Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Arel, Arel, I do not know how to cure you!”

“You know!” growled Arel frustrated and already with malice. “Your medicines! Your drug! You’ve made me addicted! And now you don’t know! And what should I do? Go to Sguint-Eye?! But he has not the same, they do not bring me such relief! And the hungover is twice as strong!”

“I didn’t give you drugs,” Nobody faltered, picking up words. “I did not give you the drug in the true meaning of the word.”

Arel looked at him with great doubt.

“Don’t look at me as if I really am the fiend of hell, ruining your innocent soul! You're like your mother! Even worse, your illness began to manifest earlier and stronger! If I didn't give you these … These sedatives from time to time. That’s all! It’s the end! I delayed this moment as much as possible! But your madness is developing whith such a speed that it cannot be stopped!”

Arel covered his face with trembling hands:

“Like mom,” he whispered. I felt it … These parishes, from time to time

… Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I did not want to scare you. However, I told you. I said that you were on the verge, but you, as always, did not listen to me. Did not want to hear. Like the others. I cannot get across you what I really want to say. I really don’t speak your language well, you don’t understand me!”

“We don’t understand each other, nobody understands anyone, and the reason is not the language.”

“Well, try to understand now. Try to understand that I don’t want something bad to you. On the contrary, I felt sorry for you, I softened your attacks, and you forgot how to suppress them on your own. You don't want to fight anymore, and I don't know how to get you out!”

“What if "black water"?”

“Not! You’ll never get off her! You aren’t a Lis, you really have little willpower, you easily get into everything you embrace. You easily become addicted.A couple of glasses and you cannot stop, a couple of shots and you're ready for anything to get more. "Water" will ruin you in a couple of weeks!”

“But why so?”

“Because your brain is week!”

“Help me! Find something if you really kind to me and don’t wish me anything bad as you say!”

“I will not prick you again, otherwise you’ll never get out. Alcohol will be sufficient.”

“I cannot anymore! I'm starting to puke. It’s the same with the food.”

“Da-a-amn, mad, my knowledge is not enough for you, this is a degeneration, and I am almost powerless.”

“But… but… do you still love me?’

“O-o-oh, what are you thinking about?!”

“Do you love?”– Arel whispered softly, and his voice trembled.

Nikto leaned toward him, hugged him, lifting him from the floor, putting him on the bed like a toy, like a big doll.

“Of course, I love you,” he said gently. “And I will fight for you! We will fight, right?”

Arel nodded not too confidently.

“Nik… Nik, if I become like her … Like my mother. If you don’t succeed,” – he swallowed, suddenly grabbing Nikto by the shoulders, glaring at him with crooked fingers.

“Not me, but us, you must help yourself too,” – Niktocorrected him.

“All right, if we don’t succeed, promise me… promise that you’ll kill me. I don’t want to live like her!”

Nikto bowed his head, hugging him:

“I promise!”

He slowly knelt on the floor in front of Arel so that their faces were about the same level. He looked into those crazy and distressing brown eyes. He hugged Arel, pressing his face against his trembling chest with intermittent breathing. Arel clutched his shoulders harder.

“I promise,” said Nikto. “Promise.”

Arel greedily pressed his lips to the coveted flask, with foreigh strong tart-smelling liquid. It didn’t cause vomiting, it didn’t stir up thoughts, it gave tranquility, all-consuming tranquility bordering on complete indifference.

“What a rough job!” Emba said, shaking her head andlooking at the crouching on the bed and sucking her flask, as if his mother's breast, Arel.

“What if your mother and your sister saw this?! Did they teach you like that?” with indignation in her voice, she turned to Nikto, who was standing behind her. “They would burn with shame when they saw what you had done! I warned you! I said that people are fragile! Too fragile! You cannot do it this way!”

“But he’s alive,” objected Nikto.

“Rather, still alive! And I am surprised at this! I wonder why is he still alive! After such a clumsy job!” she was suddenly horrified by the hunch that dawned her. “Unless …” she shrank back from Nikto, as if from a stalemate. “Unless you did it on purpose!”

Nikto turned away and did not answer, he went to the table, poured himself a glass of red wine and took a sip.

“You … You were deliberately cruel to him!” Emba'sgaze darted over Arel's crooked body, and in that gaze flashed pity. “Poor biy,” she said softly, then turned back to Nikto. “If you did it intentionally, then why? Your cruelty is not justified!”

Holding the glass in his hand, Nikto sat in a chair, still silently looking at Emba, his face expressed nothing, and his eyes remained empty.

“This man submitted to you and was perfectly submissive and obedient from the very beginning. Did you doom him to such torments, just for your own pleasure? It was not necessary to break him, but you broke him! Why did you break him? What did you do with him? You are a monster!” She looked at Arelagain, he finally fell off her flask, gave a loud hiccup, raised her dull eyes to Emba. She laughed with a hissing laugh. “Do you like my medicine? Yes? You see how good I am, I don’t remember evil and offense,” and stretching out her hand, Emba patted Arel on the top of his matted hair, so carelessly, just like her dog, however, it’s collar had already been on Arela’s neck. “Poor kid. So cute,” she glanced at Niktoreproachfully. “You really exhausted him. As soon as the face is not cut into pieces. Just like your own,” and suddenly she stopped. “So what did you do with him?” and her voice has changed, has become icy.

Nikto was silent.

“What were you trying to get breaking an obedient slave? What?” She approached Nikto closely, looking into his eyes. Without taking his eyes off her terrible eyes, Nikto slowly put the glass back on the table. “So,what did you want from him?” She repeated. “Disobedience ?!”

Nikto looked down and she laughed. As easy, as, for example, the boy- servant, hit him on the face with herhand. And Arel jumped up on the bed, he did not understand their language, but he saw their actions, and was ready to rush at her at any moment, to hold histeeth in her throat.
