Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Kit chuckled. “I believe you, but he’s really not worth the sacrifice. Let’s get to work.”

It only took thirty minutes to teach Melody the basics of the filing system, and then Kit gave Melody her telephone number for future emergencies.

“He doesn’t like you to know it,” Kit added, “but there’s a smokeless ashtray in the closet. Two of them, in fact. He used to smoke cigars.”

“He doesn’t smoke cigars anymore.”

“I know.”

“He smokes cigarettes now. Thin brown ones.”

“Marijuana?” Kit exclaimed.

Melody laughed. “Oh, no. Those little cigars, what do they call them? Cigarillos, I think!”

“Not in here, I hope?”

“Yes. Between him and Harriet, I’m a stretcher case with my sinuses.”

“Use those ashtrays.”

Melody brightened. “If I suggest it, maybe he’ll fire me!”

“You needn’t look so optimistic. Now that you know my filing system, you’re worth your weight in rubies.”


“If you can become an ace speller, he’ll get rid of Margo,” she whispered.

Melody’s eyes twinkled. “I’ll hire a tutor!”

“Good luck!”

Kit walked into Logan’s office as she had for the past three years, without knocking. But she realized at once that she’d made a mistake.

Somehow, Betsy must have gotten into the office while she was occupied with Melody. Betsy was there now, blonde and fragile, in Logan’s arms.

The sight of them that way made something delicate inside Kit go brittle and shatter. Logan’s dark head bent over that bright one, his enormous body sheltering hers, his arms compelling her against the powerful length of him, his mouth devouring and insistent on the woman’s lips.

He lifted his head abruptly and looked at Kit with the desire and physical enslavement still glittering in his dark eyes.

“Well?” he asked huskily.

Kit didn’t say a word. She turned and closed the door behind her, trying not to remember the snide look on Betsy’s exultant face as she went. That had been a setup. Betsy knew how she felt about Logan. Everyone knew, except Logan himself.

She gathered her purse and said a quick goodbye to Melody, pausing only to wave at Margo and Harriet before she walked to the elevator.

The stupid conveyance would be on the bottom floor, she muttered to herself. She jabbed viciously at the down button and was almost resigned to going down the staircase when Logan and Betsy came along to stand beside her.

“We’ll drop you off,” Logan said carelessly. “We have a luncheon appointment.”

Kit looked from Betsy, immaculate in a gray silk suit and an ermine coat, to Logan in his blue pin-striped suit and handmade silk tie. Yes, they complemented each other. She’d been living in a fool’s paradise to imagine a man such as Logan would ever give her a second look. She was a teacher’s daughter with no special beauty or talents. He was related to royalty somewhere in his ancestry and had gobs of money. She held Betsy in contempt for coveting his status and wealth, but he’d probably think that Kit was eager for it as well if she’d ever tempted him deliberately as Margo and Betsy had.

Just as well, she thought, that she’d been allowed to get out when she did. Soon, she’d never have to see Logan again. Betsy would make sure of that.

“I do hope you haven’t been trying to tell Logan any of that silly gossip about me,” Betsy drawled with a cool smile. “I don’t chase men for money. I don’t have to. I have money of my own.”

Certainly she did. Bill Kingsley’s money. Kit’s blood ran hot every time she thought about the poor, kind old man. He must have been easy pickings indeed for this blonde toad. And here was Logan, waiting in line to be next.

“Some women do chase men for money, though,” Kit said quietly. She studied the other woman with cold curiosity. “One of my neighbors was chased after he won a lottery. His name was Bill Kingsley.”

Betsy’s face whitened. She averted it. “I’m afraid I don’t know anyone by that name.”

“Well, you wouldn’t,” Kit said easily. “He used to live in my apartment building, about the time he won the small lottery.”

“You said he did live in your building? I suppose he left when he won the money?” Betsy asked with assumed politeness, but an underlying nervousness that was visible.

“He left, all right. The lottery wasn’t too much, but it was more than he’d ever had. When he found out, he celebrated by buying drinks for everyone at the bar around the corner. That was where he met a young woman who started being nice to him and let him take her around. She was young and pretty and he was a lonely old man with no family. He fell in love with her. She repaid him for his kindness by taking him for every penny he had. She even managed to cost him his savings. After she left, he couldn’t believe he’d been such a fool. He simply couldn’t live with it. He committed suicide.” Kit shook her head, her eyes never leaving Betsy’s paper-white face. “If I were that woman, I’d choke on my own greed. And I’d deserve to.”

“None of that has anything to do with Betsy!” Logan said angrily.

“No, of course not,” Kit replied, smiling at him. “Did I say that it had?”

“It’s all right, Logan,” Betsy said, having regained her composure if not her color. “You and I have so much, and poor Kit has nothing. Not even a man’s love.”

Touché, Kit thought. Betsy gave her a smile that would have curled leather.

“Where can we drop you, dear?” Betsy purred.

“I wouldn’t want to take you out of your way. I’ll just pop onto a bus downstairs. Do have a lovely lunch. Ta, ta.” Kit smiled and waltzed to the staircase.

“Morris, come back here…!”

She ignored the demand and kept going. She was shaking inside with rage at Betsy’s blatant playacting. The woman was as guilty as sin and felt no remorse at all. She was going to cut Logan up just the way she’d cut up Kingsley. And how was Kit going to stop her? In Logan’s eyes, Betsy could do no wrong. But there had to be a way to stop Betsy and save him in time!

She worried the question all the way back to the office, where she had to explain to Dane what had happened.

“I’m sorry,” Dane apologized when he could finally stop laughing. “But that’s such a dandy little tale….”

“It’s the truth!” Kit threw up her hands. “He’s my nemesis, I tell you! And one of his very own employees—his third cousin, in fact!—offered me an electrical device and said she’d swear I was innocent if I’d just bump him off for them!”

“Kit, are you sure you’ve done the right thing to leave an office like that?” he asked her. “Logan is never going to be the same again.”

“Good. I hope Margo gets him pregnant.”

“Stop that!” He leaned forward and picked up a notepad, whipping off a sheet. “Well, I can solve your problems for a day or so. Take this.”

“What is it?” she murmured, reading a street address.

“Emmett’s address. Get on the next flight to San Antonio and follow these directions. They should lead you right to Tansy Deverell.”

“Hallelujah! I’ll kidnap her and send Logan a ransom note….”

“Not while you’re on my payroll, please.”

“It was just a thought.” She folded the note. “I’m sorry about losing the lady I was trailing for you.”

“That was hardly your fault. It’s okay.”

She shrugged, fingering the note. “I seem to get in deeper all the time. I had a neighbor who Betsy Corley took for everything he had.” She looked up. “She’ll do that to Logan, you know. He’s so besotted he won’t believe a bad thing about her. She’ll lead him right to the slaughter and make him think he’s heaven-bound. Just like she did poor old Bill.”

“You don’t give Logan credit for having much sense, do you?” he asked gently.

She shrugged. “How can I? After all, he sacrificed three years of loyal, slavish devotion and adoration over a cup of spilled coffee, didn’t he?”

“He was an idiot there,” Dane had to agree. “I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough deal. Maybe this job will open new doors for you.”
