Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


  Although there is still hope-for clones. Perhaps his soul will find a real and healthy body...</p>


  Memories of a recent lightsaber duel flashed through the black Lord's mind like a timid shadow.</p>


  The skill of his boy, Luke, had grown noticeably. The movement became impetuous and at the same time calculating. And most importantly, his son was raging with real anger, oozing violent streams of dark power. An extraordinarily capable boy!</p>


  He is quite capable of rising on its hind legs destroy the Sith Empire. And then, instead of the utopian idea of reviving a Confederate, galactic Republic, there will be an era of chaos, chaos and protracted internecine wars.</p>


  As not firm and not despotic power of the Sith - it is still better than the collapse of the unified state education and the reign of chaos, when the most terrible kind of dictatorship reigns: the dictatorship of every strong over every weak!</p>


  And not so bad Lord Sidious... When he became Emperor, he waged a brutal war against corruption, organized crime, and the mafia. If during the Republic, extortion of officials became a system, then under the Sith Lord: thieves and bribe-takers were brutally executed or sent to the plutonium mines.</p>


  New planets were being developed, and old ones were being improved. Especially those worlds that were considered backward, and for them even the water supply was a novelty.</p>


  One of the first decrees of the Emperor was the prohibition of slavery. For the slave trade and kidnapping, the death penalty or life imprisonment was imposed. However, because of the war with the rebel Alliance, we had to turn a blind eye to the lawlessness of the Hatha, since the Empire, constrained by the civil war, could not afford to open a second front.</p>


  But now they will finally be able to engage in a serious restoration of order and consolidation of the vast and still uninhabited spaces.</p>


  Kalevan, despite the fact that the last starships of the free Alliance were already dying, did not give the order to retreat and break through.</p>


  A good-looking, curly-haired guy with a chocolate color, a pleasant face with almost European features, broad shoulders and a lean waist maintained an appearance of calm.</p>


  Kalevan's father, master Windu, was a great warrior. In a duel, he was able to disarm the blackest Sith Lord. One more blow and the dictatorship of the dark side would be over. It was then that Anakin Skywalker's intervention led to a coup.</p>


  Kalevan, fiercely hated the killer of his father - Darth Vader, and wanted to get even with him at any cost.</p>


  He had led the attack on the death Star under construction, and now he suffered unbearably as his comrades died in a hopeless attack.</p>


  Pity and ships... After all, every starship is not just a pile of metal. It has its own unique soul.</p>


  Here in the cruiser" Hope " grow, torn holes. At the edges of these ulcers, bluish and greenish lights glow. And the carbon fiber moans from the intense pain.</p>


  Girl-General Monica Missouri, drags a badly wounded tiger crab Tlack. Also cute, probably more fancy than a Wookiee. The fur of the tiger is four-colored, and the stripes go in tortuous waves. At the same time, the pink shell is pierced, and the tail is singed and Smoking. It's very hot in a starship.</p>


  Kalevan shakes off the sweat and says in a pleading tone full of pain::</p>


  "A little more!" I believe Solo!</p>


  The legendary smuggler pilot is also nervous at this moment. The death star continues to bombard the pitiful remnants of the rebel fleet. Its rays have become weaker and thinner, but have grown quantitatively.</p>


  Already ninety percent of the rebel forces are out of action or simply destroyed.</p>


  Wookiee or Chewbacca roars in their own language, which is not very clear to humanoids:</p>


  "Brothers! Brothers! Turn off the star!</p>


  Solo calms down his partner, and even shakes his finger at him:</p>


  - Calm Down Chewbacca... Our guys know what they're doing...</p>


  Princess Leia popped out like a Jack-in-the-box. A beautiful girl, with light red, wavy hair, and an athletic figure. A manly chin, and wide-set, emerald eyes with glints of sapphire, on the strong neck of the warrior.</p>


  The Amazon woman is ruthless, strangling Jabba himself, and at the same time her eyes are full of kindness and even some naivety.</p>


  The warrior Princess almost screams in Solo's ear:</p>


  "Can't you see?".. The Imperials have activated a backup generator, so the death star is invulnerable!</p>


  The smuggler pilot responds with irony:</p>


  - Love is not a problem! Find the backup generator and destroy it!</p>


  Tobacco leaping growled:</p>


   "U-u-u, death to the Imperials!"</p>
