Alice got under the screw.
They ran away from the water and the rushing nightmare, but the boat flew straight at them. Probably, the fate howbeit has hands. Probably, that was the same very ruthless hand of fate: Lukasz ducked as he could, covering his head with his hands, and the horror raced a couple of centimeters above his head.
The movement of Alice was exactly the same: to duck and cover her head with her hands, but the wind, lifted by the screw of the boat, ruffled her long hair, and they went into the turnover of blades, rotating above her head, with one jerk. Lukasz was thrown back into the sand by the powerful hit of her body, twisted into a propeller, and in the first couple of seconds felt nothing but astonishment. Somewhere ahead of him, a similar young couple was running in a similar panic. He's to the left, she's to the right. The screw that wrapped Alice around himself had passed them, scratching the sand, and the blond Alice head and her hands bounced off the sand and could not stop.
And then Lukasz experienced the revelation.
He heard about it before and regarded it as a spontaneous act of self-understanding. Hitherto regarded.
What got him at the Vysehrad beach was not just an understanding.
The impulse which seized him was simultaneously an intellectual and emotional phenomenon. While he was looking at the death before his eyes and the crowd frozen in the general scream, he got a strange and very deep aesthetic experience: what was his consciousness, what could be called his soul, gently slipped and turned inside out.
What happened was not just the transformation of the unconscious into the conscious.
The myriad of tiny coordinated relationships that all these many billion years of evolution on Earth have been closed to each other inside unreliable disparate meninges have revealed and unfolded to Lukasz outside, like a dahlia petals or like a faint tentacles of actinia.
Lukasz didn't just receive his sight. He was in the thick of an amazing live net, which he didn't have the heart to call it so. It wasn't a web. It was the musical strings of reality itself. He didn't have to look for some special cognitive-behavioral approach to this particular reality, discovered by him, just as a male doesn't need to look for it with the aim of to deal with a warm female body.
In these few endless seconds he understood himself, understood his difficulties, got what leads to their emergence and realized that he could change all this.
The reality gave herself to Lukasz, and he took it.
What had just been Alice, irretrievably lost, turned out a succession of coherent notes, a titanic biochemical fugue, which he had to play. And he has played. First - what flew off with the boat to the Vltava and began to diverge in the even darker circles in a dark water, then - what was left on the shore: a big symphonies and small spattered strettos.
The crowd, who had shied away from the place of the tragedy, again has swayed onward. What happened in front of the astonished Prague was the first ever origination act. Lukasz didn't just resurrected his girlfriend, he literally gathered her in parts.
The reporters and the Prague emergency doctors, which was called out to the scene, found the excited crowd, the pale captain and passengers of Aiax, several women, who were in an half-unconscious state, and Lukasz, who was bending over the naked but alive Alice.
For the next few days, the captain of the ill-fated boat have been in the police station, Alice - in the NATO hospital, and Lukasz, who felt euphoric of the abruptly opened to him horizons, not only allowed the Czech State Security Officers to transfer him to the Interpol, but already there, in Paris, he, tormented by thoughts of the changes threatening the reality, told a wrinkled short Colonel the story about Sam Bibich and his generator. This generator, powered by a common electrical network of several hundred volts, could reflect the reality strings within a radius of several kilometers and again loop them back on themselves, thereby allowing the Maker to act only on the reality inside the field. The only drawback of Bibich's device was that it could work for its intended purpose only in zero gravity, in the absence of the massive material objects.
The world was excited. None of the cameras had the opportunity to record the resurrection of Alice, but several mice, resurrected by Lukasz, became heroes of latest world news.
The crowd by and large didn't worry. The crowd gladly swallowed the new blocks of sensations alternating with advertising, in which flashed Lukasz's face, then white coats, then someone's epaulettes, and after that the crowd leisurely drank the advertised beer, worked, rested and made the children.
But the World Establishment found itself face to face with a mismanaged confusion: Lukasz could in jest to break the harmonious financial and economic system of the whole planet. He could, in theory, do such things, which the economic elite even could not imagine.
The panic was both amusing and puzzling for Lukasz.
The first and last Bibich's generator, assembled in the Russian National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", generated the necessary field, but instead of, as expected, looping the strings back on themselves, it, confused by the presence of powerful terrestrial gravity, only slightly distorted them.
The humanity has meanwhile been deciding what to do with Lukasz.
The proposals were considered from the most prosaic to the most incredible. Of course, one of the first proposals that received was a banal liquidation of the Maker on the principle of "no man, no problem". And Lukasz knew this. Moreover, he also knew that the humanity, in its stubborn pursuit of good nature, will end up with leaving him alive.
The final decision was not easy, but beautiful. It even did a credit to the humanity: the humanity decided not to repeat the experience of ancient Judea and leave its next messiah alive. It was decided to organize a large orbital station, covered with a Bibich's shield, the main attraction of which would be the only one Maker - Lukasz Lansky.
So Alpha appeared on the Earth's orbit.
4. 2322nd year. Benji.
Benji has long realized that the human beings, unlike the robots and Makers, misunderstand many things. Self-understanding in itself doesn't bring to people any relief.
A long time ago, through the work of Appelbaum, humanity asserted that patients of psychiatric clinics are not cured simply by reading their case descriptions and by the results of psychological tests. For some incomprehensible reason, neither the explanation of the causes nor the description of the consequences help them. People don't understand the Universe.
The different things are robots. Or Makers. Both those and others did not experience illumination, but they constantly lived in it. One's by virtue of the fact that from birth untill to very death were free from the burden of instincts and the unconscious, others because of the close integration of their personal experience into the external universal gestalt.