- What are you doing ! ? Freaks! Forget who you are? I led you into this attack, so you snot bubbles here? Ah ah ah! They killed a man! What you rascals. Do I have to spank you for the priest? Warriors - Damn! . . Kocheryzhkoi you in the ear! You cow dung, not warriors. Why are you sober like women? That's it, "he pointed to the bloody mess," an excellent result! " You should rejoice at your success. And how do you behave? Understand the pairs!
After that, he forced every one of his soldiers to beat the one who stood in front of him, and get a kick from him. And so on a circle. It took fifteen minutes for his fighters to return to this land. The pain heals better than time. It returns both acuity of perception and a sense of reality. After bringing people to their senses, he sent the soldiers to finish off or disperse the servants of the Sultan who stayed in the camp and evaluate the property that they got in the baggage. And crossbowmen, having allocated a dozen in security, sent to finish off the wounded and collect weapons, armor in the same bloody mess.
Those people who were in the armor, shook them out and put them apart from the others. Separately and especially carefully his people searched for crossbow bolts that could be used. The fact is that during the ten minutes of the morning battle they shot most of the ammunition, and therefore each "trunk" had only 10-12 shots. Which is not very happy. With this rather dirty work they spent about an hour. And so, on a tour of the camp abandoned by the enemy, Eric noticed on the horizon a group of people, up to five hundred people. Looking more closely, he recognized in them those servants who had fled from him just an hour ago. Quickly gathering his men and instructing, he prepared for battle. His people took a position behind the shaft of bodies, which they folded, raking up the rubble. In front of them they put all the same pavis that the crossbowmen took with them. The fact that the guests will attack, there was no doubt, because they were more or less evenly built, and ahead of them there were five people in armor. For such an accumulation of goals, it is best to strike volleys. Therefore, the baron divided all his troops into three groups and explained the task. At first, the shot is group number one, after which it retreats back, yielding to group number two. Which comes just like, and the first group, and gives way to the third. And then from a distance of about one hundred and twenty meters began shelling. From such a distance it's difficult to aim, so everyone was beating on the infantry's cluster. Rudolph, taking the initiative, picked up the drum and began to tap the rhythm, for every second hit it was necessary to shoot the next fighter. The first blow spoke of readiness - it was necessary to take a position and take aim. This approach gave its result - the attacking enemy began to fall at the same clock figures, and abundantly. At a distance of about eighty meters, they ran forward. Literally at ten to fifteen steps from the impromptu shaft all the leaders of this attack fell. But Erik's position was still flown by about three incomplete hundred armed men. Everything was decided by the shaft, and exactly as he had expected. These people were too weak in spirit to go into battle, moving through mutilated bodies. The attack was drowned, and people did not know where to go - to climb through the corpses, they could not force themselves, and it was shameful and scared to run. At this point, our hero stops Rudolph and, with a little pause, giving all the soldiers to load weapons, gives a general volley from a distance of ten steps to the enemy. The effect turned out to be colossal - blood sprays and pieces of bodies that flew with scrapes, produced an eerie demoralizing effect. It took some fifteen to twenty seconds, his arrows were ready again, and a general volley burst again. This already Seljuks could not stand it and ran. Neither to pursue fleeing enemies, nor to shoot them in the back did not, as it was necessary to save crossbow bolts. Yes, and run them no more than a fifth of the half-thousand that just a few minutes ago came to visit. To lose time on breaks did not become, therefore all at once have joined in work on the further putting in order on the grasped territory. A dozen crossbowmen are in guard, a dozen are going to finish off the wounded at the pace, that they were left with the repulsed attack, the rest returned to the old job - stripping the dead, searching for valuable things and laying bare corpses in neat rows, so that it would be easier to defend and then bury them. The rest of the morning was quiet, no one else wanted to attack them. Closer to dinner, the troops arrived that joined Eric's army gathered in Aleppo, led by Atabek. They were shocked to the extreme by what happened. Yes, and they came for what - they wanted to redeem either the captive or the corpse of our hero, in order to render him honors. After all, he consciously went to a completely suicidal business for the common good. Instead, they found a fully alive and healthy baron in the Sultan's camp, who actively supervised the establishment of order in the terrible conglomeration of the bodies of those people that until recently were the army of the late ruler of Iconium. True, not the whole army-there were fifteen hundred corpses lying on the ground. The rest needed to do something, and in general - you need to call the other members of the union, because the siege is lifted. The main forces of the troops of Mosul and Damascus were quartered in Edessa, and Eric with the troops from Aleppo remained in the camp. The latter volunteered to help in the important burial of the victims. Many more people were called, but the crowd was not here to anything. Towards evening, the collection of property from the dead and the evisceration of the convoy were completed. According to the preliminary assessment, only armor and weapons were worth five hundred marks, and all the goods worth not less than a thousand two hundred. The guys buried the corpses in full force, and the merchants sent patrols to the roads and couriers in order to resume the supply.
It was getting dark. A council was assembled in the sultan's tent. It was attended by Emir Mosul and Homs, atabes of Edessa and Aleppo, as well as the hero of the celebration - Eric. In addition to the tent sat the most incomprehensible girl and Rudolph.
- So, gentlemen. I broke the sultan and removed the siege of the city. It is necessary to decide what to do next.
- Share the booty! The emir of Mosul said confidently.
"I do not give mine to my warriors, for they are on my full support. "
" It's up to you. "But we have other traditions.
- And where are you? I broke it, it means mine. You, if I remember correctly, said that the sultan has many troops and that we can not master it. We, apparently, really could not master. And to me - quite under force. All the prey taken in the camp is mine.
" Dear Baron, I was joking. "Of course, your mining. It's just inconvenient for us to start that conversation for which we all gathered here. We know that it was you who broke the caravans. And now you are shooting the siege. We do not understand what you want to achieve such a sharp change of interests.
" To begin with, I did not want to give up the city, which I practically took with small forces, to the Sultan, who decided to warm his hands at my expense. Strengthening his possessions is bad for my purposes. And as for caravans, it was a way to quickly raise funds. I think the prize in the camp will be enough for me. And this means that I will soon retire from these lands.
" Even if you pursued your interests, thundering our enemies, we are grateful to you, since the Sultan would hardly spare people in the city. "And their property. We want to thank you for lifting the siege. What would you like?