Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Doctor of eastern medicine, gynaecologist, former head of a maternity ward, now an acupuncture and acupressure therapist in the EMChI Moscow Centre of Eastern Medicine. A student of famous Tibetan masters.

Oyuna Badmaevna Dorzhieva


Alma, thank you for such a wonderful and important book! I can say this with full confidence; I’m the daughter of a famous obstetrician-gynaecologist, have worked for many years in maternity wards and have also created a conception method, but that’s enough about me. How important it is to allow oneself to love and be loved! To educate future parents from the cradle! To be conscious parents! Alas, miserable parents will never be able to teach their children to live in happiness! May Alma’s brainchild be a success, may it sell like hot cakes and be reprinted many times! Light and Love – strength for us all in these wondrous times!

Member of the Writer’s Union of Russia, author of over 30 books, psychologist, consultant, holds an honorary doctorate in metaphysics (USA), holds a master’s in education, Louise Hay’s only Russian student, also student of Liz Burbo, Doctor Toicha and Imre Somodi, has played the leading female role in many popular TV programs and featured as a guest-speaker in many talks shows: What does a woman want?, Private Life and others.

Angelina Mogilevskaya


Dear Women! Congratulations! You are holding a fantastic instruction manual about how to become a pure channel for a Divine Soul coming to Earth. If you follow Aleksandra Alma’s advice, your pregnancy will become the most interesting and educational 9-month journey you have ever experienced. May your Happiness grow in step with your Offspring, may it feed and fill your Child with Strength! Receive this Divine gift of being a Mother with dignity! Carry Goodness in yourselves!

Russian singer, organiser and vocalist of rock group ‘Masha i medvedi’ (Mashsa and the bears), mother of three children.

Masha Makarova


My name is Vera Zhestovskaya. I’m a mother to three grown-up sons and a grandmother to the three most delightful nieces in the world!!!

I gave birth to my oldest son Konstantin when I was still studying at university, and I remember how much I needed information about pregnancy and childbirth then!! I tired out our psychology tutor with my questions. I felt really scared of not knowing and what is more, I was far away from my mother at the time. I was with friends and peers who, to give them credit, cared for me as much as they could. I remember that on my first day of our practical lesson, I ran into class on sky-high heels with a massive belly, and my course mates pleaded, “Veronika, be careful, don’t run like that”.

I was in good health and went through pregnancy like a breeze, but when I was giving birth in the labour ward, the nurse who was fed up of the shouts coming from mothers in labour warned me, “If you shout like that, your child won’t shout at all”… and so I remained silent… As a result, the doctors missed the active labour phase and had to use forceps to help the baby out, which is a huge trauma for both mother and child. When giving birth to my second child I screamed with all my might, which was probably not the best thing either. And when giving birth a third time I didn’t shout for another reason I knew it all!!! I chose the maternity ward myself – one where the child is put to the mother’s breast straight away and stays with the mother from the moment it is born. This seems like the norm now but 25 years ago only one maternity ward provided these conditions. The nurses were drinking their morning tea and didn’t feel like stopping their conversation. I told them, “Ladies, I’m giving birth to my third child, I know what to do, just show me where the labour ward is.” And when the waters broke I ran past the nurses holding a sheet under me and shouted, “Ladies, follow me!” I got onto the chair by myself and breathing calmly and pushing with a feeling of joy and great happiness, without shouting even once, I gave birth to a wonderful hero!

Aleksandra Alma’s book, Womb Bloom, is indispensable for future mothers. It contains a lot of hints and ancient experience on how to give birth to children with Knowledge, Skill, Happiness and Joy!!!

Director of a PR agency, personality figure in Russia, mother of three children.

Vera Zhestovskaya

List of contents


Choosing a man

Respect between partners

Freeing yourself from foreign intentions

Cleansing by water practise

Readiness of partners


How to prepare for conception

Exercises for couples

Ocean’s breath exercise

Exercise for energy exchange

Joint dreaming exercise

Bridge between hearts exercise

8 personality types

Parents’ expectations of their children

First place in life

Week 1

Parents’ visualization

Creating a visualization sphere

Woman’s gift

Week 2

Week 3

Do we need to do physical exercise during pregnancy?

Water Dance

Leading into the dance

Lotus unfolding on a lake exercise

Pregnancy as steadiness

Strength in relaxation

Being centred

Only positive thoughts

Week 4

Week 5

Woman as Ancestral Tree

Favourite pastime

Energy Pie

Woman as family’s resource


La naturalesa es lo mas importante

Doing and being

Week 6

Week 7

Pregnancy naturalness

The Chimera and the Sorceress

Maid be joyful!

Hail Mary

Week 8

Healthy clothes

Modernizing one’s clothing

Energy of the skirt

Woman’s shoes

Symbols and decorations for pregnant women

Human life – a journey from the Mother to Mother Earth

Breathing through the feet

Week 9

The whole world can wait!

I love myself massage technique

Why do pregnant women need daily massage?

A woman’s emotional centre

Massaging the emotional centre

Dance of the heart. Cleansing and relaxing the emotional centre

Self-massage – rotating the toes

Stone therapy for the baby

Week 10

Nutrition during pregnancy

Sweet treats

Secrets of healthy eating

Week 11

Galaxy exercise

Week 12

Bowls of balance breathing technique

Axis of balance breathing technique

Week 13

Getting to know who is in your belly

Sing songs, listen to music, talk to the baby

Should I sleep on my belly?

Week 14

Walking on foot

Week 15

Earth’s womb

Woman’s destiny

Who is she?

Week 16

Week 17


Being needed

Asking for help

Loving oneself

Week 18

Faith is a gift

First movement

Week 19

New body

8 gates to heaven

Branches of youth

Week 20

Sea without a shore

Stomach covered in oil

Seventh sense


Habits that need to be done away with

Week 21

Way of the Heart

Week 22

Week 23

Belly button memory exercise

Boy otr girl?


The child as a mirror of your childhood

Week 24
