Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Generally the strongest in the booking tank production was in English "tortilla". Although weak running qualities. But and gun and protection on perform well. But accurate data about the practical application of this machine no. Only "Jagdtiger", could in a head-on battle to beat the "Tortilla". But this ACS will also appear only in the forty-fourth year and its driving performance and reliability-zilch!

  In General, only a series of German tanks "E" failed to enter mass production could cause the red army at least some damage. So the Germans are not too rational did the layout diagram. They have, for example, "Panther", and weighs forty-five tons, was significantly inferior forty ton "Churchill". The frontal armor hull 80 mm vs 152, the tower 110 152 against, the side in later models Panther 50 mm against 95.

  That behind the Germans, even from Britain in the tank, what can you say from the USSR? The German "Tiger" -2 with a weight of sixty-two tons is inferior to The t-54 in the reservation and is approximately close to the armor-piercing guns. So smash the Germans are quite real.

  A dynamic. And the pottery? And the third generation armor ... but damn it, he doesn't know the details. Well, dynamic protection is more clear - tiles with explosives... what is the armor of the tank of the third generation, and how it differs from the second? It's foggy. Well, there is no time for the President of Russia to delve into technical details. Maybe some kind of scholar or a teenager in technique much better than it understands.

  In General, Putin has created the image of a Superman, but really he has a very superficial knowledge in military technology.

  Something is known about The Wehrmacht technique, but it is thanks to reading in the Library. Well? "Tiger" -2 has a frontal armor of the body in 150-millimeters, and the forehead of the head in 180-millimeters. But what does this knowledge give? That's what the armor thickness of the T-90 he doesn't remember. And Tiger -2?

   Several older car on the layout. And heavy. Better "Tiger" the simple fact that armor sloping. And a more powerful gun. But veterans say that a tank that is constantly breaking down, to take it seriously not worth it. In General, if they hear that all the tanks the Germans - G.

  In the mind has already started to make noise from exhaustion. M-Yes, this technique will confuse anyone.

  Another question is what to do with Vlasov? Shoot him or not? After all until he not changed. Or maybe even abolish the death penalty?

  Putin-Stalin was very tired... and did not notice how dozed off right in the chair... it seemed to blow waves.

  Here he is sailing on a large, ancient times the galley. And the sea is not tender, Northern. Even about a mile away a huge, sparkling iceberg floats. Ice iceberg slightly gives sapphire blue, and pink, turquoise waves, so beautifully bubbling and splashing like water is alive and every molecule longs to sing a wonderful Symphony.

  Putin-Stalin stroked broadsword. He is now dressed like a Viking, reliable mail, tall, big( not that that runt Adolf Hitler, the little dictator in the body of which he fortunately did not materialize. And became Stalin! Not too big either. Why, for example, he did not become a mighty Genghis Khan, or as written in ancient Greek manuscripts giant Alexander the great?). On the feet, heavy boots with iron horseshoes. And here is team have him...

  Beautiful girls, not older than twenty-five years, all large, muscular. Despite the cold wind, almost naked,: to perform. Only on the chest a small plate of metal, and luxurious thighs, short skirt of a Suite of wire chainmail. The main girl-warrior has hair whiter than snow, which sparkle in the rays... of three luminaries, as well as a wreath of carefully polished diamonds on her head. It is very large, athletically built, but the waist is thin, on the stomach you can see a distinct press. Despite the fact that the muscles under the tanned Golden-olive skin of the girl rolled balls, she had so much femininity and eroticism that any man would give without hesitation for such a life. This girl is his assistant Stella, their heads are about on the same level and the warrior smiling affably, says:

   My heart feels that the meeting with the clan, Differ already close enough that it's not even on the tip of a dagger, and we can say that the dagger entered the body of the victim.

  Stalin-Putin replied with a sigh:

  - Unfortunately, we are all a hundred and twenty, even battle-hardened warriors. And the enemy has the advantage.

  Stella fingers barefoot legs picked up lying on the floor of a metal disc, and unexpected speed threw it into the mast of the ship. Flashed like a sunbeam launched first-grader, a deadly object pierced rib right between the eyes of terribly drawn horned monster. The girl exclaimed:

  - Here there and put the enemy in checkmate!

  Stalin-Putin approved:

   That's great! In combat, one angry Panther is worth five tigers!

  Stella ran her hand down her throat with her rib.:

  - Differi it's not tigers, but the two-legged goats. However, you will soon see them Prince Alexander the Great.

  Prince-Viking so to chuckle:

   To see good - but wow bad!

  The galley, which sailed the brave Prince-a captain and the leader of the Soviet Union, was rugged and dressy at the same time. The deck is varnished, with beautiful and at the same time menacing drawings. Especially many dragons, and they sat upon them, half-naked girls with swords. A beautiful sight and at the same time rich, while causing shyness. Stalin-Putin thought that, perhaps, it will impress their enemies. Only here is strange, why on a ship there is no men, except him the most? What are the feminists doing here? Usually, Viking women fought, or it is the wrong Vikings.

   Stalin-Putin cast a glance at the sky and involuntarily coughed: well, why did he think that this is all Scandinavia, if the crystal dome is decorated with only three suns. Everything!!! Ha ha ha! He probably wanted to say three! It is even surprising that with such solar activity here so cool and even on masts frost appears. But the girls are warriors, how can they not be cold so naked? Her bare legs were raskraskami, but faces smiling. The beauties themselves are simply charming, they have so much charm. Such a glamorous crew.
