After years of wondering what all the fuss was about, she’d gotten a crash course when Levi had called her into a mutual patient’s hospital room on her second day on the job. She’d rushed into the room, worried she’d done something wrong. Instead, Levi had smiled at her and short-circuited her internal networking.
From where he expertly steered the vehicle, he shot her a quick glance. “You okay over there? You’re too quiet. Makes me wonder what’s going on in that sharp mind of yours.”
Ha, if he only knew what was racing around in her head he’d run far, far away. Thank goodness he didn’t know.
No, that probably wasn’t true.
Levi probably knew every woman wanted him, had wanted him since he’d been old enough to crook his little finger at the opposite sex. He had that kind of personality, that kind of looks. No doubt he expected every woman to fall under the lethalness of his smile and sinfully dark chocolate eyes.
What woman could resist chocolate?
No matter how much she’d tried, she’d not been able to put him out of her mind. Since moving to Angel Creek, Levi had monopolized her dreams, her thoughts.
Good thing she’d thrown so many barriers around her heart. Otherwise her cookie would really be in a crumble because she wanted Levi in ways she’d never wanted Simon.
And Simon had wanted her in return.
In the beginning, at any rate.
Leaning against the headrest, she stared out the windshield. “This isn’t necessary, you know.”
“You’re not hurting anywhere?”
“Only my pride.” Okay, so her chest hurt when she took a deep breath, but she’d live. What was a little pain in comparison to being alive? To having been in Levi’s arms?
“Seriously.” He cut his scrumptious eyes toward her again. “Choking isn’t something to be embarrassed about.”
“Easy for you to say,” she scoffed. “Whereas I played the damsel in distress, you got to be the hero of the day.” Despite the ache in her chest—or maybe because of the much stronger ache pounding behind her ribcage—she smiled at him. “Lucky you.”
“That’s me. A regular knight in shining armor.”
“Right.” What was it about the man that turned her brain into such mush? Not to mention the rest of her ooey-gooey self?
“Well,” he intoned, his eyes straight ahead, “if it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t feeling heroic.”
“You weren’t?” That surprised her. She’d imagine a man like Levi often played the role of hero, saving lives and slaying dragons. “What were you feeling?”
“Scared witless,” he answered, so quickly that she knew he was telling the truth. He’d hidden it well. Or maybe she’d been too distracted by lack of oxygen and his arms around her to notice that she’d scared him.
“Your secret is safe with me,” she promised, thinking she’d keep her pleasure at his admission a secret, too.
“Good thing,” he mused, his expression deadpan. “Otherwise I’d have to kill you.”
“Kill me?” She tried to keep a solemn appearance, too, but her lips twitched. “Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of today’s efforts?”
He shrugged, continuing feigned sincerity. “You’re right. Best save my honor and keep my secret, fair maiden.”
White knight? Slaying dragons? Fair maiden?
Oh, this was fun. She fought another smile, enjoying this unexpected attention, this unexpected side of him. Okay, so she enjoyed all sides of Levi, but still…
“Done,” she promised. She also liked the fact he’d not been as calm and collected as he’d appeared, that he’d felt some matching anxiety to what she’d experienced during her choking session. Somehow that made him seem more human, less Greek god fallen to earth to star in every woman’s fantasy.
Less like Simon, who never would have admitted to a flaw of any kind. He’d been perfect and had had no qualms telling her that over and over while reminding her how lucky she was to be in his life. Gag. She should have dumped his cheating butt months and months before things had ended.
So Levi’s admission softened her resolve, made her smile. And for a short while she wasn’t going to analyze every minute detail. She was just going to enjoy that she was with Levi.
He parked his SUV behind the medical complex where his office was located, right next to the hospital, and pulled the keys from the ignition.
“Need me to carry you?” His crooked grin dug a dimple into his left cheek. “Damsels in distress are my specialty.”
Yes, she almost rushed out just so she could feel his arms around her again. Oh, yes, yes, yes. But she didn’t. This damsel had taken advantage of him enough for one day. She had to bite back a happy sigh at his continued feeding of her castle-in-the-air fantasy.
“No, I don’t need you to carry me, not when God gave me two perfectly good legs. Thanks, though.” It struck her that she couldn’t recall if she’d thanked him for his Heimlich. “Thank you for coming to my rescue earlier, too.”
“You’re welcome.” He flashed his straight white teeth in another grin, ratcheting up her heart rate and causing a reflexive Kegel contraction between her thighs. “You’re too beautiful to meet such a tragic fate.”
All righty, then. She didn’t know how to respond to his flirting. But, really, he was probably just being nice, right? Just here because he was afraid he’d broken her ribs during his rescue efforts? He was an excellent doctor who went above and beyond for his patients. At the moment, she was his patient.
“I thought I was going to die,” she admitted, hoping her smile looked appreciative and not too much like please-take-me-into-your-arms-and-kiss-me. “You saved me.”
He cast her a mischievous look that both thrilled and reminded her he was way out of her league. It also reminded her that she really wanted to play in that bigboy league—with him.
“Yep,” he continued, “I saved you and now you owe me.”
“I guess I do.” Was she imagining the gleam in his eyes? The spark zapping back and forth between them? The electricity in the air?
“I can tell you’re excited about being indebted to me.” He laughed, climbing out of his truck.
Oh, she was excited all right. From her head to the tips of her toes.
“Who likes being indebted?” she quipped when her door swung open, eyeing him and wanting to lick him from his head to the tips of his toes.
“Good point,” he agreed, offering his hand to help her get out. “But I won’t ask for more than your complete and total devotion and servitude.”
Okay, so he was absolutely flirting back.
And she absolutely couldn’t breathe.
Help! Someone do the Heimlich again. Quick.
When she slid her hand into his, her breath gushed from her body in a rough swoosh. Oh, my. Now she needed mouth to mouth as well.
Seriously. She needed his mouth on hers.
She’d just been in his arms a few minutes ago when he’d carried her to his SUV, but already she’d forgotten what the warm contact of his skin against hers felt like, was shocked by the intensity.
Electrifying. All consuming.
The most wonderful feeling in the whole world.
Pathetic, Madison. Absolutely pathetic. Apparently you really suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen when you choked.
“You’re going to send a bill for this, right?” she asked, desperately trying to detract from his magnetic pull. Desperately trying to keep from launching herself at him in the hope he’d catch her and never let her fall. Of course he’d let her fall. Eventually he’d push her down and trample on her heart if given the chance. It’s what men did. It’s why she’d decided if she couldn’t beat them, to join them, so to speak.
“Nope.” He snorted, not letting her pull her hand free as he led her toward the back entrance to his office.
“I have health insurance.” I have quivers all over my body from your hand clasping mine.
“I wouldn’t feel right about charging you to examine whether or not I broke your ribs.”