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The Excerpts from the article of the solid edition of New York

… is interested in personal data more and more. Why has the Governor of Atlanta, using the corruption communications, avoided the death penalty for the transfer of our confidential technologies? Why is he still free? And why are our files always opened and signed up in archives of intelligence agencies?

From the management of division

After the highly paid programmers have been sent to us, the head of the department has to reconsider appointments. Now people are to be less. You need to take care of absent of the excess state. The term for the performance is two months.

The Excerpts from the article of the solid edition of New York

… The former Governor of Atlanta, suspected in the distribution of the biological weapon and distribution of the state secrets won't become the reason of the destruction of our country any more. Yesterday he has been killed with two shots. The police suspect of attempt those who transferred his data to Russia…

To the head of department

According to the weapon of destruction of X 107: when it is said about the Governor of Atlanta and Adams on television and online medias, what folder do we collect materials? We can't put them in the general, even to keep doubles in two places. It is necessary to have the code of access to change the program.

To the head of department

We have already known all the list of X 107. Is it possible to ask to order some more blocks for data storage, so that materials of listening aren't located?

The order on department

According to the weapon of destruction of X 107: the code is given only for creating new folders in system. It works also at a disk 1279, but there our service is forbidden to use materials. The order on it was distributed three months ago and it was in base. If you notice already created folders with a mark 479-0-28969-003, don't touch them. They are made by the customer. We are forbidden to learn why. The new system of check of readiness is entered. For breaks more than one and a half hours in the working day there will be penalties. The dismissal is followed after three penalties. It is the order from above, we will be checked. Be more attentive, the checks will be all the time.

The Military court, excerpts from the minutes

In spite of the fact that we have charged to the private companies of system of tracking the most ordinary talk, and we undertake criminals, there are leaks. These marks 479-0-28969-003 have shown that the companies not only invest money in protection of people and work honestly. They used their own bar code and materials of scanning for opening of the classified information. Moreover, the weapon of X 107 extends with their help. Its formula which we verified with the obtained data on infections is too similar to that which has been invented in our laboratories. The bar code of access coincides. There can't be mistake. Businessmen can be considered as traitors. I order to punish them to the fullest extent of the law. We shouldn't forgive attempts of the world destruction.

To the head of department

We lack of blocks for the record. We ask to send more system units 4683 not less than ten pieces in a complete set and to appoint five heads of divisions more. We don't cope with the answers to questions. It is not clear to what sections we should send data on X 107 and automatic tracking cameras in air. These are those which are on the execution autopilots.

The quotes from the press of Washington

… One of the especially dangerous criminals suspected of data leakages on capture which has created the biological weapon has disappeared, having carried away with himself a part of secrets on his industrial development. The forces of the biological military protection have provided everything, besides this. According to unchecked data he managed to find a shelter in Africa or in Latin America. The military check all versions. In case of the detection of the disease symptoms the request is to pass to the special posts of the biological protection. You will find addresses, having attached your plastic card to any scanner. The navigation data on transportation to the right place will be obtained on your mobile device at once. It is forbidden to use public transport for infected persons. Remember that your own identification plastic card needs to be kept in an order before getting to the points for patients …

… all those troubles which have fallen upon the heads of citizens of our country are because of inventors of the biological weapon. The governor who has given help in its distribution has been shot. And if it is made in CIA, then it is possible to call them heroes of the country who are capable to revenge everyone, even to the most high-ranking official …

The order on department

All who are engaged in data on X 107 from next week will undergo special testing. The breaks in work have to be in total no more than one hour fifteen minutes. They have to be no more than four. For the violation, as well as for the wrong filling of protocols, there is a deprivation of an award. Having made three mistakes the violator leaves. Be more attentive, the checks are started since tomorrow.

The quotes from the press of Germany

… if one may say so, allies? Why do they exist only to kill us? Now more and more ideologists of the world think that because of crisis not the cleverest can bring children. Those whom it is possible to call a gene pool just have no money and forces to survive. And against the background of this tragedy more and more rich people come with offers: it is time to do self-starters which will serve for the cleverest. Others will be able to separate at a grade level and to make separate group, without allowing them to rise and breed. Now to give lives for clever and selection of others the international corporations want …

… if in the USA it is considered that it is time to open hunting for people who became too many. The emergence of the outbreaks of infection with a virus X 107 can be considered as this war against all mankind …

… There is no way to prevent distribution of X 107 though the intelligence agencies of the USA and boast that its chief developers including the businessman who has hidden in Africa from fair trial are executed. But the virus is created on the computer with the use of technologies which the modern equipment isn't capable to block. How do we hope to survive with such allies? Germany has to terminate the world with the USA and to announce a crusade against genocide …

… Crowds of protesters have captivated the square in front of the building of the European Alliance. They demand a rupture of the relations with the USA and economic sanctions. There are photos of the dead from the biological weapon of a class X 107 on the protesters’ posters. Many performances of spontaneous speakers are about how long we were hostages of a situation. Germany won't really be able to fight back the attempts to destroy itself? We are ready to unite with everyone who else wants treatment and normal medicine …
