А кого він зустрів на своєму шляху?
Кошеня - вірний друг?
Спробуй разом з батьками намалювати на відведеній для цього
сторінці тих героїв казки, які найбільше тобі сподобалися. Розкажи про них.
Які вони? Як виглядають? Добрі вони чи злі? І чому подобаються тобі?
Якими героїв казки
бачиш ти?
Angelina Kriheli
(перевод с украинского языка - Anhelina Krikheli)
How a kitten looked for Truth
Translator – Veronika Pisarieva
Instead of a prologue…
One my very close and dear person to me believes that good books can
be divided into two types – informative/useful and interesting ones. I hope that
this fairytale wil be at least a little bit useful and interesting for you at the same
time. For that to happen it is translated into Ukrainian (indeed, everyone should
have a right to choose), contains an interactive component (questions and pages
to draw fairytale characters as a reader sees them) and it is adopted for both
young readers and their parents.
Every fairytale is not just a book, where an author shares his view of the
world, the light of his soul and thoughts… It is something priceless, that units the
whole family while evening reading of fairytales before going to bed.
And thereby let every child on the Earth, as well as this kitten, finds his
own beautiful and inimitable Truth…
To my mother,
brothers and every
reader, who takes this
book in his arms.
- Vanechka! Vanechka, tell me, sonny, didn’t it you drop a vase from a
table? – his mother bent to the boy, wiping her hand on an apron. She was baking
pies when she heard the rumble, entered the living room and saw a broken vase
and scattered candies on the floor.
The boy entered the room and shook his head, looking at his mother from
the bottom up.
- No, mommy. I was playing in my room and then heard as it fell. And…
The pies smelled so good from the kitchen!.. – said the boy sheepishly, looking
stealthily at the plate full of toasted pies.
Mum nodded to his son, told to wash his hands and sit at the table after he
puts his toys away. But when the boy was leaving the room, she added:
- Vaniusha, if you want some candies and can’t reach the table, ask your
father for help so not to drop anything. The kid nodded and hurried into the room
to put his toys away.
- Tut-tut! – mum shook her head, left in the room alone. – Sure the vase
couldn’t fall itself right from the middle of the table… How can I find the truth, if
Vanechka doesn’t tell me? Mishenka! – She called and right then the second kid
ran, into looking like Vania as two peas in a pod.
Mum told him to wash his hands and get ready for the mealtime as well,
and then asked:
- Didn’t it you drop the vase from the table unexpectedly?
- No, - the boy answered with a smile, wiping his hands on his trousers
and looking at the pies on the table.
Mum nodded to the kid and he said thoughtfully:
Maybe, Murzik played and hit it with his tail? – And he ran to help his
brother with the toys.
Murzik, who was sitting under the table, jumped out in surprise. He
definitely knew that he didn’t drop any vase from the table and didn’t scatter the
candies and in fact, he didn’t like sweets at al . A kitten quietly slipped into the
room, where brothers in eagerness were putting the toys away and cleaning the
- Murzik! – Vania happily met the kitten and hastened to fold him in his
arms. The boy scratched kitten’s ear, making him purr gladly, got closer to his
friend and move up his back to small child hands. The boy smiled:
- And where should I, Murzik, look for Truth so that my mommy wouldn’t be
sad and angry at me?
Murzik just sighed heavily in reply. He would like to know himself who
broke a wonderful colourful vase, which shone with all rainbow colours as thread
of light touched it coming into a house through the window. It was so beautiful
and he liked it so much! He often came to the living room with his mother-cat to
admire the vase.
- That’s it! – purred the kitten, but Vania understood nothing since the
kitten couldn’t speak as people do. – I’l ask my mother-cat who on Earth is that
this Truth that knows all the secrets? And where can I find it? Mommy-cat,
mommy-cat! – He yel ed running at the door, but Vania heard only how kitten
purred and suddenly whisked away.
- Mommy-cat! – Breathless from fast ran the kitten stopped close to nose
of a big fluffy cat dazing on a sil . She was lazing at the sun, swishing her tail idly
from side to side with a great pleasure.
- Umm… - the cat purred, opened her eyes and looked sweetly at the
- Mommy-cat, who is Truth?
- Why? – cat surprised, seating herself next to the kitten.
- My friend Vania says, that Truth knows who broke the vase. And if
someone finds it his mother won’t be sad because of the vase.
- Oh, I see!.. – Cat purred thoughtfully, grooming herself. – Truth is big
and scary! – She said. – People are afraid to look for Truth, but there is no use in
it for animals, we already know straight goods.
The kitten nodded, but understood nothing. That’s why he asked:
But my friend is a human. So, he needs Truth indeed. Where can I
find it? – the kitten grew sad, curling into a ball at mother-cat’s paws.
- Then asked others, just in case somebody saw her or knows where to
look. The kitten leapt to his paws at once, ready to go and look for Truth, so he
can help his friend.
- But don’t go far away and come back before nightfall! – Mother-cat
shouted at his direction. Kitten promised to come back by daylight and
scampered away to a pond.
The sun was warming his back, the wind was tickling his whiskers and hair
and his paws were pacing bravely along the path. This little kitten really wanted to
help his friend and strongly believed that this is what exactly true friends should
do. And one more thing – he wanted to have a look at Truth badly.
«Maybe, - the kitten was wondering on his way to the water, - she’s very
tall and adult like Vania’s mother! Maybe, she’s kind and beautiful and gives milk
to kittens as Vania’s mother does. But why are people afraid of her then?..».
He reached the edge of the pinewood. A pure pond with a puddling
Duckling in it came to his view. He was diving in and coming up with a light
laughter. Ashore a Chick was waiting for him, clapping his wing-hands to his
Duckling-friend enthusiastically. He liked the Duckling diving. And every time the
letter came up the water, the chick jumped about and clapped his hands laughing
The kitten looked at the baby-Chicken with interest and then at the
Duckling that now was showing only his little yel ow feathery tail. The world
seemed very bright, colourful and wonderful to the little kitten and everything new
he faced cheered him and interested incredibly. He studied every object of his