In northern regions tactical galactic fighters continued methodical cleaning, without doing special distinctions between the military and civil purposes. The most powerful cyber-loudspeakers installed on them threw up the streams of the terrifying music which are breaking off eardrums. Technogenic cacophony broke even the steadiest mental design. Gengir showed tigerish teeth, is deafening murlykav.
- What a pity that people of Earth die so promptly.
His workmate the ten-star officer of Eph Kovalet added:
- I even am not in time, to move with a finger as there are mountains of the disfigured corpses. It is a pity for them children, they do not manage to realize what is death. It is necessary to cut off at first to them the laser fingers on hands, and legs!
The general cannibal ran a finger with the pointed nail over a throat:
- Nothing we will let those who will escape on footwear and raincoats. Look what glossy skin at them, especially at young women.
- Here it is possible to arrange decent sanatorium, from a hyper safari on hairless primacies. - Loudly whined, emotionally sparking Eph's teeth.
- I will buy to myself a site! I will rarefy to local females stomachs, I will put on them the children, let will drive on guts! - Two cannibals with plazmo-computers and the superweapon burst out laughing.
The "iron" marshal Gennady Polikanov was literally killed in a hysterics, the powerless rage smothered the "new" Russian president.
- Proklyatye! Really we are so hopelessly weak? They simply blurt out our brains. Probably, if I believed in God, then by all means began to ask about the help. But I do not trust in fairy tales of this sort as I this transatlantic clown Michael, and will not pray! Capitulations from me you, star monsters, all the same will not wait!
Suddenly light in the deep bunker for a moment went out, and then in earphones the familiar voice was heard to loathing;
- Russians, give up! We will spare your lives to all who will voluntarily put your scanty similarity of the weapon! I guarantee to obedient individuals life and three meals a day in a labor dispensary!
The Russian marshal made the expressive gesture sending where far away.
- Russians never give up! We will fight to the bitter end or we will die, standing with is proud of the raised head!!!
The marshal is already slightly quieter, gave the order.
- If to die, then with music! Include that anthem under which melody went to attack and our ancestors perished!
Meanwhile star Amazon could not stop pleasure. Pictures of massacre and destructions caused rough delight and indescribable pleasure. Especially excited and the fact that people, like two peas in the pod similar on stelzan perished caused a mad high.
- Who else in the Universe can brag of such happiness - to kill similar?!
Obviously, it had problems with mentality. Because the type of enormous destructions and archipelagoes from the burned corpses did not please many sane aggressors any more. People of Earth are similar on stelzan as if brothers smaller. It, as though, early youth of their own race. And to object it is scared: the cranky harpy can thrust also a charge from a plasma luchemet.
Lira, without feeling brakes any more, tumbled down young enormous an ofitserishka, having published a cry.
- I order all - to join us! Also cut large-scale, on all conquered planet of the hologram. Start up everything the survived primacies will see how to us kvazarno!. There will be Gipertrakh!
However one of star generals Kramar Razorvirov sharply tore off her words.
- War is not a brothel. Get up, shake off and put on!
Star Kali rushed to the laser automatic machine. But Kramar appeared quicker: the seven-barreled weapon rested against a forehead, and two barrels, having extended, pricked a magnificent breast.
The lira furiously, could not cast out so much poison from itself any cobra, hissed:
- To you all the same there will come the end. You will be useless is annihilated!
The naked breast rose as icebergs during a storm. Possess Velimara similar ability, she would wither one with a look impudent "moralist". Officers stood. Very seldom there are collisions between generals.
Eph Kovalet, having winked at the right eye, whispered:
- What kvazarny fighter, is afraid of nothing!
The duel deadly without chances of indulgence was about to happen. Situation was saved by the message made the computer.
- In mountains which people of Earth call Ural the underground nuclear power plant, and also the whole network of underground communications is found. Results of scanning demonstrate that there is a command post of the opponent.
The multidimensional holographic image flashed. The network of underground communications with an exact portrayal of the smallest details was visible distinctly, without giving even the slightest chances to disappear.
Generals and officers right there quickened.
- There it is also necessary to strike blow. Our rockets are ready.
- No, there will be no blow. There the leader of monkey pack - Polkan. It should be taken live. We on it will make experiments, testing painful isotopes, and then we will send its effigy to the museum. Hey, you what stared? Prepare disembarkation to a surface. This planet already under us!