Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

However, without having departed from a rating Romana, Vera bellowed at the hall:

− Well the cataracts goggled? What, it is impossible to talk to the husband? Hey you! Wearing spectacles what the cataracts goggled what, it am pleasant?

The man sitting nearby wearing spectacles turned away from it, and his girl who obviously was younger than him on extremely measure twice, something told him, and those, having asked the account, left.

− That? – Vera in a trace to the leaving couple bellowed. – Do not you want to look at me? Young people give you, an old cable.

The man immediately turned back and in despair parried.

− Silly woman! This is my daughter. – And then added. – How it is not a shame to you, and still the woman? – then it threw. – To you in the market to trade, and that to use was б more.

The belief something wanted to answer, it even opened a mouth, but the man with the daughter already left. Then she addressed Roman.

− you saw? – puzzly she told. – No, you saw, and? It sent me to the market what for the swine? – then she recovered after the insult caused by it and after it shouted: – Well I will also go! On extremely measure I will earn more there, than somewhere, – Vera continued to speak loudly. But more nobody listened to it, all were busy with the affairs. Having seen that more nobody listens to it, it transferred the anger back to Roman. – Well you are silent? I listen to an explanation? What will you still there invent to justify oneself?

Roman did not know that to answer it, he was partly guilty of what now happened in this cafe. He mixed them and went absolutely to other cafe, cafe where they spent time with Larisa if they of course did not go to restaurant. However, they, frankly speaking, also were in it two times, it is no more.

− it is unimportant why I was late, – he told. – Important the fact that I came. All the rest is unimportant. – He got a box from a jacket pocket, put it closer to Vera and, having opened it, told by a gentle and tender voice: – It to you.

The belief took a small box from a table and, having glanced in it, and! What is it? Perhaps Roman the romantic, but I write this reconciliation as I imagine it. What bad is that the man in reconciliation gives to the woman something valuable, for one day, and on for the rest of the life. And Roman romantic. What did he present to Vera? A ring with diamond in three carats. And as I already wrote that Roman − he is a romantic, however, and in life something is possible similar.

And seeing as Vera cooled down after long hot charge in my address and a verbal rating of all cafe and the people who are present at it, she could make anything, but she did not begin to do anything of that kind. It seems to me that in a similar situation the woman a little bit feels the guilt. It did not allow Roman to open a mouth. Only she spoke and accused him of all mortal sins. And he, obviously, ran on jewelry stores, looking for this charm. She askance looked at Roman. She had nothing to tell it. She felt as the last swine. Her husband looked for a ring, found and brought. And it? But nevertheless she was a woman. It did not fall to it on knees, did not blur in smiles, did not fall into arms, she just asked by a firm voice:

− It that?

Here I want to notice that this ring appeared at Roman not accidentally: yesterday, he spoke with the mother by phone, and she suggested it to buy something memorable, something that could not be thrown out on a garbage can and to forget about it. And what good gift to the woman? There is a lot of them. Everyone loves something special, and nobody loves flowers. Most of them smell of the dead man. What here will you tell? Roman quietly answered:

− It to you.

The belief pulled out a ring from a box and, having looked at it from all directions, put on it a finger of the left hand. Then she gave a hand to glass and, having looked at it through a sunlight window, having seen all beauty of the stone which is poured in beams the sun behind glass she thought that, perhaps, she was not right. What is jewelry give not just like that. Probably, he long looked for him if he came to cafe for half an hour later. Yes, he precisely looked for him. She looked at it: and what I for the silly woman such? – she abused herself. – He wanted to make to me pleasant, and I? What I am a silly woman! – she spoke to herself. − the Silly woman, the silly woman also are".

Of course, in different situations reconciliation happens differently, and sometimes it is simply impossible. But not for Roman. He was sure that this gift will soften Vera's heart, and they at least will talk.

Belief, having looked at Roman, thought that not all is possible it is lost. It is possible to save their marriage. In the end of the ends, she is partly guilty of the incident. What was she for the wife if could not give rise, and then was afraid to tell that she recovered, and it is possible, it isn't it?

The fear of inevitability doomed to destroy marriage this family on parting, now it was necessary to correct this error.

The belief looked at Roman. He looked at it, in his eyes it was visible that he regrets deeds. He wanted to talk, try to adjust though some the relation with it, with the wife, Vera.

The belief told.

− I never before saw such beauty!

− It is pleasant?

The belief looked at a ring, and then at Roman. It liked this ring, diamond in it was pleasant. It seemed that she just about also will forgive Roman, but it was not so. She could not forgive him so. In fact, it changed it, and the fact that it was fruitless, was not justification here. Yes, it is possible it partly and it is guilty of the incident, but it?. Vera could not neither forget it and nor forgive.

− Well, – she so cold told that from outside it seemed that this gift was indifferent for it. She looked at this ring and saw in it only one − desire, desire of forgiveness. But whether she will be able to forgive Romana? Now she was offended, offended by it so that it was difficult for it even to see it, what to tell with it. – I agree you to listen, and only. – All this phrase was said so that from outside it seemed that for it it is indifferent, he sits opposite to it here or not. She agreed to listen to him only because about it it was asked by mother Romana, Nadezhda. Also she wanted to look in his shameless eyes and to understand why he made it? Really matter only in children or she did not suit it as the woman? She should find out it. Then she threw words into its party even more cold, so, that Roman was frightened. – Say that you are silent? I what, till the evening I will wait for you?

On his body ran ice cold, and it made the glotatelny movement and, having goggled on trust the scared eyes, answered.

− That ж. – he began and, having hesitated, added. – However, I do not know what to begin with.

The belief immediately steamed.

− Begin with the main thing. – And having made a short pause, it began for Roman. – Darling I changed you. – Then she asked, kind of with a sneer: – I hope, I was not mistaken, I still for you expensive?

The novel immediately steamed.

− Of course. You for me always were, is and will remain the woman, dear to me!

The belief indifferently answered itself in a nose.

− Who would doubt.

− That?

− I speak, – there began Vera, – I wait until you that be give rise. I listen, – she told and added: – I told you what to begin with: DARLING I CHANGED YOU. – She made a pause and continued. – Or perhaps you do not consider what you changed me? Well! There is nothing to tell, or nevertheless I will hear from you though something in the justification?

Roman looked in a window. Clouds were condensed in the sky, was dark, the rain just about will pour down. He looked on trust and told.

− I have nothing to tell. You are right, I changed you. I was blinded by desire to have the child, but there was everything to a turn.
