The city met them with slightly cloudy weather. His ships slowly entered the bay of the military port of Elefenterius and moored. Coming to the pier, Eric gave the necessary instructions, after which he walked to a small harbor tavern according to previously known landmarks. There he was to wait for an emissary. Having met with Theodore, he quickly talked about the current state of affairs and seconded him at Rudolph's disposal, which was supposed to organize the unloading and delivery of people and property to a huge courtyard that the baron bought back last summer. It was a total area of about eight acres, that is, about three hectares, and was located in the port area of Xerolofos. The very location of the courtyard was very convenient - with one side it approached the old wall of Constantine on the highest area of the site, towering fifty meters above sea level. Among other things, it was possible to arrange a shooting range, because the dilapidated fortress wall would have excluded surprises like accidental defeat of passers-by. The other side of it was pestering the main street, which ran from the Arcadia Forum to the Exokonnon district, which lay east of the wall of Constantine. The proximity to the port and the convenience of location on the terrain made this land the best choice. Of course, such an acquisition could hardly have been made before, but now, when Constantinople was in terrible decline because of the unreasonable policy of the emperor, it turned out to be quite real. Even more so - the land was bought for a very small amount. Of course, this land at the time of purchase was no estate, therefore, choosing a place, his emissary was engaged in the traditional work of the dealer - bought the land by hook or by crook. For the year that the land was bought, all buildings could be demolished, it could be surrounded by a three-meter brick fence with a wall thickness of about a meter and a number of buildings, both residential and technological. Throughout the year, Theodore worked to prepare the courtyard for the arrival of his master. The most pleasant was, of course, a large bath with a thermae and an indoor pool, an area of thirty to twenty meters. Money was invested here in surprisingly little, since some of its masters, partially hired by the emissary specialists who worked idle due to general decline and lack of orders, were working partly. In total, bringing the land to the state of a normal, working farmstead, capable of solving all its tasks, cost him three hundred and fifty marks, but here it is worth adding one hundred more marks for the land itself, but, anyway, the amount was quite tolerable for such an acquisition. Eric was preparing for the fact that this land will become his permanent base in Constantinople. Of course, he should have feared the riots of 1204, when after the flight of the emperor the city will be plundered. But he had very good connections among the crusaders and the Venetian nobility, and therefore was completely confident that his farmstead would remain a hotbed of peace and quiet, even if everything around him was destroyed. Although, with all the openwork of the situation, the work on bringing the farmhouse to mind was still a lot, and not for one year. So, having sent Rudolph to do a useful job, he took an escort from Morrigan, Ostronega, Antonio and the Valentino brothers from Vincento, after which he went on a visit to Philippe de Plesier - the Great Master of the Knights Templar with a slight, slightly expressive pomp.
" And good morning, Baron. "Yes, I wanted to talk with you. Please come to my office, here we can accommodate comfortably and have a snack. You in fact from the road, I think, will not refuse a small meal.
" That's right, I will not refuse. "I hope your hospitality extends to my people?
Of course. They will be able to stay here in this room, where they will rest and have breakfast.
- Excellent. - Then they went to the Grand Master's office.
" I hope you know that my predecessor, Gilbert, wanted to study such an interesting person as you. "For what I wanted to arrange an interrogation for you. He was terribly frightened by your methods. On the other hand, he saw from you immediate and solid favor for the Order.
Of course. I was aware of his plans. However, for some reason last year he did not look for a meeting with me.
That's not quite how it is. I was looking. But seeing that you are completely absorbed in the fight against Muslims, and very successfully, did not want to distract you. But, alas, he is no longer with us. He rolled his eyes and crossed himself, whispering something. "I spent a lot of time and energy trying to gather information about you, starting with your childhood. " With you, there must have been something amazing happening, because at the age of fourteen you completely changed. Of course, I'm not Monsieur Eral, and I do not care about your personal secrets. They are not interesting to me. Even though you yourself are the Devil, if you are doing charitable deeds, then the Creator Himself sent you to help us.
"I'm flattered to hear such compliments.
" Baron, you rendered a lot of invaluable services to the Order. "If to speak in essence, then you alone have done more than any of the members of the order. I would like to invite you to join it. Of course, not ordinary brother.
"You know my answer. "
- Of course, but I still have to try. You were invited many times, but you refused every time. Is it personal ambition or something else?
"It's just a cold calculation, caused by some premonition. "
- Can you share it?
Of course. Remember - how your order was founded. Nine knights of their own free will have sworn an oath and so on. Remember!
Excellent! Remember how long it took until Papa got involved in your business?
" Twenty years. "What are you driving at?
- The Order of the Knights Templar is a military monastic order, which is the support of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. You reasoned reasonably, but because you are seriously engaged in finance, in order to meet your needs. Resources are, alas, not the manna of heaven, they do not fall from the sky. At the moment, you already have a huge amount of money, what will happen in a hundred years? Do you understand the consequences of this phenomenon?
Of course. On our means, many monarchs of Europe are already envious of envy.
Excellent! Now consider the second aspect. East The Order itself can not wage war against Muslims, and Christian rulers in their own selfish ambitions are not able to act in an organized manner. You can observe the result of such activity already now. Do you remember who Yusuf, called by the people of Salah ad-Din, is?
- So, the turnover is so tense that a crusade has begun to prepare against them, in which it is supposed to destroy heresy physically.
What? Where did you get this information from?
" I have many spies. "And do you know who will most likely lead this campaign?
"Do not worry, Baron.
- Earl of Artois, Louis I, who is the most serious contender for the throne of the French kingdom. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
- It's hard not to understand. And it's terrible that, firstly, you are right, and secondly, we can not retreat any more. These are sad words, Baron. Now I understand your unwillingness to enter the order.
" You must also understand why I do not want you to be kicked out of the Holy Land. "While you stay there, even if you bite your teeth into a small patch of land, you will exist. As soon as you fly out of there - you will be abolished and looted, and it is possible that after accusing heresy and betraying the execution.