October 12, 2015, twenty hours. Darlington. In the Dorm of the school "David Rowan" you could easily come to hear from the Windows of the evening collections of Tits and crows. These birds do not fly away for the winter to other regions, and therefore, their participation leaves us in a good mood. When all the students have finished the household works, the likely the positive mood was to spread through all the corridors and rooms. Daniel Routs suddenly realized that one of his classmates was going to play a night scene about a trifle. It hasn't been two minutes
Walter Berrow said: "We need to understand why we learn and what we live for! You, my friends, (he circled in the air all familiar faces), guessed long our goal!"
After this speech, he began to pull out of his briefcase radio details - mechanical firecrackers: self-charging fast battery, sharp-pointed, multicolored confetti, a mini remote control, online and auto-detect voice messages. Walter probably wanted his evil invention to create a lot of opinions about the use of a fast shutdown, because some classmates, sitting on poufs, fixed their eyes on funny thing.
Daniel, without waiting for new words, gathered all his things, unloaded them in backpack, calmly walked across the room, came a quick step he overcame the path from the door of the hostel to the column, where they hung fluorescent sconces.
"You should have done that! I'm not suggesting absurd, of course, but if you think about it
honestly, everyone can make mistakes. Only a single miss is allowed. And this subject and contribute to the discussion in the moment about the perception of lectures and large crowds in the corridors. I better go" - such thoughts were at that time at Dan.
Maybe, Walter Berrow couldn't have been aware of the practical equation, orderest asked their friends, where would he hide it the invention, and having received an adequate response, wrapped the robot in sports t-shirt, put it in my nightstand. Routs during this time reached the office of the class teacher in his class, pressed the button on the door, waited. Vadim Dyagin opened the door.
- Hello. I had a misunderstanding... - Daniel said.
- Why do you have such an opinion that Walter can win the competition, don't you? - the teacher was surprised.
- I don't know. Vadim Timofeyevich, tell me, please, do you think I could win in physics and design competition? - the student asked.
- I, personally, hope, that you, Dima and you, decide their questions on this the subject peacefully... - the class teacher answered after selection words.
Dan was ready to get to work after the rest, as he is in this time communicated in an office of the head, held the moment at eleven o'clock in the evening, and asked about some stuff in the wrong environment. And it was so suspicious that further inquiries would be made inadequate, strange and meaningless. Single question, which the student had time to ask, it was a decision - "what is better to create to the contest not to lose".
The results were displayed on this query: you can apply the coil, which itself is charged, as well as automatic music intercom, a cracker with wishes that would be on auto-voice command. After receiving valuable instructions, Dan left, the teacher closed the door.
Third chapter
Early in the morning, the thirteenth of October, the students gathered in the dormitories, agreed about upcoming lectures, go to classes. Suddenly, some robot appeared on the stairs of the third floor began to shout all sorts of curses.
Daniel knew right away that it was Walter's invention, but it was too late for anything to take, as he was concerned the hike on the lessons, not the solution vile problems. Not pushing fellow students, he quietly and politely released space between themselves and other students, has passed on the emergency corridor.
After three lessons, a physics` student came to the hostel, to his room, put the briefcase on the chair, wrote of the decision the right questions, put things on the same place, he again went on to other classes.
In the morning Vladimir Dvoenowsky informed the students about the arrival geologists from the appearance of magic stones. At the time staying in a hostel will need a watchman to guard. Daniel Raiton, as one of the honors students, was chosen for this task.
The only reason the rest of the band "The Twelve" did not dare on performance. If everything was so simple, you could not be upset about such obstacles. Daniel agreed to participate in such a project at least one or two weeks, and then-to pass the baton to someone else. Until then, he will be the guardian.
On Tuesday, October 16, 2016, in the evening, at six o'clock Daniel Raiton the beginning was not so keen on taking care of the shungite how their home works and reading before performing the instructions. At the appointed us, he gathered a backpack need clothes, food, hygiene items (if needed), fiction book, writing utensils, a notebook, and then went to the gallery. The guard said the rules gave a working radio, and left, closing the door with an electronic lock.
The student got comfortable on the couch and began the arrangement of his place. After that he examined the stone and sat back down. Pass, before that closed, made a strange creaking, the melody sounded correct, the code opened and on the threshold of the room appeared Walter Berrow with friends. Daniel did not have time to do anything, as three people spread out in the corners.
The first of them gently hit the electric shock sleepy boy, the second specifically knocked his things on the floor, the third pushed the glass doors in the closet and pulled out a relic, moved them again. Having hidden found, accomplices quietly left the same way and went to the hostel where discussed the incident. As if Walter may hide his involvement in this event, he was found and no special abilities. The stone was returned to geologists.
Once there was a scene through which we can safely assess the lives of these people and give an explanation of their passive state.
Walter: - Alfred, have you read the book "Triumphal arch"? E. remark gave an exact explanation for the feeling of happiness! "Who waits for nothing, never will disappointed. That's a good rule of life. Then whatever comes next, it will seem to you a pleasant surprise.
Alfred: - What you wanted to now say these words?
Walter: - Nothing write home about! Just all the time I've been watching your behavior and mood... It seemed as if you "go into yourself" and we, your best friends, don't understand your thoughts. That's not so.
Silver: - Yes, that's right. What are you listening to? Tell me!
Peter: - Leave him alone. He's insane. He doesn't have a clear idea about the case.