On all TV screens the image of the beautiful woman appeared. Her ideally correct person was lit up by a pearl smile, eyes shone kindness and advantage. It differed from terrestrial female models only in a three-colored iris of the eye of eyes and is dazzling the shining multi-color hairdress. By a soft silver voice the star siren told:
- I am glad to welcome you, our kind brothers on reason, inhabitants of the planet Earth. I hope that contact between us will inure to benefit to both races. And now we ask for permission to land on your precious planet.
Cybernetic devices translated everything in the automatic mode. The U.S. President right there agreed, having slightly bowed and having raised the cylinder:
- Yes, land at us. We will be very glad to you. America the free country, and you will be met by sincere triumph!
Medvedev, having friendly smiled, shook the head. Having extremely softened the juicy bass, the leader of the country said:
- We, in principle, not against, but you, star pioneers, arrived from far depths of Space. Perhaps the environment of our planet is poisonous for you or there is theoretical opportunity already to us from your worthy race to catch fatal viruses?
Imposing Lira loudly burst out laughing, the small hairpin of her strange hair, in the form of two with the dispersing edges of lightnings burningly sparkled:
- Be not afraid, the person. We already checked everything, your earth is quite suitable for us. We will divide group of fighting starprobe vehicles and we will land in the territory of two strongest powers of the planet. Prepare grand welcome!
On the Moon two fighting stations of the USA and Russia were located. On each of them - on thirty thermonuclear rockets and fifty employees. It seems there is not a lot of, but four hundred fifty megaton charges established on rockets of the latest generation reminded the gun which froze up at a temple with cocked.
Having blocked any communication with planetary command, Gengir contacted. By a steel voice mighty, shiroplechy stelzan said:
- Soldiers of the planet Earth, in order to avoid the useless victims of you, lay down arms and give codes, otherwise, for the sake of your benefit, in glory of our reason, we will apply violence.
- We will not obey to alien dictatorship! - amicably commanders generals Labutin and Rockefeller several minutes ago looking at each other as Lenin at the bourgeoisie answered.
The wolf carnivorously sparkled the murderer's eyes, began to give vote metal even stronger:
- You do not make laugh me, monkeys, your equipment is primitive. Progress is as hail granules, the speed is higher, the it is more than destructions, and only wind of prudence is capable to drive away the hatred clouds bearing annihilation!
The general turned on the quantum generators destabilizing operation of all cybernetic and electric units. The fighters disguised in invisible to eyes and the most perfect radar a covering landed practically all team "Laser Beam".
Fighters flew as if pack of the wild bees mutants, almost invisible, but from it even more terrible. Having overtaken the purpose, they stuck the sticking-out trunks of radiators into fat armor. Threateningly growling, (feeling as if in the lunar desert devilish spirits wakened), fighters of intergalactic special troops, having cut luchemetam a covering of fighting stations, promptly got inside. Several small besekipazhny tanks, a flat akuloobrazny form took part in attack. They silently slid over a sandy surface, having bristled up in dozen of short trunks. Such cars easily could pass epicenter of nuclear explosion and fly on short interstellar distances. From a wide barrel there was an ultragravitational wave bending space and causing panic horror in beings of a proteinaceous vital form. Gengir rigidly ordered:
- To Vakkumirovat sterilely (without shedding of blood)!
Stelzanam was succeeded with the help of large-format paralyzers to disconnect without loss practically all defenders of both lunar bases. Only one armetikansky general as if evaporated though gamma scanners illuminated all station. Gromila-stelzan grinned.
- It seems that the irradiated chimpanzee in shoulder straps left in giperpolzok. Scan a surface.
In five miles from base found the thrown moon rover, and in mile - desperately running away general of armetikansky army. Gengir wanted to show the daring and it is easy as if the kite of a chicken overtook Jan Rockefeller. That the general understood with whom he deals, the star Wolf switched off a cybercamouflage - on a silvery lunar surface the terrible contour of the furious giant appeared. Rockefeller in despair to a limit squeezed a doggie of an experimental luchemet, even reduced a brush from terrible tension. However its human laser automatic machine was, is too weak and could not even scratch a landing armored suit of the newcomer. The giant easily beat out the weapon and, having broken out hands, neutralized desperately fluttering armetikanets. The big mouth grinned in a poisonous smile, the varnished teeth of a stelzan got a cyanotic shade:
- Badly you run, an animal. With such data to you, the fainthearted slave not to earn on a lokhanka with a protein.
Choking with mix of fear and gnnbsp; Hermes grinned, on his eagle person the predatory smile stiffened:
&ева, the general murmured:
- Early you rejoice, the star demon. Your starprobe vehicle will scatter right now on photons and when God Jesus comes, space demons will overthrow all of you in Gehenna of tortures!
- Sick nonsense of a backward primacy. Your rockets are paralyzed! - Gengir it is poisonous grinned.
- I ordered to strike blow still before you, the Satan, delivered the ultimatum. - Rockefeller unsuccessfully tried to unclench death grip of the giant.
General-stelzan having shown to fingers a circle, having given a whistle: