Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

− There there is no place, – she answered. – And I do not like to be pushed.

The man looked in inside of the car. There all sat, there was no empty seat.

− it is valid, – the man agreed, – there is no empty seat.

Larisa told:

− Here you see, I appeared the rights. In the car there is no place.

− Nothing, – the man encouraged her. – No matter, is in inside of the car of the place or they are absent. – He looked in her eyes and told it a complement. – You such beautiful! As I saw you, at once decided to get acquainted with you.

Having heard these words, the woman was confused.

− That you? I am beautiful? You confused me.

− Yes. – it continued, – you are pleasant to me. – Then it was presented. − My name is Roman, and you?

− Larisa.

− It is very pleasant.

− to Me too".

− Here so they got acquainted, – the Belief continued the story. – Of course, I could exaggerate something, but I do not want it. Both was, and was.

I listened to her story and thought that this woman perhaps should be uttered only and all. To dump pood from soul and from heart. To alleviate suffering of the mental anguish. I listened carefully to it, and here she told what was then.

− It to it attracted. That day she did not go to institute, she spent time with it. "− Ya I remember, – Larisa said to me, – then I said to girls that I met the guy. They asked me on it all: what does? where does work? whether was at me with it or not? Generally, about everything. – Then she told me: – It was kind and tender with me, drove me in theaters, restaurants, and then I after the termination of institute went to work".

− It was attached to it, as the junior trainee. "− Eto there was, probably, just a destiny! – she spoke to me. – Now I could see it round the clock. As you understand, he began to find for me more time, than usually, and one day I invited him to myself".

The belief made a long long pause. It was difficult to it to speak about it.

− As you understand, from this minute I lost it. She became pregnant from it.

Having listened to her, I analysed all situation, asked:

− you are sure, Roman's child?

The belief for a second thought. She understood what I meant. There are many cases when wives deceive husbands, saying to them that he is the child's father, but not his friend.

− I do not know, – Vera made a helpless gesture. – Larisa claims, it. – Then she added. – It does not awake to do any paternity tests.

− Why?

− He claims when it with it was, for the first time, she was a virgin.

− it is clear.

Let's return on a corporate party where Larisa talks to Vera. She told it this story, without knowing that it also is Roman's wife. And when she learned about it, was already late.

"It approached Larisa with some man. Having seen together Larisa and Vera, he was terrified and told the satellite that he has to talk to women, and that left it.

− Vera? – he was surprised, watching a vacant blank look at the wife, − what you do here? – it translated a view of Larisa. – Did you already get acquainted?

Larisa felt that here something not so. The novel looked confused and obviously did not know what to tell. He was afraid to be mistaken, tell something not that, but, obviously, everything is vain. The belief frowned, it reproachfully looked at the husband.

Without understanding what occurs, Larisa in embarrassment asked.

− you what, are familiar?

The belief victoriously smiled, it rose from a chair and, having taken a glass with clear water, splashed it in a face of the Novel. Then she told only one.

− What you swine. – And these words were pronounced so that from outside it seemed that Vera just spat to it in a face. – Bastard. – She looked on nothing at not understanding Larisa and added. – Silly woman! What you silly woman! If it needed continuation of its sort, then it could go to bank of sperm and, without changing the wife, to continue the sort. – She made a pause. Looking at Larisa, she for some reason felt sorry for her. – Though I have nothing to judge. Arrive as you want, but it also will change you, as well as me. – Here she contemptuously looked at the husband, and then left, having left them alone.

The novel, having watched the wife leave, sat down at a table, took Larisa's hand in the and assured her.

− you have nothing to worry.

Larisa was in perplexity. She could not understand how it could happen? As she in this person did not make out his true essence. Rascal and only. She spent enough time with it to know it better. But how she could not understand its essence? Apparently, the love made the business. She saw in it only the one who loves it, and did not pay attention to all the rest.

She heaved a deep sigh, with great reserve fastened on herself a smile and told:

− Everything is all right, your wife full bitch.

Roman was solidary. He told:

− Now you understand why I get divorced".

− To the next evening I came to the apartment to finish all this, – the Belief continued the story. – Having entered the apartment, I heard some sounds in the bedroom. I passed to the bedroom also saw that is there, in my bed as if the dog, commits adultery my husband. It lay in a bed with two wild orchids. Obviously, it was thrown by Larisa and he invited two prostitutes to my apartment. But I was mistaken. Soon from under a blanket the third woman, the third moth seemed. I did not have enough forces to constrain the anger. I approached a bed and, having thrown out all three from it and that was urine showing a hand the door, bellowed: – Clean up!

I pushed them to an exit door, shouting that they got out from my apartment. I do not remember any more what I told them, I remember only that I with things pushed out them from the apartment, having told that it did not come back any more and that went where far away, to the Larisa.

Having listened to a story of this woman, I promised that I will part them. The fact of treason was available. Her husband changed Vera and he even did not deny it, and the situation with prostitutes could put the end to this history. Also I took an interest whether eats proofs of its treason besides her words?

− This child, – Vera told. – If it it does not do its and any analyses, then let remain with it. He decided the destiny, I on this communication did not push it.



Having come home, Vera called Romana and told him that she files the application for a divorce. Having learned about it, Roman found out who processes their case, and here he knocks at the door of my office.

− It is possible.

− Yes, you enter.

The man entered an office. I do not know why, but it was not pleasant to me at once. It looked as the swine. The haughty bastard who will not miss the and will not allow another to rob himself. Having sat down on a chair, he said to me that it not my business − to interpose in their family matter. He also warned me that I will regret if I part them, having motivated it with what has communications on the top, and he can dismiss me. What I answered.

− Not you hired me, not to you me and to dismiss.

− I what, I do not know that it is your private shop so there is no justice on you? I saw such, take much, and do less than nothing. What, am not I right? How much for you have a reception? Thousand or two? And for services I in general am silent! Do you beggar the person? Until you take off the last shirt, you will make nothing. So how many my wife pays you? I will give more.

These words offended me. For all my short practice nobody reproached me with kopek. I took cheap, but did everything on conscience. The one who was my client was happy with our services, thanked. And this?
