies back down, enjoys the state. She holds out her pen, picks up the phone next to her, and calls her friend.

JULIA: (enough, stretching like a cat) Hello, girlfriend. How is it? (Listening to the phone) Yes? What's just like that? (Listens) Hmm… And I'm just fine… (Listens) Well, Yes, I was… (smiles tenderly, nostalgically, on a languid exhalation) I just left. (He listens, changes face, indignantly) Yes, what Philip, no, I'm not telling you about him. I had Vasily, Vasily. What did you forget? No, not this one. I've only met him a couple of times, and that was it… I remembered, too… it must have been three days, maybe four. (He listens to the phone) Oh, no, not that one. The one you're thinking of, he can barely fit under the bed. In General, an inconvenient lover, not practical, I would say! I won't meet him again… (hesitantly) probably. But this one isn't, this one is smaller, but it's more solid and hardy. How would you like to do that?.. In a word, I went to the root, you know…

Yulechka smiles intricately.

YULECHKA: (into the phone, proudly) This, girlfriend, musiiiiic! Yes… I'd go to hell for that… Why didn't you go? So because he earns little. What are we going to do with his salary in this fire and water? (He listens to the phone) No, it's like that, but it's like that, you know… not exactly like that. Something like that. Did you explain it clearly?

Yulechka stretches her lips in a smile, makes a face in the style of "CE La vie»

YULECHKA: (into the phone) What about Philip? Everything is fine with Philip. I milk it like a pretty unmarried girl should. While the feeder is working, we will meet. (Listens to the phone, indignantly) Come on, noooo. I don't give a shit about him. Not my passenger at all. (Listens to the phone, indignantly) Listen! Don't spoil my mood, huh? It was so good… Philippa's got something on her mind. (Gently, in anticipation) Let me tell you about Vasily!

The doorbell rings.

Plays loud rhythmic music of a panicked nature (recommended Intro to "Hymn of the jester»)

JULIA: (anxiously) Another time I'll tell you, sorry, business!

The girl slams down the phone, jumps out of bed, as if limping, bent over, with hardly stretching muscles, expressing a difficult female fate, rushes to open the door.

Philip steps into the apartment dressed warmly, he is wearing a raincoat, Yulechka is transformed in an instant! She is fresh, light, gentle and inspired again!

Philip drops the call on his mobile phone, and the music stops abruptly.

The girl jumps on Philip in the usual way, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

JULIA: (gently) My love, I missed you so much, you finally came!

Philip looks suspiciously at his mistress, listens to her thoughts, but they are silent. After listening for a while, he happily hugs the girl, stroking her back.

PHILIPP: I'm so glad I have you, Julia. You have no idea how happy I am to know that I have you. You're so good… so good.

The girl sinks to the floor and gives Philip another trembling hug.

JULIA: (gently) Thank you, Filechka, it is very important for me to know that you are still interested in me.

Philip listens.

YULIA's VOICE in the recording: It's really important for me to know this. So – loves, it's very good.

Philip smiles, takes off his outer clothing, and settles down.

Yulechka goes to the kitchen, brings out a plate of fruit, and puts it on the table in front of Philip.

JULIA: (gently) I'm sorry, I didn't have time to cook anything serious, eat some fruit while, I'll quickly figure something out.

YULIA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: I don't have time to do anything with my schedule, and I'm already very hungry myself. So… scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs or porridge for five minutes to cook? I'll put the horns on, it's only eight minutes after boiling, and I'll open the canned food now, it'll make a nice dinner.

Philip rubs his hands together contentedly, even happily, takes an Apple from the plate, takes a bite, and looks longingly at his mistress, who leaves the room.

A little "warming up with fruit" Philip calls Yulechka.

PHILIP: Little one, can I have you?

Yulia runs into the room.

PHILIPP: I wanted to… (thinks) I wanted to discuss a very serious matter with you.

JULIA: Philip shakes his

head regretfully.

JULIA: (anxiously) God, you're scaring me. Tell me quickly, WHAT happened?

: Understand… I suddenly found out that you're the only one I can trust. That everyone around me is a traitor, a hypocrite, and … No matter. I may be out of a job and out of a place to live for a while. Can I stay with you during this period?

Yulechka is silent, and her thoughts are silent. The girl's face lights up with a dazed expression.

PHILIPP: Don't worry, it won't be long. Maybe two months, maybe three. A maximum of six months, while I solve all the organizational issues in the company and at home. And there with the wife we exchange… well, we'll see, maybe… I'll stay here forever.

Yulechka raises her eyebrows in surprise, but is silent, the state of shock does not leave her, but only increases.

PHILIPP: The money will be needed for start-up capital in a new business. I will have to do something else, because in this area for me, as it turned out, already smells fried. Both in the company and in the family. So that… we can finally not hide from anyone. We'll live together, maybe organize a common cause. It will not be easy and at first it will not be very profitable, but we will work hard and in three or four years we will probably have more or less serious results.

Yulechka stretches her lips in confusion, looks away.

PHILIPP: (enthusiastically) honey, are you happy? We can finally be together! We will build a family and family business not on lies and deception, but on feelings! On the truth! On sincerity! We'll get up from our knees together, and then we'll think about having a baby or two… Isn't it great?
