Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

 cosmic education,

 social philosophy,

 philosophy of Space,

 philosophic anthropology,

 philosophy of cognition,

 philosophy of science and technology,

 philosophy of religion,

 futurology,

 cosmology,

 philosophy of cosmology.

The Journal printed the papers of leading specialists from Russia: E. Vitol, G. Gladyshev, A. Kononov, S. Krichevs- kiy, I. Lantsev, T. Lolaev, M. Prokopenko, M. Prokhorov, K. Khrutskiy, V. Yakovlev; from Ukraine: G. Ali-aiev, O. Bazaluk, I.Vladlenova, G. Zheleznyak, V. Okorokov, N. Malysheva; from Kazakhstan: S. Kolchigin; from Georgia: L. Djakhaia; from the USA: A. Khazen.

At present scientific-philosophical Journal Philosophy and Cosmology is an annual printing issue which focuses on the publishing of studies in the sphere of philosophy of Space also with the creation of an integrated informational area for Space observation and outer space exploration.


The received papers pass through two stages of peer review: the internal one (performed by the members of the editorial board) and an external one (performed by the professional researchers from different scientific and education-al organizations). The Journal involves of peer review advanced scientists form Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute (Ukraine), Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Djavakhishvili (Georgia), some Institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and others.

The Journal has two top-priority directions of activity:

 Scientific and philosophical research of the Universe structure and one"s stages of evolution; searching for a place of Human at the scale of Earth and Space;

 Theoretical and practical research of organization and performing of space travelling.

The Editorial Board of Journal is opened for collaboration with academic scientists, lecturers (any levels of accreditation of educational organizations), students and another interested party for the creation of an integrated informational area for Space exploration.


The Editorial Board of Philosophy and Cosmology follows the rules for writing academic texts and academic ethics, according to the work by Miguel Roig (2003, 2006) "Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other question-able writing practices: A guide to ethical writing", and suggests to potential contributors of the journal, reviewers and readers to follow this guidance in order to avoid misconceptions in academic writing.


Our journal is practising a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the common social progress.

http://ispcjournal.org/en/index.html E-mail: [email protected]

174 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017

Future Human Image

The International Journal on Philosophy, Psychology and Education

The scientific journal Future Human Image is a project of the International Society of Philosophy and Cos-mology. The main aim, which is pursued by editors-in-chief of the journal and its editorial board, consists in the consideration and generalization of the most effective methods of impact on mentality of the rising generations with the possibility of their further use when forming a future human image.

It is necessary to understand the two principal components for efficient operation of any educational system:

1. The vision of the aim of the educational impact that is some ideal image, to achieve it using the full potential of the educational system.

2. Knowledge and usage of the methods that allow achieving the aims.

That is, any educational system needs to foreknow whom and how to educate in the rising generations.

Modern society, having stepped over a threshold of the third millennium, departed further from the first main criteria proclaimed during the Age of Enlightenment and basing on the European and American education system. Many of them are used so far by the state education systems of the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, etc. The fourth century each new generation of Europeans and Americans is brought up on "a crucial role of science and mentality in cognition of "natural order", on "need of distribution of knowledge and culture" and on a number other common truths of the Age of Enlightenment.

However, the world around us is evolving, and humanity, society, noosphere are developing.

In order to catch new tendencies in the development of the society, to provide continuity between generation and high-quality development of new generations, the education system has to be improved.

Therefore, in the organiser"s opinion, the journal Future Human Image as a synthesis of the advanced researches in neurophilosophy, philosophy of education, psychology and pedagogy, will be constantly actual and demanded. The scientific journal Future Human Image is a platform for the large-scale interdisciplinary research of the features of the modern influence of the social environment on structurally and functionally developing mentality of new gener-ations.

The editorial board of the scientific journal Future Human Image hope of the productive cooperation with all interested persons and the organizations in the field of the research of modern methods of impact on mentality of the rising generations. To the discussion of the question "Whom and How to educate in the rising generations?" the ex-perts in the field of neurophilosophy, education philosophies, public figures, psychologists, experts in neurosciences, teachers, parents are invited. In order to progress the society, it is necessary to offer and discuss not only the classical methods and training programs but also new educational technologies. Our children have to get the best education in the world and only we can help them in it.


Future Human Image attempts to assess a framework to the contemporary research theories in the fields of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, neuroscience, futurology, sociology linked to the issues of forming a future hu-man image.

Future Human Image is a transdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and intercultural journal.

Future Human Image serves as a forum for the exchange of information and views between academics and practitioners, NGOs and the community, data producers and users.

We welcome the articles written by professional scholars and practitioners in:

 Philosophy of Education

 Neurophilosophy

 Social Philosophy

 Philosophical anthropology

 History of Philosophy

 Philosophy of Mind

 Futurology

 General Psychology,

 Differential Psychology,

 Cognitive Psychology,

 Educational Psychology

 Psycholinguistics

 Social Psychology

 Pedagogy

 Education theory and practice

 Curriculum

 Psychopedagogy

 Gender studies in education, etc.


E-mail: [email protected]
