Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Amnesty with glee was greeted in the West. And Medvedev immediately gained a reputation as a good king. And the number of prisoners in the colonies decreased three times.

  Moreover, the new acting President proposed amendments to the criminal code. On them it was forbidden to take into custody for crimes for which the term of imprisonment did not exceed ten years.

  In addition, it was suggested that each prisoner in the remand prison should have at least five meters of living space. As well as this innovation, it was forbidden in jail to have more than four people in one cell. That is, all common cameras should be liquidated and redone.

  In addition, Medvedev proposed a reasonable amendment to the criminal code. To all previously convicted, to jail were kept together with the only with no previous convictions. And to not have a criminal record, went to a special colony, where he was held without criminal records. And, of course, with preferential conditions of detention, and the right to visit twice a week.

  In addition, each jail cell should be a color TV and a working refrigerator. And every convict should have the right to take a shower. And not once a week, but every day.

  It was also perceived by the liberals is quite warm. At the same time, of course, Medvedev strongly emphasized his closeness and unity with Putin. Nevsky prospect in St. Petersburg was named in honor of the second President of Russia Putin. Putin himself was posthumously awarded the order of St. Andrew, the star of the hero of Russia and was awarded the title of Marshal of the Russian Federation.

  Soon, however, Medvedev posthumously awarded the star hero of Russia and Boris Nemtsov. That is very positively perceived by the West and local liberals. The awarded was and Michael Kasianov, the former Prime Minister of Russia with the order for merit to the Fatherland first degree. And Castanova Medvedev appointed honorary assistant of the Russian President for Economics and Finance in the framework of Deputy Prime Minister. With a correspondingly high salary.

  Received unexpectedly the appointment and Bulk. Its actual President of Russia Medvedev appointed the head of the Commission on fight against corruption and bribery. And awarded the order of merit to the Fatherland of the second degree.

  Nikita Belykh was released from custody and got a position in the government. Released and Ulyukaeva, too, became something of an Advisor.

  At the same time, the criminal case against Khodorkovsky stopped. This businessman was even invited to Moscow. Medvedev also made a proposal to the Supreme court to review the ban on the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Moreover, it violated the Constitution and freedom of speech. Was revised and the controversial package of Spring. Most of it was cancelled. Bloggers got more freedom.

  Vertical liberalization has started. For the first time in many years, left the program "dolls".

  Other laws were adopted. In particular, it was allowed to vote now from fourteen years, that is, from the date of receipt of the passport. And in the Duma can be elected from eighteen. In governors and the Federation Council since twenty-one years. President Medvedev proposed an amendment to the thirty years.

  The law on the election of governors has been significantly changed. First, the maximum number of signatures collected has been reduced by two to one per cent. And the number of minimum from half a percent to one tenth. The most important thing was the abolition of municipal filters, which the party in power actively used. And also the prohibition to take part in elections of persons having a criminal record for serious and especially serious crimes.

  Medvedev himself personally said: I trust my people and my voters. And I know that they will not choose criminals.

  In addition, it was possible not only to reduce the age from which you can go to the governors to twenty-one years, but also those who are under thirty-five years old could run by collecting a minimum tenth of the percentage of signatures.

  Besides it was allowed to the same person to put signatures on different candidates. That is very progressive and provided competitive elections.

  The President of Russia hinted that the terms of powers of the Duma and the head of state can be revised. In particular, the Duma can, as before, be elected for four years, and the President as in most countries of the world for five years. In any case, the reduction of the term of office is not far off.

  Foreign Minister Lavrov was unexpectedly dismissed as well. His place was taken and this is a small sensation - Igor Lebedev. That is Zhirinovsky's son.

  Medvedev himself announced that the best foreign Minister is hard to find. And young and experienced. And passed a large school in the Duma.

  The youngest leader of the political faction. One of the youngest Vice effects. He worked in ministries and in Parliament. Doctor of social and historical Sciences. Has three sons.

  The latter is especially stressed Medvedev: the exemplary father giving birth to soldiers for Russia.

  The candidacy evoked mixed reactions in the West and East. As it is the son of the aggressive enemy of a Fuse of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. But...

  Zhirinovsky himself, seeing a change in the mood of the Kremlin, turned criticism of the West and focused on the Communists. The election promised to be quite controversial. Several porn stars came forward, and a very motley company.

  Medvedev himself criticized the regimes of Belarus and Kazakhstan for being undemocratic, and said that Russia would be with him an oasis of freedom and the most legal state in the world! And that the presidential elections in Russia will be unparalleled in the world in terms of democracy and openness.

  The Russian President also announced the establishment of the order of Ilya Muromets of three degrees. Gold, silver and bronze.

  And the order of the first degree awarded four Ukrainian boxers: Usyk, Lomachenko, Klitschko brothers! And presented awards to them personally. Gold portraits of Ilya Muromets. Which is very, very honorable.
