Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Reeling herself in, she pulled on her cuffs. ‘Good morning. I trust today finds you in a less homicidal mood?’

‘To see you didn’t make a run for it in the middle of night is a good start, certainement.’

‘You need to have more faith, Baron.’

‘I prefer to rely on performance-backed talent.’

‘Then it’s a good thing I have that in abundance.’

His gaze flicked over her suit. ‘Why are you dressed like that?’

‘Like what?’

‘We’re visiting a dusty vault, not attending a state funeral.’

Her belly tightened at his probing look and she forced a careless shrug. ‘This is England, Damion. The weather turns at the drop of a hat and I hate being cold.’

She turned with relief as Simpson walked in with her small suitcase. She went to take it but Damion beat her to it. His fingers brushed over hers, making her heightened senses shriek in hysterical warning. But he seemed totally oblivious as he thumbed the electronic key and stowed the case in the boot.

He glanced at the disappearing Simpson and frowned.

‘What?’ she asked.

‘Is this all you’re taking with you?’

‘Yep, I have a PhD in travelling light.’

His upper lip curled ever so slightly, making Reiko’s hackles rise in response. ‘I suspect you’d need to, in your profession.’

She felt her smile slip and struggled to keep control. ‘If you don’t mind, I’d prefer the insults to start after I’ve digested my breakfast. Now, can I have a minute to say goodbye?’

His eyes cooled as they flicked to Trevor. ‘Make it quick. I don’t have all day.’

She went to Trevor and brushed her lips over his bearded cheek. ‘I know you want to clobber him, but try and rise above it, okay?’

Trevor’s lips twisted. ‘I want to do more than clobber him. But I have to trust you know what you’re doing.’

She smiled, despite knowing Trevor would be no match for Damion. The whipcord strength in the Frenchman’s broad shoulders and that aura of power that radiated off him meant Damion Fortier need never lift a finger in a show of force.

Straightening, she stepped outside and encountered a stony-faced Damion. A dangerous edge of something she couldn’t quite name vibrated off him as he held the passenger door open. The hard slam of the car door rattled her teeth, but she kept the smile on her face for Trevor’s sake.

The moment Damion slid in beside her, Reiko found breathing difficult. The already cramped space diminished even further, the mixture of his scent and the smell of the soft black leather of the luxury car made the air intoxicating in the extreme.

Her trembling fingers had barely secured her seatbelt before he was accelerating down the lane.

‘You do realise you’re not coming back here until after I have my painting?’

She frowned. ‘Yes.’

His gaze left the road for a second. ‘The size of your case seems to indicate otherwise. If you have any thoughts of returning here any time soon, kill them now.’

‘Our agreement still stands. I packed a small case because I didn’t want Trevor to worry. Whatever else I need I can get later.’

His lips tightened. ‘Does he know of our past?’

‘What past?’ she taunted and watched his nostrils flare in irritation.

‘Is he your only lover or do you have one of those progressive relationships?’

‘Our relationship is based on truth and trust. More than I can say for whatever it was you and I had.’ She sucked in a sustaining breath and wished she hadn’t. Damion’s scent filled every pore of her being, invading her skin as he’d invaded her dreams last night. ‘And, for the record, my relationship with Trevor is none of your business.’

As for other relationships … the very thought made her snort bitterly.

Stormy grey eyes sliced into her. ‘You find me amusing?’ he rasped, his tone chilly.

‘Amusing? No. Inappropriate? Definitely. Who I sleep with has nothing to do with this commission. So, before one of us blows our top, I suggest we change the subject.’

His hands clenched over the wheel, his hooded gaze on a red light. As if he’d willed it, it turned green.

Damion’s foot slammed on the accelerator, sending the car surging forward.

‘I agree. This isn’t a subject I find palatable. Why did you buy the Femme en Mer?’

Reiko’s heart lurched. ‘Because it was a good investment and I had the resources to buy it at the time.’

Damion glanced at her before smoothly joining the motorway. ‘Was that the only reason?’

She licked her lips, nerves eating at her. ‘What other reason would there have been?

His eyes narrowed. ‘Foolish sentiment, perhaps?’

‘Sentimental? Over you?’ She tried to inject as much cynicism into her voice as possible.

‘I know our time together meant something to you. You wouldn’t have been so riled up last night if it hadn’t.’

‘Wow—conceited much?’ Reiko didn’t know why she was goading him. But then she’d never been one to leave well enough alone. ‘FYI, I got over you pretty quickly.’

His fingers gripped the steering wheel until the knuckles showed white. ‘Oui, I remember,’ he clipped out. Minutes ticked by. ‘So who was he?’

Reiko felt the familiar wash of shame and looked out of the window. She had no intention of revealing the truth of what had happened in the weeks after Damion had left. It wasn’t a time she was proud of, and she planned on keeping it buried along with all her other secrets.

‘No one you know. If you really want to know my reason for buying the painting, my grandfather once told me the story behind it. I was intrigued. But I’m willing to set my sentiment aside for a healthy return.’

Damion changed lanes again, swerving into the fast lane to pass a slower car. Beneath his trousers, his powerful thigh muscles bunched, the way they had in her dream. And just like in her dream, heat pooled in Reiko’s belly and started to rise. Staunchly, she pulled her eyes away and focused on the traffic.

‘What exactly do you know about the painting?’

There was nothing but curiosity in his tone, but apprehension raced over her skin nonetheless.

‘Our grandfathers met your grandmother at the same time. Sylvain Fortier got the girl and the chance to paint her. My grandfather lost out because yours had the most money and power in the love triangle. They remained long-distance friends and business partners until you Fortiers decided your mutual history wasn’t worth a damn in the face of your bottom line. Cute story, isn’t it? For goodness’ sake, slow down! I’d really appreciate arriving in one piece.’

Reiko breathed a sigh of relief as the powerful car eased its frightening pace. Beside her, Damion’s brows were clamped in a fierce frown.

Finally he drew to a stop at another set of traffic lights. Stabbing a hand through his hair, he exhaled. ‘Cute is the last term I’d use to describe the story behind the paintings.’

‘I was being facetious. Trust me, there’s nothing cute about watching someone you care about lose everything. And there’s certainly nothing cute about being made a fool of. So unless you want to talk about that, I suggest we drop the subject, shall we?’

Stony-faced, Damion shrugged. The rest of the journey was made in silence.

Their escort to the vault in Central London was conducted with reverent haste once the patrons recognised Damion. He stood close as the Femme en Mer was removed from the vault and its protective sheets unwrapped.

The painting was of a woman in a barely-there bikini, crashing through frothy waves. Her windswept hair gleamed dark and glossy, the chocolate tresses begging to be touched. Her laughing face, set in profile, was stunning, and drew the eye to her exquisitely detailed features. Around her neck was fastened a thin white scarf that billowed over one shoulder, lending a whisper of innocence to the painting.
