The girl entered the room and closed the door behind her.
" Come on in, sit down. "I want to talk to you. - She nodded and sat next to him on the couch, exactly where he pointed out to her.
" I Eric, you understand everything. "Why do you ask?
- I ask in order to hear the answer.
Ok. I'm jealous of you. I love and jealous, strongly. I thought that these girls were chosen by you. And it made me angry and angry. We talked to you about this topic, and I promised you not to bother with your feelings. But I'm a man, and a man who loves me a lot. And it hurts me from my experiences.
- And how much? What will you go for your feelings?
" Do you think that I do not control my jealousy and, in a fit of rage, I can hurt you? " He said nothing, looking straight into her eyes. After a few moments, her eyes widened, she rose abruptly from the couch, went to a small decorative table and took a knife from there. Then she turned, went up to him and, kneeling before him, brought the blade with the point to his left breast. Why did the dress in this place parted, exposing the body part. She pushed hard enough to cut through the skin, and a thin trickle of blood flowed from the knife down.
" Just order me and I'll kill myself. "My life belongs to you, and if you think that I'm dangerous to you, the Morrigan will gladly deliver you from anxiety. Her lips quivered, her breathing was faster, and her eyes were full of tears. They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, after which Eric fixed her hand with a quick movement and yanked, pulling and turning the knife to the side.
- Dispose of, to prepare water for ablution - you are all in the blood, and this is not good. Also order that they bring here some almond oil. Then you'll come back and take a shower, and I'll give you a relaxing massage. You are too tense and excited. This needs to be corrected.
"What about your question? "
" You already answered him. "And now hurry, order everything you need and come back. I do not want you to be alone in this state, I do not need surprises like your corpse.
"All right, I'll do it as quickly as possible. "
She wiped her tears with her hands and hurried out into the corridor, from where her voiced voice was immediately heard. After half an hour there was a scene with washing in a large, copper bath, followed by a massage of the naked and smoldering under his hands girls. And also the scene of sex. Eric made a decision. On the one hand, it was a forced compromise, on the other - stupidity, which he will regret yet, with the third - reserve for the future. Be that as it may, but now he is even more connected by circumstances. Alas, the more he developed around himself the serving structure, the less he belonged to himself. And it scared. But he did not have a choice, and therefore - it was necessary to live on, and not just to live, but to act, striving for the intended goal.
It was April 5, 1201. On that day, the baron left Edessa. There was practically no property, for everything necessary was forwarded to Antioch's courtyard beforehand, and therefore went light. Everything was calm, only after dinner they met with a large caravan from Aleppo, which was accompanied by an escort. They drove off calmly, although the Muslims were very tense and frightened by his appearance - too fresh was the memory of his adventures. So, unhurried trot, they also moved to Antioch at sunset. Leaving the boys' quarters at Rudolph, and the Morrigan with a full audit of the farm at the local farmstead, he did not hesitate to go to Raul, who was to receive fresh news from Corfu and Constantinople. And they did not see each other for a long time, since he preferred not to visit the Muslims. There he was already waiting for a whole company: Raul de Combron - head of the Atihohia Templar Command, Bohemond III - Prince Antiochus and his son Bohemond Count Tripoli.
" Good evening, gentlemen. "What is it? I did not expect to find such a meeting.
" And you have a good evening, Baron. "We received information that you are returning, and therefore decided to immediately meet to discuss important matters.
aboutI'm flattered. I did not think that my departure was so important. Eric smiled brightly.
" It's full of you, Baron. "Do you not know that the al-Mujahid delegation is coming to visit us?
YesNo, I did not know about that. What they want?
- Your idea with the trading house of the Templars interested the Emir so much that he decided to develop this topic. Moreover, the situation in Cairo is becoming less stable and he is forced to play his game in order to survive.
Yes! This is regrettable. But what can we do?
- I think you need to play your game. You still do not know, but from the east there is a new threat - the hordes of nomads who threaten both Europe and the whole of the East known to you.
- But we still did not have enough.
- Yes, gentlemen, yes, all of us are facing a serious test. Now the horde is fighting with China, I think you've all heard about this distant country. After that, she will move to the west, grabbing everything in her path. And in twenty or thirty years we'll have to meet with her. Under the impact there will be lands from Baghdad to Pest.
"How do you know that? "
- I have good scouts and informers. This information is sufficient to draw conclusions.
- Do you, as I understand it, have any specific proposals?
" Of course the prince. "I, really, thought, hold for now, but if you ask, then please. I think you need to build a strong system of interaction with your neighbors, without looking back at their religion and citizenship. The people of al-Mujahid go to you, most likely, exclusively on commercial matters. Use this chance. The Principality of Antioch with the vassal county of Tripoli should become the best friends with the Syrian emirate, and not in words, but in deeds.
But how? Are we enemies?
- As the recent practice showed, even the enemies become friends, if it is financially beneficial for them. I hope there are no religious fanatics among us?
"Monsieur Baron means, is there not among the people present possessed by the devil who, under the false mask of faith, interfere with charitable deeds? " Raoul asked sarcastically.
'Certainly. Alas, the commander, I completely miss your diplomacy.
" Well, you are full of courtesy. "Gentlemen, let's get down to business.
" As you please, prince. "My proposal is to invite Emir Homs to organize a joint trading equity company, on whose activities interest will be paid to all shareholders. In five to ten years, using the company's resources, it will be possible to build good, stone-paved roads along the route Saint-Semion - Antioch - Aleppo-Edessa. Dear ones are needed to put wheeled vans on them, which will allow you to transport goods faster and more. Economic ties, gentlemen, are the strongest and most reliable. Often they are stronger than any army. The next step will be the laying of roads from Antioch to Tripoli, from there to Baalbek, and Homs and close everything to Aleppo. This will create a network of strategically important roads, through which it will be possible to quickly transfer not only commercial caravans, but also troops and military equipment.
"Please continue. "
- Also, it is worth proposing joint protection of caravans by the emirate and principality. And you, Mr. Commander, expand the range of services, offering insurance services.
- I will explain by example. From Edessa comes a caravan in a hundred camels of silk. He goes to Antioch. Before leaving, you, at local prices, evaluate the caravan and take from its owner 5% of its value. That's not a lot. However, in case he is attacked by robbers, you reimburse his full cost, according to the established contract.