Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– Hey! Vaska. Soon there the rascal you will be. – she grumbled. – And that products so were not and is not present, and I have to open through a quarter of hour. That me without products you wish to leave Vaska-podlets, all with this girlfriend you will desire to walk, and all of you could not care less of me.


Night of the full moon

So, this chapter we will begin with the end previous chapters.

… she looked back, and cried out to more rough smoked from tobacco smoke of cigarettes by voice:

– Hey! Vaska. Soon there the rascal you will be. – she grumbled. – And that products so were not and is not present, and I have to open through a quarter of hour. That Vaska – the rascal without products you wish to leave me, all with this girlfriend you will desire to walk, and all of you could not care less of me.

There is Vaska.

– Yes what is it really, do not allow to gather quietly. And I on base flew, got fresh beer and Eskimo ice cream. And you Claudia Ivanovna are eternally dissatisfied will desire to be.

– Well-well, rascal. The language around should be kept. You never know where you will desire to go there, and desire not to be late for work, or I will quickly replace – the rascal.

– In vain you so Claudia Ivanovna, I all for the sake of you try. What bad is that in a tent there will be a lot of food and binges. All will be happy. You know what contingent happens, will not guess sometimes that to whom it is necessary.

– And that is right. The contingent went now. That in days of old.

– Precisely.

– Well, Vas! Bring products, and that we became loose, and midnight is close. Look – showing on Patriarchal ponds – on their reflection in water, the well-fed a hand was told by Claudia Ivanovna. – the moon already rose, looked out the bright yellow in color because of clouds. – she raised the head to the sky, and told. – Moon! As she is beautiful – the moon. The moon in night. It always consoles the travelers who got into difficulties. It lights with it a way, gives hope.

Vasya specified:

– Moon, and sun? It grants light and heat too.

– It so. – Claudia Ivanovna agreed. – It grants us light. Light and life. – it having made a pause, loving a look looked at the moon, and told the following. – The sun is a sun. It would always spare people life what they were, angry or kind. People on the nature are that, and nobody will change them. If the sun is gone – it will go out, then people will just go crazy. There will be nobody them to protect, to give them life.

– It so. – Vasily agreed. – But and here moon?

– Moon? – for a second Claudia Ivanovna thought. She could answer this question, but her answer could contradict all the law the universe. The sun – the only thing shone in this galaxy, its light falls to the moon, and stars – flickering somewhere is very far, in depths to the galaxy. To them hundreds of billions light years and as one sun can light all this galaxy – a secret. However, if to assume that the galaxy is one big mirror, and beams from the sun being reflected in certain objects simply reflects the light on other space objects, and those in turn reflect sunlight beams on other objects – with the amendment that the reflected beam from other object is reflected with much smaller light energy than originally from the sun, then it is absolutely clear to become how light beams of sunlight are capable to give light all object in space – in this galaxy in which in the house we live. Knowing all this, Claudia Ivanovna told. – It will never go out. – having told these words, Claudia Ivanovna cast Vasya into confusion, but immediately explained the words. – The sun can go out for the earth. On that is there are a lot of reasons. One of them is banal to impossibility. – it having made a long pause, having heaved a deep sigh, added, kind of claiming for certain. – Clouds – here the only thing one of real explanations which can really happen to the sun. Dark clouds – outer darkness, and only one night shone – the moon. It will give hope to people on the fact that it is still lost.

Listening to Claudia Ivanovna, Vasily looked at the sky, and represented that the moon – one of heavenly bodies of the universe which gives to the person hope for the future. But, suddenly, it suddenly presented that the moon is shrouded in dark clouds. Around dark haze. Having thought of it to it became terribly. On his body ran an easy chill, and horror which already gushed over it, and he felt it from head to foot, became more terrible and dreadfully cold. Vasya with horror exclaimed:

– And if the Moon is shrouded too by dark clouds what then?

– Then? – for a second Claudia Ivanovna thought. – Then everything, end. End to all mankind. The end to the planet – the earth. – having told these words she having terrified from the thoughts aloud, threw. – To all end. To all this universe. – then she claimed. – Because without light there cannot be also darkness. Only infinite emptiness, and fear of inevitability of the helplessness. Helplessness before emptiness. – here Claudia Ivanovna looked at the watch weighing on one of lampposts on Patriarchal ponds. Without ten twelve. – Well we became engrossed in talking here, and guests will not wait. – then she hasty threw. – What do we cost? Let's desire to philosophize another time, and now it is necessary to work, and that guests will be dissatisfied.

Sitting on a bench at a lamppost, Zhora with companions, looked at the events kind from the outside. All that occurred this night – on Patriarchal ponds all seemed to them something mystical. Something unclear. They could not understand, all that happens to them – really or it is only a fruit of their imagination. Having plunged into a reasoning on the work by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", they obviously without understanding that got to his world. The world where the reality is crossed with reality. Voland's world, the Bassoon, it is checkered. His friend – the Hippopotamus cat. Beauty Gella. Azazello. Heart-broken women – Margarita. Her Master, and many other heroes of this remarkable novel. The novel – who cannot still answer the main issue of this novel – we are worthy that rest which Voland with the suite presented at the end of the travel across Moscow. Whether we are worthy that rest which granted them Yahshuah Ganotsri asking about it Voland – the force of evil. Voland – the evil. And as is well-known the good and evil are incompatible. Though according to Voland who said Levi Matvei that the shadow is an integral part of light, and the fact that the world will die in a bright ray of sunlight if without awaking a shadow. Perhaps he is right. The person and each animal hides from scorching the sun in a shadow. That if this shadow is not, and the sun would stand on the sky is immovable, burning everyone and everything on the way. Everything would die. Even the dead desert and that would burn down from scorching on it the sun what to tell about its inhabitants? They would burn down alive. What awful death. So angrily – the integral part is kind, and kindly the integral part is evil. It was, is and will be always. Let's remember at least Judas from Kariaf. Tell – he is an angry person or not? He betrayed Jesus, sold it for thirty silversmiths. But without having betrayed it Jesus, there would be no Golgotha, and there would be no death and revival. And the most important in this history, would not be what priests call: "Acceptance of sins of all mankind". Jesus went down to Hell, and saved all guilty souls, having assumed their sins. What is it? no other than self-sacrifice. Here main sense of this novel. Margarita offered herself for the sake of the Master, and Yahshuah Ganotsri offered himself for the sake of all of us – inhabitants of the earth. But we will return to ours, and Emmanuel sat on a bench. Looking at the events, they could not believe the eyes. They as if were in other world, the world – where there is no pain and violence where calm and a smooth surface. The world – full of rest and a pacification. It was pokoyno at heart. All fussiness and disorders disappeared without trace. They felt absolute rest and composure in the hearts. As for Emmanuel, she despite all silence and a smooth surface inherent here, she nevertheless did not believe that all this really happens. "It is only possible to dream about all this only, and that junked". So she considered. She considered that all this cannot be actually. It everything deprive someone's suggestion. Suggestion of that it in other world. The world – not subject to neither her understanding, nor understanding somebody. Possibly it to be absolutely in other place now, and all that it conducts this consequence of the drug injected by it at present. Medicine which suppresses mental consciousness of an individual of the person, and replaces it with another. Even if for insignificant time. Everything can be. One – an integral part of the second as the second – an integral part of the first or third, how it is deeply possible to suppress consciousness of the person and to make of it that the object a research which is necessary for the experimenter. These and similar experiments were made by Nazis, they left behind cruel heritage, nobody will begin to contradict it. But after all, if to see their medical records concerning human consciousness, then perhaps the science would move ahead much more. Here so again same statement: "Without the evil there is no good, and without good of the evil". This truth of centuries, and nobody will disprove it – ever. Emmanuel quietly asked Luda:
