Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Such essential alterations of the psycho-emotional condition of people are performed under the influence of the insignificant in meaning force hesitations and the factors that accompany it. As the result of the moon-solar gravitation the weight of the object of 1 ton changes only for 0,2 g. Most people don’t feel and realize such changes. At the same time there are people whose high sensibility allows them to feel it. Such people can feel and some are also able to realize the influence of the small gravitational and electro-magnetic powers which belong to the category of soft and cumulative ones. They can feel the tendencies of the current alterations of the soft power and express the necessity of this or that behavior by means of words.

Central place in the Solar System surely belongs to the Sun. Namely the Sun equals all the planets and then they start quarrel between each other. But also the Sun does not stand on one place. According to its plan it equals to the centre of the local group of the stars which also equals to the centre of the local star gathering and together they move around the centre of Galaxy. That is why the Sun constantly moves fast or stops implementing the hard evolutions in the space which are followed by all the planets.

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Gravitational fields of the Sun constantly change and all the cosmic bodies taken over by its gravitation react on it.

The processes are cyclical and we for sure do not have any idea of them (one day of Svarog – 25.920 years, cosmic era – 2.160). Namely these processes essentially influence our Earth and mankind. But they are also slow in the frames of the human life, generation and we do not “react on it”. We are more “interested” in faster processes begotten by the planets’ motion, since the planets have a strong influence on gravitational and magnetic fields of the Solar System and the Earth due to its position for the Sun.

The position of the planets for the Sun defines the position of the mass centre of the Solar System which constantly moves inside the Sun and does not coincide with its centre. There is a constant speed up in the centre of the Sun due to this fact which constantly changes its value and its sign and it leads to the alteration of gravitational and magnetic fields of the Sun. All the planets react on this fact.

The main impact on the Sun belongs to such giant planets as Jupiter and Saturn. They influence the processes that take place on the Earth by their masses and magnetic spheres.

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What happens when Jupiter and Sun stand on one line on the one side of the Sun (connection?). The mass centre changes, and the Solar System also changes its position to their side and the Sun starts coming closer to it with higher speed up. The Earth reacts on it and it starts moving, the gravitation grows and everything situated on its surfaces finds the equilibrium.

When Jupiter and Saturn are on one line but on different sides of the Sun (opposition) everything is vise versa. The distance between the mass centers of the Solar System and the Sun is supposed to be the least. The Sun starts pulling these planets with its gravitational power. The Earth has to “stop”. The living beings have to react on it and some of them will feel it.

There is also one significant position of planets: the Earth makes a quadrate with giants. In this situation they actively interact with the Earth by their gravitational powers. People react on it by psycho-physiological and socio-psychological changes.

What is worth to be noted? The alteration of the gravitation more intensively happens when the giant planets move towards their connection or opposition. In this time the mass centre of the Solar System moves away from the centre of the Sun or comes closer to it, and the Sun reacts on it with the change of its fields. The connection and the opposition of the giant planets influence the processes in the Solar System. The Earth also reacts independent from where it is situated for the giants. But connection and opposition of these planets weakly correlates with solar activity if we describe the linear correlation of these figures. It is relatively independent cosmic power.

The relatively constant factor that influences our life is the magnetic fields of the Sun and the planets of Solar System. And directly these planets play the main role in the processes.

Planets and the Sun go around their common center of mass and it creates the axial movement. It is associated with the magnetic flux density. Its vector does not coincide with the center of the Sun, whereby the created magnetic moment and the magnetic field occurs. Intrinsic magnetic field is possessed by all the planets which have satellites. Mercury and Venus almost do not have it. Those miserable magnetic field values that are noted are the result of eccentricity which arises when these planets move relative to the Sun.

The magnetosphere of the Sun goes even beyond the Solar System with its impact, and it was stated by "Voyagers". At the same time, long-term observations have shown that strong magnetic fields occur in the so-called active regions on the Sun – in sunspots (thousands of gauss) and the surrounding flare fields where the magnetic induction is tens and hundreds of gauss. Elsewhere there are typical fields 1-2 Gs. And outside the active regions the magnetic field of the Sun has the form of a dipole, which changes its polarity usually within one 11-year cycle of solar activity.

Jupiter has powerful magnetic field. The reason is the presence of 67 satellites (only stated, but it is believed that there are about 100). Magnetic induction at cloud tops is of 3 Gauss at the equator (about 10 times greater than that of the Earth), and about 14 gauss at the poles. It rotates within a period of 9 hours and 55 minutes. Jovian dipole will be even more powerful. There is evidence of NASA that the electron flows that go from Jupiter to Earth may be superior if they are coming from the Sun. The Saturn's magnetic field induction at the equator is equal to 0.21 G. Its dipole has an orbital period of 10 hours and 45 minutes. The polarity of the magnetic fields of these planets is opposite to the polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth.

By the approaching of Jupiter and Saturn, their magnetic fields are in resonance. Periodically, these processes interfere with the Earth. Sometimes the interaction of the magnetic and gravitational fields of these three great planets takes a resonant character. They are also so strong that it is not a small effect, which is involved in the change of the sign of the interplanetary magnetic field. This phenomenon was discovered when mankind was not yet aware of the presence of magnetic fields of the giant planets. According to measurements taken on our polar stations, in 1957-1958 it was more negative, and in the period of 1960-1961 years it was positive [5]. But in between these years, Jupiter and Saturn have experienced the connection, and then dispersed.

Gravitational and electromagnetic fields of the interplanetary space constantly change and interact with each other. There is a great amount of experimental data about this fact. Famous Russian seismologist A. Sytinskiy found that the earthquakes of more than 6.5 points usually happen on the day ahead of magnetic storms. [9] This fact confirms the idea that the resonant interactions of electromagnetic and gravitational fields in interplanetary space are the cause, the catalyst and the trigger of most disasters occurring in the world. Naturally, all the living beings react on it as it is largely composed of water or immersed in water, which is a complex composition of various anions and cations. The alterations in gravitational magnetic fields affect the physiology, mental state of people and nervous activity which is based on conducting nerve impulses and every nerve impulse is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
