Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Unlike the natural course of things, the industrial center was created as a metallurgical center. On the territory to the north of the Bosporus on a small river East Bulganak, by the autumn of 1203, a very significant complex developed, employing about 250 skilled workers. The river was blocked by a dam and equipped with an inclu- sive water wheel, which was used to drive the bellows that injected air or into the blast furnace, or into the refining furnace. The blast furnace itself, having a height of seven meters and a volume of about seven cubes, could restore up to 5 tons of ore at a time. It worked on imported lime ore and birch coal from the Kievan principality, and the air came to it pre-heated, this allowed to get a very good yield - from 5 tons of ore containing about 30-40% of iron, it was possible to restore up to 1500 kg of the desired metal, coming out in the form of cast iron. It was an excellent result for the early 13th century. But at this stage the processing of iron did not end. Further cast iron went in small batches to a puddling furnace, where from it burned off excess carbon, and also phosphorus, with the help of calcareous additives. The resulting steel, even in the stage of the dough-like mixture, was rolled in 10 kg portions on hand-held machines to produce the so-called welded steel. The first welded steel of more or less adequate quality began to be received by May 1203, but this development did not end there. Further work went on the process of doping. By November, mastered two running alloying additives - silicon and manganese, which in the form of an alloy with iron added to the burnt cast iron. And, by the same time, the efficiency of the first metallurgical factory reached the output level of up to 100 kg of welded alloy steel per day, while the bottleneck was a small puddling furnace and a manual rolling mill. That is, to increase productivity, you need to put the second parallel line. At the same time, methods of processing, in particular tools, were mastered. Of course, primitive machines - rolling, impact, pressing and turning - played a special role. The rolling machine had two granite shafts, between which rolled hot steel mass, gradually reducing its thickness. Since the width of the shafts and guides was fixed, the product of such rolled steel was the steel sheets of the required thickness and the same size. The shaft drive was manual - the torque was transmitted by reducing the transfer of massive bronze gears. The impact machine was a steel hammer weighing about 40 kg with a mechanical drive. The hammer was located on the mobile machine. He was cocked by means of a lower gear gear and eccentric. The elevation angle was exhibited in advance, it allowed to regulate the impact force. The press machine was designed for a standard sheet of steel coming out of a rolling mill, and it was a simple construction with a vertical worm drive and a ratio of a downshift of 30 to 1, which made it possible to develop a good effort. Serious problems arose only with the lathe, which, firstly, was needed in several copies, and secondly, the manual drive was sorely lacking for it - either the turns turned out to be small, or the torque. Everything was decided after the construction of a separate hut in which each lathe was driven by a horse walking in a circle. The only serious constructive disadvantage was that it was impossible to process long blanks on it. But since this was not required, because it was intended for the production of crossbow bolts, then such a defect could be neglected. The whole complex occupied about two dozen acres of land and was surrounded by a high stone fence. The entrance to the territory was limited, and all workers were forbidden to discuss any details of the production process on pain of the execution of the family. Since it was a manufactory, there was a strong division of labor with the separation of profile departments, again, this contributed to security - no worker knew the entire production process. Due to the peculiarities of the terrain, by modern standards, the manufactory turned out to be rather low-power, but for that time its possibilities were something beyond the bounds, almost fabulous. In addition to metallurgy, two more very interesting complexes were deployed next to the Bospor. The first was a selection field on which to engage in relevant activities in order to increase the yield of grain crops. The second was the center of brewing. As a matter of fact it was the second manufacture, on which 120 more people worked. The effectiveness of this production was excellent - after the launch of a full cycle a day, about 100 liters of high-quality refined alcohol were obtained. The latter part was packed into clay tanks approximately 1 liter and went on sale as a medical product - for washing wounds, and part was sent to the second department of the manufactory. In this department, it was diluted with fresh water filtered through carbon and silver filters in a ratio of 1 to 4, then packaged in oak barrels into which flavoring fruit additives were added and insisted. After insisting, the liquor was filtered and packaged in containers of commercial containers - 5 and 10 liters. The ratio of medical alcohol to liquors in the production process was about 1 to 20, so the liquor went to cheer in Europe and became appreciated as an exquisite drink, for which they paid well. While alcohol, which went for medical purposes, could afford only very wealthy people, that in the East, that in the West, because it was almost golden. Of course - with this state of affairs, alcohol disagreed in smaller batches, but brought very serious incomes. So, if a liter of liqueur was given on average one Bosporan denarius (50 g of silver), then a liter of alcohol - twenty-five. Manufacture worked on imported raw materials, which was bought up in the Slavic lands, in the first place, of course, it was the Kyiv principality. The cost of production of 1 liter of alcohol, taking into account the cost of raw materials, was 10 Bosporan oblov, this indicated a very high financial efficiency of production. Although, of course, the metallurgical industry was even better in this respect, and if all the products were sold for sale, it could literally be a golden state. However, the metallurgical manufactory was limited to delivering quality forging tools that went literally in weight of gold. Not all smiths could afford them, but 5-10 sets of valuable for 30 Bosporan denarii left with merchant ships every month from November 1203. It would seem strange to organize metallurgical production on imported raw materials, but this is only at first glance strange. It is enough to estimate the value of the ore and coal that were already delivered to Bosporus. So 1 pood of ore was estimated at 3 obols, and a pood of heap of birch coal - at 5. Standing out was the hard coal that was used in the cementing and refining process, its cost was high - as much as 10 obols per pood. In total, the daily consumption of raw materials of the metallurgical manufactory did not exceed three denarii, and the resulting steel was valued at 5 bospor denarii per 1 kg, that is, an incomplete grade of silver of the Vienna standard. But this is so - the price for the prospect, because at first, almost all the product left for own needs - the manufacture of armor and weapons.

Although the industrial center and developed in an organized and very fast pace, but without curiosities could not do. One of the employees decided to taste the medical alcohol. He really liked him, so this fellow managed to get drunk by the end of his shift to such an extent that he could barely move his feet. Of course, an "accident" happened to him, and the oldest son was taken in his place. But it was impossible to leave such a situation without a systemic reaction, so a certain analog of the "dry law" was introduced at the factory: beyond the manufactory you can at least revel in it, but you should not be sober and should not use it in its course. Well, rumors about the extreme harm of drinking pure alcohol in the field of male power. And this is only one little curiosity in the general sequence of production misunderstandings. But the workers became more and more. In March, a small paper mill was set up, which once a week shipped about 200 sheets of thick paper about 0. 5x0. 5m in size, 40 people worked in the workshop. In connection with the unfolding construction, a small brick factory was set up, which once a day supplied construction sites with about 10 cubes of quality, burnt brick. And a lot of other things in detail. According to preliminary estimates, about a thousand people worked at industrial facilities of the Bosporus in the first days of 1204 - they were state workers. The amount for that time is considerable, and they did not all have the necessary qualifications, since such volumes have not yet been concentrated anywhere else. Therefore, in January 1204, the Bosporus Academic Center was established with two levels of study. The first step is universal and it goes all - it includes reading Latin, writing in Latin, counting and a small course of natural science, represented primarily by physics. On the second level, in which there were five branches: metal, war, sea, medicine and management, only a small part of the workers passed. Here, brigade leaders and shift supervisors were trained for the metallurgical manufactory, army officers, ship captains, doctors and officials. Why duplicate the training of officials? The matter is that sets of poor orphans are a temporary measure and soon they will cease, after which the reproduction of the number and quality will have to go naturally. No philosophy, no rhetoric, no poetry - extremely useful practical skills and knowledge. At first the Academic Center was located in several small buildings and had a total of 72 listeners for the entire 1204 year. This was due to acute personnel and methodical hunger, which can be solved only gradually. Relations with religion developed in a special way. Eric was like between two fires - on the one hand he was elevated to princely dignity by the monarch of the Eastern Christian church, on the other hand - a large number of his allies were in the bosom of the West. Therefore, after long-term approvals, a poly-confessional was established in the Bosporan princedom, that is, both Orthodox and Catholic church apparatuses were allowed to operate simultaneously, which allowed to avoid the excitement of the people. Such a measure, though, affected relations with the pope, which began to deteriorate, and quite rapidly, but did not at all respond to the interaction with the Templars. These guys got down to business seriously and were engaged in strengthening their positions in the Middle East by any available means, ignoring the provocations of both Christians and Muslims. As in that proverb "Vaska listens and eats". In that trade and financial knot that the baron between the Antioch, Aleppo and Edessa, then all the participants mixed in, evenly and mutually benefited, which affected the mutual assistance. For the past two years since the departure of Eric, the Templars have twice spoken for military aid to Edessa, which was appreciated and strengthened the relations between these feudal regions. In general, it was a serious breakthrough, since never before such close cooperation between Muslims and Christians did not happen, which immediately affected the level of religious fanaticism - it all of the participants in commodity-money relations in the area of the Edessa-Antioch trade zone began to disappear abruptly. Of course, this situation gave a solid dividend to the prince, as the Bosporan Bank participated in almost all of the major trading operations of the Knights Templar. In all these matters and cares, Eric practically did not give time to Morrigan and his son. This behavior in late January 1204 resulted in the hysteria of his wife. She did not care what he did, but he had to pay attention. It seems to be not a stupid woman, and where did this dislocation come from?
