Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Having set goals and distributed tasks, they, all together, engaged in the preparation of temple property for evacuation from the cave. Basically, it was reduced to traversing the entire territory, sorting out for removal and deciding what would go into preserving, and what to sell by the forces of the trading company. So the day passed unnoticed, Morrigan returned with the people of Eric. In total they drove twenty-four horses, four each. Irlandka showed ingenuity and took on her own initiative quite a few bags and ropes. The next three days was a slow and careful evacuation of things from the cave. The young baron with his people moved from the rented house to the farmstead of Demeter, where they collected for the first time the entire exported cargo. Noteworthy was the meeting of our hero with the manager. Since the sight of him was dashing and silly, it turned out to be not at all surprising that he, after a pair of fingers bitten off with a blacksmith's clipper, admitted to all the theft and sale of the company's ships, writing off them for loss from the storm. Prior to direct self-mutilation, he was beaten for a long time and with pleasure, trying to inflict maximum pain and humiliation, but not severely injuring his body. By the end of this petting, all his relatives were gathered, that they lived in Kerkir, that is, about one hundred and forty people. The guests were pleased with the elegant work of the wire cutters and his sincere, public repentance. Then, at their full meeting, they loudly and clearly announced that they would make an osmosis to him and all his male relatives to the third tribe in case he at least once lied to someone from the family of Demeter or their trusted people. It was also promised to cut out all of his relatives, without understanding their field and age, until the seventh tribe, if he does not return the cost of all the stolen property, including ships, plus half more from above, in order to compensate for moral damage. The time for a refund was put him in three hundred and twenty-four hours. They also discussed the conditions of flight and sudden death. If he makes his legs, then after a fixed time his relatives are cut out. If he suddenly dies, then the debt goes to his relatives. True, the amount will already be not one and a half of the stolen, but two parts. And if he decides to run away with his relatives, they will still be found and killed by all, and very painfully. In short - intimidated under the full program. Having endorsed this all, in the end, for the sake of memory, another one slowly biting off his finger, the boys all dismissed their business. That is - to seek them money. The sum, by the way, was very impressive and amounted to about two hundred Vienna marks in silver. All his six years of selfless and brazen theft at once auknulis in the form of one and absolutely immense genitalia. A week after the conversation with the manager came two ships Demeter, and our guys finally went to Athens.

And so, on the morning of May 15, 1199, our hero descended to the shore of ancient Attica. On its expanses, once in ancient times, great philosophers, sculptors, architects worked. Sorry, very sorry that their descendants do not remember about such wonderful things. However, digging into memory, he grinned - the guys and could not remember such things, because they were not descendants of the ancient Greeks. The fact is that in the 5th-7th centuries AD the Slavs came to these lands and, having mastered the new territory, interrupted the local ones. True, in the process, they have undergone a strong assimilation, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Genocide? Yes, it is he, since it is a traditional and natural form of interaction between ethnic groups - the strong destroys the weak, in order to liberate territory for himself. Do you think this is all a fiction? Look how the Peloponnesian peninsula called Morea began to be called after such an incident, which meant "Marine" in the southern outcrops of the Proto-Slavic language. A statue is generally a beauty. You put a modern Greek next to the antique statue. Are they full of surprise? That's the same thing. With the modern, even worse, as they were subjected to a strong cultural and genetic assimilation by the Turks, that is why they are generally quite something Eastern. Well, it's little things, let's get to the point. Immediately upon his arrival at the port, he sent Morrigan and Rudolph to search for their lodging, and, taking with him his brother Demeter Zinon, that he would develop a permanent trade and transportation point, he went to the Templar courtyard. Claude d'Amboise, the local commander, met our guys rather wary, but having checked his credentials, he left and became literally the soul of the campaign. So the three of them spent the evening until the evening in a pleasant, confidential conversation, however, quite efficient. The issues of security of financial operations of the trading company Demetra, local difficulties, market needs, the Templars' own needs were discussed. A special issue was the question of antiquities, which were to be stored in the courtyard from three to five years. When it was already dark, they returned to the port, where they were met by Antonio and led to the house chosen by the girl, who, by the way, had already been washed. You get used to a good business quickly, and therefore the entire staff of his small detachment was pleased to wash in. And now - in one of the rooms of the house they made an impromptu bathroom and in the order of their turn were washed after a heavy sea crossing. After washing, they sat down to supper, where Eric outlined a range of tasks for everyone. Morrigan was to collect information on the area of Antioch and Constantinople. Antonio had the task of establishing working relations and contacts with criminal gangs of the city. The task of these groups is to hold an impromptu "open day" in the future. Our hero was concerned with the preservation of the ancient values, which were represented by sculptures and various handicrafts. Before Rudolph was set no less difficult task - to drive all the children's free time in the tail and in the mane and prepare them for serious hostilities. The next stop place will imply active and combat operations of the detachment. The main areas of training: shooting from a crossbow and chopping. The shooting had to be learned both on foot and on horseback, including training a volatile volley to accumulate targets. Work with the sword was understood both in the ranks and with the horse. Simple things, but the unit must achieve coherence and adequacy in interaction. The educational process was aggravated by the fact that in the first days of October it will be necessary to depart for Antioch. Before Eric himself there was a whole range of tasks. Firstly, it is the production of new helmets for all of its soldiers, bringing their armor equipment to uniformity and solving the problem with increasing frontal reservation. As a basic helmet, he chose pothelm. As a supporting set of armor was chosen a full housekeeper complete with an aketon and a quilted helmet. With weapons, and so it was almost complete order - the basic set consisted of a sword type XII, a large triangular curved shield and a crossbow, which was cocked "goat's leg. " Nothing particularly outstanding, but quite functional. The question of strengthening armor was opened, but he was inclined to order six mirrors, which on leather straps would be attached to the chest over the chain mail. Secondly, to make military equipment for the girl, since she expressed a desire to follow him everywhere, even if it will cost her life. It will not be possible to get rid of it, but to lose by mistake is stupid. So it was decided to make her his personal standard-bearer. The main problem was that it is rather miniature and does not have a special power. After a moment's thought, they decided to stop at the chain-mail half-way from riveted rings, half from wide, carved rings, which was worn on a rigidly quilted aketon. Dimensions of armored armor were far from full body covering, and therefore she covered only the body to the middle of the thigh and arms to the elbow. The weight of such equipment was about five kilograms, which was tolerable for the girl. Yes, and protection, somehow, but it worked. The helmet was chosen as a "pilot", equipped with such a barmitsey, which left only the eyes open. From the weapon they chose a neat, almost miniature saber weighing not more than eight hundred grams. The main task of our neophyte-standard-bearer was to follow Eric everywhere and carry his standard. The question of the standard was decided especially long. The fact is that I did not want to use the standard coat of arms of the Lenzburg background, and to use something as trite as a cross was too ordinary. It was necessary to stand out from the general crowd of crusaders and bring into battle their own, unique coat of arms, the standard and the colors of the cottages. Hardly, but that same night he decided what exactly his personal coat of arms would be - the field of the triangular Norman shield was divided vertically in half. The left part was black, right - scarlet. In the center of the shield was an attacking silver lion. The standard was decided to be made rectangular, and the cats that put all of its fighters on top of the armor will be white and red to the waist, and red and white below the waistband, on their chests and backs they will have a sewn coat of arms, and in the upper right corner - a small cross Red. In general, they discussed the technical issues of the latest preparations and distributed them almost until midnight, then, having cleared the table, went to rest. Tomorrow they were waited by a whole shaft of work.
