Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

" I knew that you would not sit still. "But these things need to be talked about without outside ears. Let's go into my room, where in silence and peace I will tell you in general terms the draft campaign. And afterwards, if you are satisfied with the interest that I will offer you, let's move on to working issues that may be less secret.

Chapter 5

So, the project. The key place in it is the city of Edessa, which was about a day's equestrian crossing from Antioch. The peculiarity of this city was that it was a hub in the trade and transport communications of the Middle East. First, there was a land branch to Africa from the Great Silk Road. Secondly, through it was a land transportation highway that connected Transcaucasia and Central Asia with the Middle East coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Egypt. On this trading artery there was a huge quantity of the most various caravans which brought quite good income to the most "beloved" neighbor of the Antiochian princedom - to Egypt, possession of which were impudently stretched under Yusuf Salah-ad-Din to the limits of modern Turkey. Monthly there were thousands of brands of silver, and it would be unreasonable to miss them. The most popular goods that could be found on this trade route were silk and cotton fabrics, glassware, weapons and armor. Slightly less popular were slaves and carpets. Strangely enough, neither Muslims nor Christians conducted systematic raider trading operations on trade communications. Few of this, such operations were not carried out even on supply lines. In general - nice such a sandbox with frightened kids, who enthusiastically sculpted kulichiki, sticking out with pleasure tongue. Than should, of course, take advantage. To ensure effective raids it is necessary, in addition to a well-equipped main base, to have strong points in the enemy's territory or near it. These are some analogues of "hopping aerodromes" where you can always get fresh horses, food, water, clean clothes and relax after a hard night of work. And from where it was relatively safe to transfer the looted property to the main base. For example, through independent caravans under the protection of the Crusaders. Raoul suggested that there were seventeen potential sites for such bases. All of them were fairly evenly distributed along the border of the Antiochian principality, which was an undoubted plus. In parallel, it was necessary to deploy a network for espionage and gathering information about the caravans that are passing through Edessa. It was extremely important to know who was going where, where and how much, what forces he was protecting. The next very important link in the unfolding project was the system of operational sale of property, which will rapidly accumulate at the head base. For this task, we needed a direct channel with Europe and its most developed trade center, which would be able to swallow all the good that was delivered - by Venice. Then came Demeter with her unfolding trading enterprise. According to the reports received before sailing, there were already eight naves in the hands of this young girl. And this was not the limit, since the manager paid almost all of the debt, and therefore five more new ships were built for the company's trading affairs at the shipyards of the island city and there were funds for building another twenty. Well, the last stage was a cover - a force was needed, which, if necessary, could cover the retreat of the detachment or help with the catch of a "large fish". De Combron designated the strength of his command in 43 knights and 387 armed servants of different levels of training and armament. A little, of course, but if you do not face the feudal militia of Muslims, you can quite seriously declare yourself. After describing the whole picture of the upcoming campaign, Eric offered the order a third of all the revenues that his squad would receive, provided that Raoul's people would participate in all the background processes and carefully observe the bank account agreement that was signed in Venice.

- No, they are not necessary to me at all. The fact is that I need funds in order to rebuild my city. This is the only way to get them quickly enough.

"Do you want to rebuild Lenzburg Castle? "

- No, I do not need a lock.

I: Clear! About what city you want to take yourself, I do not ask, because, I think this is still a secret.

- Precisely!

" And if you die? "After all, the upcoming case is very dangerous.

- That's a strange question. Then I will absolutely not need a city, and indeed all earthly goods. But I do not plan to die yet.

- All the will of God.

" I think she's on my side hmm on our side. "I'm right?

- I really hope for it.

" Do not torment yourself with doubts, Commander. Do what you must and come what may.

"I would have your confidence, Mr. Baron. "

- So follow me, my confidence is enough for many.

- You are too self-assured, however, in any case, the enterprise is very profitable for the order and the principality, and therefore we are with you. And God is with us.

- And it can not but rejoice.

Having discussed the main issue and proceeding to the stage of coordinated actions with the officers, Eric continued to prepare. He sent a letter requesting two large ships by the end of February 1200 to the port of Saint-Semion to Demeter. I planted Morrigan for studying Latin writing. Its task was to learn the letter, account and learn primitive accounting in the shortest possible time in three categories: income, expenditure, balance. It was a rather difficult task, although she already knew how to read Latin in that time. Another, but very important, task was the compilation of operational maps. Territory from Antioch to Edessa with their surroundings, the baron personally used the whole while studying and making a detailed map. Particular attention was paid to traditional overnight stays, water sources and caravan routes, where ambushes were sought. At the same time, the intensity and nature of traffic were estimated. Many times our hero visited the city itself, where not only made a very precise plan for its defensive structures, but also was able to deploy a reconnaissance network of offended local residents. It became the basis for the information infrastructure, which was developed by the system of couriers, pigeon mail, third-party informants, interested merchants and others. In total, up to 500 people were involved in the information gathering enterprise, which quickly began to bear fruit. The organization of the information flow was such that all the reports flowed to the head office, where the reports were analyzed and the messages were sent to the base bases. By the way, the support bases were built independently by the order under the supervision of Rudolf and Eric, but their intervention was especially unnecessary, as the guys understood what they were doing. Here we should especially note the small preparatory project, which consisted in obtaining a sufficient quantity of high-quality alcohol with high concentration. Primitive distillation cube, grapes from grapes, coal cleaning. Nothing special, but the result turned out quite worthy - our hero has a good universal antiseptic, which is very useful in case of injuries. Three liters of alcohol was placed on strong points, forty liters were stored on the main base. And then came January 21, 1200. Preparation, in general, was completed. Everyone was ready. It was possible to begin.

Acted carefully, so as not to unintentionally stir up the hive. Therefore, the first operations took place at night and on distant communications. The script was simple. A small caravan is selected with protection to a dozen armed children. They are waiting in an ambush and attacking in the afternoon. The guard is stacked with a volley of crossbows. After that, take the caravan under control. Take away from the main transport routes - away from unnecessary eyes. Further all people are cut, except for drivers, who are used to transport the deceased escort to the place of evacuation of the caravan. After that, they dig a large pit in the sand, put the bodies there, undressed, and, quite by accident, die without getting out of the hole. From the salvo of crossbows. As a result, there are no witnesses. Further at a pace, the property of the dead people is linked to the load of what is already in the packs, and the caravan is advanced by night transition to the nearest base base. There is an initial sorting of goods, inventory, preliminary assessment and transfer with a group of Templars to the main base. Templars go partly in their colors, imitating the guard, partly in ordinary clothes, imitating merchants. Occasionally attack caravans with slaves. Very, very successful. It is so fortunate that in the cavalry detachment of Eric the strength to the beginning of April grew to sixteen people, due to captured warriors from the Slavic lands, who, without hesitation, joined him, taking the oath of allegiance. In addition, on the main base, the number of servants increased from two to two and a half dozen. Among them there were skilled craftsmen in various specialties, although they were just sensible and quick-witted guys who, in gratitude for saving, vowed to serve him, were enough. Alas, they were slaves and servants, and there was no time to re-educate them, so they had to start forming a branch of arrows - crossbowmen, it would hardly be superfluous. By August, the arrogance in operations had reached such a level that a group of twenty-five mounted warriors acted almost openly and sometimes engaged in gutting the caravan in front of another, who was very energetically trying to pass by and not look in their direction. In general, by autumn, the detachments, isolated from the garrison of Edessa, hunted after the guys, like dangerous robbers. Of course, every body movement of such detachments became known much earlier than it happened, and therefore all operational activities were either of a zero character, or negative, if such a detachment was ambushed. The situation was heated, and therefore from time to time had to use their own squad of armed servants to destroy excessively dangerous trips. By the autumn, this detachment already numbered 45 people and was fully equipped with horses, aketons, chain armor, helmets, crossbows, shields - sabers and sabers. The general collective volley of seven dozen "trunks" did not leave indifferent any detachment of Muslims. Having lost, thus, two crossings on fifty horsemen, atabe Edessa has become silent. The departures ceased, that is, in general. The total loss account for armed horsemen of different levels of social position and prosperity has already passed for seven hundred, not counting the impressive loss in personnel among the eastern traders, who, along with the drivers, have already killed several thousand. The traffic of trade messages in October has seriously decreased, and caravans have begun to stray into groups of up to two or three hundred people, plus up to fifty hired guards. Judging by the intelligence information - something serious was being prepared. And this alarmed, although there was no sense to experience: the overall influx of Eric's personnel was quite satisfactory, the personal supplies of weapons and equipment, too, the work of the allies, are beyond praise. And on account of the Templar Bank he already had about two thousand marks of the Vienna standard in silver. If his luck continues to be so, then next spring he will be able to calmly depart for Constantinople and further along the planned route, having all the necessary funds for the planned enterprise. As for the Templars, their income was one thousand three hundred marks and two hundred people who were freed from slavery and joined the order. In general, the Antioch command was by the autumn of 1200 the strongest and most capable of all the forces in the Holy Land among the Knights Templar. Raoul rejoiced like a little child - he did not expect such success.
