Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– So the time of the fight has come; I'm glad. Did you mean to intimidate me? Behold, brother, the true nightmare, – Aundas raised his hands to the gloomy sky, turning into a terrifying giant; bluish-black skin covered the body of a six-meter beast topped with horns. Saliva was flowing out from the stinking mouth, bright yellow pupils victoriously looked in the flushed eyes of the Wanderer; the snatch and there was an outstretched arm with a silver colt in the hand. Shot, step right, shot, step left, movement forward, snatched katana, the flap – deviation and blow. Aundas soars reached by Scott Renter. The clouds swept over the sky; the sky flashed, thunder shook the world, and lightning illuminated the confrontation of celestial creatures and sizzling the soul flame of rage.

The sword and sharp-clawed paw crossed; force, pressure, disarmed. Katana released from the hand flashes and pierces the ground and the powerful hand grabs the neck. He is moved to the rock and the claws plunge deeper into the blooding flesh – the eyes grow dim, veiled with darkness and the wide open jaws are mocking in a hollow voice. The kick, and Wanderer, having released, engages in a fight and tears up immense wings of the enemy; Aundas with one wing falls on the old Church.

Scott Renter in tattered garb lowers at the gates. A movement of his hands – and he embarks on shabby track; the vapor comes from his muscular body, black wings behind characterize the unforgiving figure. The eyes of bloody color take a casual look at marble floor, rows of benches,

massive columns and freeze at seeing Great, Tired and Incomprehensible crowned with thorns, with his head declined on his breast. His gaze falls down: subverted Aundas shaking off the debris and dust rises entirely naked, in a human body. The hand of approaching Wanderer turns into a clawed paw, scratching the rows of the benches and marble floors with long fingers. In anger Aundas, roaring aggressively is confronted with the horrific hand, tearing the belly lightning fast, lifting up his body, making the way deeper, and reaching the heart.

– You caused too much pain, Aundas. Sweet is the moment of punishment for me. I… Feel… your heartbeat. You will die slowly, and infinity will take you, resuming the torments prepared for you. Aundas, I will go after you. The torments will befall me, but you, you, Aundas, Aundas Bertshvain, will learn the value of requital. And my torments, my damnation will vent on you. And the hell torments will seem trifling, as you learn the power of explosive, uncontrollable rage.

You were eager to see the reflection of the Darkness, the evil filling my body on my face. So remember: covenants of mind come true – Scott Renter’s eyes burned trying Aundas – and their reality is horrible. Suddenly as if addressing to himself Scott Renter said the following: – Have you contemplated Lord? Being the fruit of the dullness, clouded eye will represent Him as an anamorphosis. Imagine, all of us, no matter according to our will or not, created by Him, and the disease is inside us. The disease inside me, like a parasite, stuck into the soul, drains, oppresses and deprives of the will, and I can’t resist it. – Tears poured from Wanderer’s eyes. I was born like this, and it is not my will. It’s the fate, you may say, but the fate is in opposition with the existence; aren’t I free and wasn’t it my decision to escape the fate? I’m perishing, I’m dead and lifeless! Lord, where is He? Is he looking at me? No! The essence of me is darkness, and if only this bright look turns on me, I will fade away, unable to endure it, I’ll die, and the Abyss will swallow me. I’m afraid and trembling at this great sight of Him, and I myself don’t raise my eyes. Lord is so great, and I'm so miserable and dark, that I’m constantly in fear, but I don’t want to accept my inner Darkness and I will never do it, the soul is sick of it. I know, my soul has shriveled up, and I’m not sure whether it was in the heart that is not beating and was the repository of stinging

Darkness, – Wanderer looked into the eyes of Aundas, whose heart was squeezed in his hand. – Your heart beating is sweet to hear; I have power to do what I want, for we all are the center of great Darkness.

Terrifying were the laughter and the roar of Scott Renter when rushing in the jump up, he threw the body of Aundas down on the floor – broken glass rained down from the windows of the temple. Aundas was raised, and his body, breaking through the wall, tumbling, brought down slabs and stone crosses in a graveyard. Moving away from the ruins of a fallen temple, Scott Renter was walking to the crypt slowly to finish the execution; and vampires, soaring over his head were afraid to attack and were watching the battle in silence, as the result of the battle is lethal.

Mysterious light of the moon was shining as a halo, pandering to the absolute Darkness; and the Spirit of vengeance descended into Wanderer’s heart, filling his look with unbridled anger and fire. It was fire that shed in the carmine eyes of the legendary Beast, the most powerful in the World but becoming small and feeble in attempt to resist Logo.

Wanderer, taking the primordial nature, turned into a dark winged creature. His brutal body was covered with short fur; blackened skin was bursting with incredible muscles. Clawed paws, long tail and kind of the face, which has lost any resemblance to a human’s one was nasty with pointy huge ears and open wide fanged mouth. Imperious eyes mercilessly gazed down at the worn-out Aundas outstretched at the crypt from the height of four-meter body.

The pain and Darkness devoured the consciousness of Scott Renter into a crushing labyrinth. The Path was Eternal and Beginningless, cruel, senseless and hopeless, Darkness and Pain were the space. They were united with locked and breathless; lonely and helpless, homeless and eternal Wanderer. He cognized Death and Life in death; he was turned from Life into Death; he was damned and insane. And the Darkness, embracing, made him slave and created different creature. And the universe was whispering:

– Your name is Ar-hon! Tireless Slave!

– Begone, Darkness! Behold the collapse of the foundation laid in me. I’ll build something different, and the eye of the depths of my soul will penetrate into your world. I’ll annihilate it and Earth Kingdom will fall! Life

is put in the people by God; you put the distortion, you are reflection of destructive spirit; you're worthless! You're weak! Your essence is Lie, the Power is illusory and the power of yours is deception and shaky. Leave! Leave me alone! You torment me! I’m perishing, and the Life is flowing down as a drop of life-giving water, as hot steel in the soul, in the heart, which you want to subdue like the body! Damn you! And I’m damned! And the Power is flowing away from the wounds of the soul left by the Spirit. It’s not able to accept the Gift of this unseen and taken away from me from the birth, from conception of originally damned soul! I hate you! I’ll destroy you! Begone… Begone! – Wanderer appeared as a child hugged by Darkness, he was twisting, suffering imprisoned in the Void, alone and naked, on bended knees in a vacuum of mob, shedding tears.

Reality dispelled the Illusion, stopping the vision and Wanderer, recovering, gradually approached Aundas. He looked into the eyes of blood brother and stooping down, dug his clawed hand into Aundas’s head and lifted him up. Turbulent flow of life, as pouncing threatening wave, instantly swept and weeded out the hidden anger and bitterness that plagued the innermost part of the soul – the memories.

– Brother, I'm sorry… – said the wanderer, and his hand crushed Aundas’s skull.

Blood dripped from his claws, soaking into the snow. Scott Renter turned and walked away and, gradually taking human form, approached Iona. The bloodied child was lying in a snow-white tomb; the warmth was leaving cold body; and different life, spreading through her veins, was transforming the dying girl. Gasping, anguished breath was bursting from the lips.
