Finally, it all ended and you can again do blacksmithing. Perhaps you have smiles - armor, and bulat! After all, only weapons were made from him! Yes, it is really so, from bulat, basically, only weapons were made. But not because of the fact that it was impossible to make armor, but because of very great complexity in its, bulat, production and cost. And the skill of the forging business requires considerable, because from such material it is reasonable to forge only plate armor, and these are complex three-dimensional forms. As it is sad, but by the time of mastering such skills already appeared tolerable steel, which turned out to be much cheaper. And you thought that damask steel is a kind of steel? Too bad. In fact, damask is a mechanical mixture of high-carbon elements and low-carbon elements. In non-hardened form it can be not only forged, but cast! And these particles are fastened together by forge welding. Yes, and on the special properties of bulat can speak only after hardening. Excellent material, especially if there is no steel, and yet there are already references to it in Antiquity. So they lived - the units allowed themselves cool bulat blades, and the rest considered it a great happiness to get at least something iron. But I digress. Armor. It was decided to do in the early Gothic style, but by itself with modifications and modifications. We do not make a replica of an ancient craft, and while in antiquity, we create something new. Alas, even the available tools made it possible to do just a pretty rough craft in the spirit of late Gothic, and many elegant ribs of rigidity had to be forgotten. A very large throwing in the hero was in the matter of choosing a helmet. But, in the end, he decided not to spoil the strongly composite harmony of the silhouette and leave the sallet with bevor. The only thing - he did not do on the sallet "cancer neck", in order to facilitate it and make it more convenient. The balance of his shoulder pads, however, he broke, making his left shoulder somewhat more right. Sabatons decided not to do at all, replacing them with chain mail stockings. The groin area was covered with a short chain skirt. But the most difficult was the work on assembling elegant Gothic gloves, in the conditions of its technical equipment it was truly a jeweler's work. Case, however, moved very slowly, and then, a month after its beginning, our old acquaintance, Master Gottfried returned with his very ample orders. Eric had to help him from morning till night and only after that to work in the evenings for only two hours a day. So it was finished only by the middle of winter. He had to spend a full six months of his life, but he did it! The ready armor was assembled and tested for its functioning - landing on the body, fitting. After that, it had to be dismantled, slightly modified, polished and prepared for thermochemical treatment - quenching and blasting. The Baron decided to combine these two processes and to temper the mixture of flax and olive oil. In general, it is said - done. A noble armor came out! All armor armor! The forms are slender, even elegant, the surface is smooth, black. And it sits perfectly, and it's easy to move in it. The total weight of this toy turned out to be within twenty kilograms. Quite a bit, but considering that it is distributed throughout the body and almost does not constrain movements, it's just wonderful. Eric almost jumped with delight, that he did it. And most importantly - even Gottfried did not understand where everything had come from, and most importantly, only, with a puzzled expression, he was spinning around his craft in the very finale. It remained to work for small. As a weapon, he wanted a late blade - the sword of Dalmatian Slavs of the Renaissance times - the devil. Well, what, "toothpick" with a double-edged blade, about 4 cm wide and about a meter long. Garda basket. The shape of the blade is suitable for both chopping and piercing strokes; and on horseback come down, and on foot. Very sensible thing, over which he worked the next six months.
To complete the work on the armor more or less recovered Ostron. Whether a joke - he had four severe wounds and a lot of small, like broken bones. It hurt him and was sad, because he felt responsible for the death of the Byzantine. He did not see it in time for the intention of the bad francs. He did not pull out one who trusted in life. One joy was - they revenged those pests, but she quickly walked away and the darkness again enveloped him. The soul suffered and turned inside out from pursuing evil fate. Around him were all the people who trusted him with their lives. To look people in the eyes hurt, feeling themselves damned. Here and today, Eric returned from a horse walk, and the guest warmed by his eyes and faces gloomy.
"What's with you, Ost -neg? " - Eric has not (yet) talked with the guest in his native language, holding his knowledge as a trump card, and so they talked in Latin, which he knew at a tolerable level.
"I'm fine, sir, I can soon run like a colt. "
- And then what is gloomy? What makes you sad?
" You do not need to know, it's my pain, my heart. "And you will not help her.
"You can cure all the pain. "Say that as a girl you press.
And he told about the fate of his happy, how he found happiness and lost it time after time, and not simply, but through death lost. At first his Polovtsy killed his parents, and they hid her sister in prison. He followed her, tried to beat it off. While fighting back - his wife found himself there, polovchanka young. The three of them returned home, and even there - not destiny. How to transfer the steel through the Don, then the pursuit of them overtook, shoot began. Sister in the back hit, and perished in the water wounded. But my wife left. Burned, but moved away - they began to build a life. She bore him a child. And as with a big belly already walking, the horses died at the head. He raised the people to her. Came like kindly, on a visit, for what business. And how six people entered the house, then they squeezed him and dragged his wife into the street. I tried to wrestle myself, but I was firmly held, almost strangled. And how they let go, but went out onto the street and fell to his knees. They, Herods, his wife, on being knocked down, were hanged right in the courtyard on an apple tree. Then he completely and bristled with grief. All night long I went to visit. They did not lock the huts, so he would quietly go in with the ax, close the door behind him, and let the people cut it. Closer to the morning, he killed the whole village. There was no one left. He did not regret anyone, even children of crumbs. And the heaviness does not go away. At dawn, he buried his beloved, under that very apple tree, and went wherever his eyes looked. I was starving. It was hard. How he got to the capital city of Constantinople, he does not remember, but he was received there by a kind man in his service - to roll the bags on bargaining. A year later, seeing that the man he was right, transferred to the guard, and moved on. He taught it to the military business, trusted armor with weapons. Getting to him Ostroneg love sons, because he was alone in the world, no one to go. Yes again, I did not save - the Franks cut that man down, and he himself - he's still alive. It's hard for him. He loves everyone, everyone dies. No one survives, who will entrust his life to him. Said Dregovich, heaved a sigh and again drooped his head.
" You know, a strong friend, there is nothing to breed here. "Life does not hurt only those who are already dead. You say that everyone is dying, who will entrust your life to you? So it is fixable. Trust your life to someone, rock you and go around. I slowly collect the squad, but I do not want any people to take them. I like strong, loyal people. That faithfulness is kept to their word, both in life and in death. But my condition is - any of my orders, that the order of God. Life is lost, but fulfilled. For this and I will not forget you and do not hurt. But you will not obey, you will become arcan, you will be proud - I myself will prirezhu. You saw, I'm not throwing words into the wind. Well, how do you - will you come to me?