Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Oleg Rybachenko.


  Behind the way is milky,

  The first step is important in life!

  See over the universe again,

  Whirlwinds of furious attacks!


  And the battle is going again,

  Boils hyperplasy fire!

  And Lenin so young,

  Strikes with beams!

  The universe in all ends,

  We are stronger than the God of their fathers,

  Over nature, the power of the Almighty,

  Neoplasmas beat fighters.


  And the battle is going again,

  Boils hyperplasy fire!

  And Lenin so young,

  Strikes with beams!

  With the sky mercy of not wait for,

  Who the stupid people are waiting for the zeros!

  We will resurrect who died with honor,

  The areas of science all the way!


  And the battle is going again,

  Boils hyperplasy fire!

  And Lenin so young,

  Strikes with beams!

  In the past, heat and snow,

  The world was rich and poor.

  And now any Creator,

  Star conveyor is a machine!


  And the battle is going again,

  Boils hyperplasy fire!

  And Lenin so young,

  Strikes with beams!

  And Lenin so young,

  Caused by megabombus punch!

  The last months of his terrible agony Vladimir Ilyich remembered vaguely.

  The consciousness of the destroyed brain was disintegrating, and most of the time the leader of the world proletariat spent in a muddy slumber. And when the intellect occasionally shone, the back and unbearably, slow for thirsty brains pain. A sense of slow dying, his own insignificance and at the same time sinfulness. Ahead, the burning, painful flames of the underworld, or at best, the hopeless, frightening darkness of nothingness, seemed to be burning. But that merciful death finally snatched a suffering soul from the darkest dungeon of the terminally ill body.

  A miracle happened; for the first time in recent months, and maybe even years, the dull, on the contrary tearing apart the whole body pain disappeared, Lenin felt a pleasant lightness and extraordinary clarity of thought. He blinked a couple of times; the almost blind, colorless eyes of the last couple of years, were able to see the bright colors again. Even a little creepy from the unusual light and feeling of vivacity, the desire to run and fight. Although the Chairman of the Council of people's Commissars and did not feel his head, Vladimir Ilyich glanced at himself, squinting down his eyes( or something quite successfully replacing them) and exclaimed in amazement:

  - Arcarese it turns out comrades!

  It is quite natural to expect that the leader of the world proletariat will become a spirit after leaving the shackles of the material. Even the fact that he received a body is not so surprising, there is such a thing in the transmigration of souls in the world religions. But it happened that way... Vladimir Ilyich saw and felt that his flesh was changed, now the leader of the - application of coconut sandwich alligator with threaded slices of tomato and tiger shark strawberry. (Where, such extraordinary information?). As if feeling the confused mood of the former pre-drug Committee, transmits melodic female voice on-Board computer:

  - Don't panic comrade Lenin. Of course, your soul at the moment is embodied in a sandwich of hybrid animals with eight thin, like goosebumps-cockroaches seven-fingered legs and feet. But believe me it is very good!

  - Where's the sandwich brain? Vladimir Ilyich asked mechanically.

  - Floats in the innards, thinks, when there is an interaction, plant-animal flesh. - Calm and beautiful, melodious manner answered a girl's voice. But the timbre suddenly became more serious and there were notes of embarrassment. - I'm sorry and don't get angry friend of the Great Lenin. Believe me it's temporary, just a fun game. Very soon you will be able to choose any shell and live on an endless choice in any universe where you want yourself.

  Vladimir Ilyich is really not angry, really after the hell from which he just pulled out to be a sandwich, and even with handles and legs is not so bad.
