Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

He understood this. He also understood that it was he who was to blame for the death of his closest friend, who was only trying to do the right thing by entering into open conflict with the duke. From what a real storm broke out in Tan's soul, out of powerlessness, anger and incredible melancholy. Una saw it in his eyes. She went to Athanasius, placing her mug, with half-drunk water, next to him. She gently laid her hand on his shoulder and said quietly: “Retribution will find everyone. At that moment, a noise was heard outside the door. Bert ran to the door, opening it slightly and peering into the opening. Cursing from what he saw, he immediately closed it back. Turning towards Tana and Una, he said:

– Bastards are searching houses! Faster here. He drew back the carpet on the floor. Under it was a wooden hatch cover leading to the cellar. – Get in and see yourself quiet.

From the chase, Tan's side hurt so much that he barely went downstairs. Una thanked old man Bert in a whisper and followed Tan into the cellar.

Suddenly the door rattled, in a tone that could not be delayed. For some time, Bert needed to lay the carpet back, after which he obediently obeyed the soldiers.

From below, through the cracks between the boards, it was difficult to see anything. But by the shadows and voices, Tan determined that four people had entered the house.

– How can I be of help to the guards of His Majesty and our peace, Byrd said with mock courtesy.

– We are looking for fugitive killers who are hiding in nearby houses, said one of the soldiers, and immediately proceeded to inspect the room. Most likely an officer, Tan thought.

– I did not see anyone, sir, heard Tan Byrd's voice.

– Do you live alone? He continued.

– Yes, sir, one! It's just me in the house!

Silence fell again, broken only by the steps of the officer. Then he stopped abruptly and after a while asked: – Where are these mugs of water?

Tan and Una looked at each other and held their breath …

– Sir, I am a sewing company, and these circles are left after yesterday's clients, Bert said.

Then, the officer took one of the mugs, brought it to his nose, inhaled, and then sipped it.

– Arrest him! Search the house, quickly!

After his orders, the officer turned to the old man and said through clenched teeth: – Where are they?

– Who? Bert was indignant.

– You think I'm an idiot ?! The water in the mug is icy. You just poured it. Answer me or I'll rip your belly open! The officer threatened. You will still be alive for a while, and then I will feed you your guts, if you don’t tell me everything I want to know!

The old man was held by two, one more began to run around the rooms and examine them. Tan knew he needed help, but he was useless now. Due to injury, his defense would simply not be effective.

– I'm losing my patience, old man! The sound of steel stripping was heard. Then Bert said, “I'm sorry gentlemen, really sorry.

And then there was a crash from the fall of the body to the floor, fuss, fuss, screams and moans from incredible pain began. Blows, falls, more bumps.

It was unbearable for Athanasius to sit and watch the murder of the man who had just saved his life. Realizing that this was most likely the end, he abruptly got up, climbed the steps and tried to open the cellar!

– What are you doing? Una asked in a whisper.

The lid was latched on the back. The fight from above continued, and this indicated that Bert was still alive. With a growl, the Tan began to beat the wooden hatch with his elbow. The boards cracked, but didn't give in. Once again, he tried to strike, but stumbled and fell, rolling down the stairs to the ground. Suddenly he realized that the fussing above had stopped. – I didn't have time, it was spinning in his head. They heard the rug pull back. Then Tan realized that he had given away their location while trying to get out. The lock opened and light burst into the dark closet. To his great surprise, Bert's face was looking at him. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth.

– Come up. He said in a tired voice.

Tan and Una exchanged glances. Then she stood up abruptly and helped Athanasius to his feet. All four soldiers were lying on the floor, some of them no longer breathing. Bert, like the room, was covered in their blood. Athanasius looked around, then his gaze fell on the old man.

– Who are you?

– My name is Grubert Ebiner.

Tan's mouth fell open in surprise. Wait a minute, that same Grubert Ebiner? War hero?

– He's the one, the old man croaked. But after reconciliation, they tried to forget everything that reminded of the war, including me. But damn it, it's nice to flex your fists sometimes. He smiled and immediately his legs buckled. Athanasius managed to catch him and slowly put him on the floor.

Tan's hand holding his back was covered in blood. Grubert's clothes were pulled up and on the back, under the clothes there was a puncture wound, from which blood flowed along with air bubbles.

“A lung pierced,” Athanasius told him in despair. Una began to say that he urgently needed to be taken to the hospital, but Grubert said: “It's all over for me, but I don't regret anything. In my heart I felt that I had to help you. In the back room there is an old tapestry on the wall, remove it, behind it there will be a door to a secret room. – Here, this is for you! Byrd ripped the chain with a small key from his neck and handed it to Athanasius. There you will find everything you need, good luck to both of you. After that, he peacefully closed his eyes that will never open again. Silence fell …

He swallowed hard, and then put his right hand to his chest, paying the last tribute to the great man. Then he got up and walked with a determined gait to the back room, where Grubert pointed. On the opposite wall from the entrance hung an antique tapestry depicting a battle scene. Tearing off the canvas, a small but thick metal door appeared before his eyes. He slipped the key into his mask and turned it surprisingly gently. Outside the door, sheer darkness reigned. Tan took the oil lamp and went inside. Una followed him carefully. When the light lit up the contents of the room, she said with undisguised surprise: – Yes, this can arm a whole squad.

The weapons room appeared before their eyes. On the walls and on the floor were placed: weapons, armor and shields, skillfully made, but wrapped in a large layer of dust. In the center of this room was a stone plinth. On it were: a brigantine, bracers and a scabbard with a sword. They were all done in the same style with lions. The way these items were made, it could be concluded that a lot of money was spent on their creation. “With gratitude from the king!” Read the inscription on the bronze tablet. They vegetated for a long time in this pitch darkness.

But their dream was over!


Putting on the armor of Grubert, he asked Unu to tighten the brigantine from the sides.

– You said that they want to talk to me?

– Right.

– Who?

– Master of the Order of the Children of the Midnight Star and one of the initiates.

– Initiates? Into what?

– Let's just say, after talking with him, your world will not be the same.

– Hmm, we'll see.

They both donned gray hooded capes and left the house.

Of all the abundance of weapons, Una took only a dagger with her.

Common people have already started pouring out into the streets. There were no soldiers in the vicinity, which could neither please.

– Where is your master waiting for us?

– In a place called Arna. North of Anamut.

– Long away?

– Two days' journey.

Tan said indignantly in two. – Out of the question.

– Why?

“I must avenge General Swann and Grubert.

– You still have such an opportunity. But first, you must speak to the master.
