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Research technique: smart-society conceptualization as a factor of sustainable growth and its effect on the formation of a new educational paradigm [Bazaluk & Blazhevych, 2013:147-


In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks should be performed:

- To develop theoretical and methodological principles of formation and growth of smart-society in Ukraine, based on information, as the main trend of modern growth, and smart growth - the economic growth based on knowledge and innovations.

- Тo explore the conceptual and categorical apparatus of smart-society as a civilization paradigm of modern society growth in the context of globalization and its projection on the Ukrainian realities [Gomilko et al, 2016: 177-180].

- Тo analyze the formation of smart-society in Ukraine in the context of national and in-ternational experience and define its main characteristics, which will allow Ukraine to occupy a leading position among the states, claiming priority role in shaping the global information space, the implementation of process connected with integration, in order to contribute to the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world information space and to ensure global sustainable growth [Bazaluk, 2014: 5-13].

The methodological value, availability, completeness and justification of newly created ap-proaches, methods and means of scientific research. Application possibility of them, as of in-terdisciplinary ones is reduced to use of system, synergetic, structural and functional method-ology. Methodological work components will be new, which is quite justified by comparison

156 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017

Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century by Valentina Voronkova and Olga Kyvliuk

to the world analogues and prototypes, because smart-society as a complex social phenomenon and dynamic process that develops rapidly can be analyzed through the synergetic methodol-ogy that allows analyzing society as a nonlinear system, developing in a nonlinear space of smart-society. Methods of systemic and structural analysis allows considering smart-society as a complex social system that has several subsystems which interact with the environment all the time, and the combination of synergetic and systematic methods and approaches help to explain the features of smart-society growth in normal and catastrophic conditions (modes sometimes with intensification). Anthropological and socio-axiological approaches allow to reveal the socio-anthropological and socio-axiological measurements of smart-society, based on person, education, knowledge and progression of society to the society of knowledge and innovation [Bazaluk, 2016].

The main idea - to prove the evolution of the information society to smart-society and the possibility of establishment of smart-society in Ukraine.

The main research hypothesis, which is offered to solve research questions is new and can shift the theory. There is an idea in searching of innovative mechanisms for smart-society im-plementation that is based on advanced (smart) information and communication technologies, society with advanced innovation economy, which is demonstrating high-tech basis of society and can contribute to the growth of mechanisms for society self-regulation through smart tech-nologies, which are run by highly trained citizens who can live in a smart society and cultivate knowledge as the main resource of innovative society, that is a factor of society sustainable growth [Bazaluk, 2016а 28-52].

The working hypothesis: one of the working hypotheses is a hypothesis of technology and human balance in society, which is a model of smart-society. It is new. It describes a new mechanism for anthropogenic crisis intensification and overcoming and also conditions and ways to achieve sustainable growth [Bazaluk, 2016b].

Hypothesis of technology and human balance reveals regular correlation between three variables - innovation and technological potential of the country, quality of cultural and ed-ucational regulators in smart-society and internal stability of the social system, which helps to clarify the phenomenon when a result of anthropogenic crisis is not self-destruction of social and culture system of the country but a cardinal reorganization society through the smart-cul-ture, inclusive education, personal growth. In our opinion, the idea is innovative if culture and education play a role of commentator factor that is included in the period of transformations which contribute to the restoration of the balance between the three variables - economic, technological, cultural and spiritual factors that can lead to system sustainable growth due to smart-culture [Voronkova et al, 2016: 13-27]. The research also takes into account the fact that any concepts of society should interpret one as phenomenon with mobile ontology [Svyryden-ko, 2016: 102-103].

The problem discussion

It is idealized abstract design of smart-society - is formed system of concepts, general-izations based on deterministic communication between them, assumptions regarding the form of communication, which may be called the concept of smart-society. Conceptualization of

Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017 157

Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century by Valentina Voronkova and Olga Kyvliuk

smart-society paradigm was based on logical positivism methodologies synthesis, operational things and pragmatism. Methodological research components are new, as well as subject of the research - smart-society, because smart-society as a complex social phenomenon and dynamic process that develops rapidly, can be analyzed through the synergetic methodology that allows analyzing society as a nonlinear system, developing in a nonlinear space of smart-society. An-thropological and socio-axiological approaches allow to reveal the socio-anthropological and socio-axiological measurements of smart-society, based on person, education, knowledge, infor-mation, culture and progression of society to the society of innovation [Voronkova, 2016: 80-82].

The analysis shows that in time instead of the information society, there will be "knowl-edge society", which is identified with the information, but in other cases it is referred to as the next stage of growth with a critical knowledge - smart-society. The growth of the infor-mation society is connected with the beginning of the era of intellect formation. The logical continuation of the network society is a smart-society, which is developing on the basis of smart-technologies and smart-education. Smart-technologies and smart-education generate a new paradigm of social growth, which is considered the most important factor in the formation of Smart-society. It is not an accident that this growth is recorded in the document "Europe 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" (Smart growth) - a strategy which includes the growth of economy based on knowledge and innovations, and contrib-utes to sustainable growth, more efficient use of resources, including inclusive growth and strengthening of the population high employment, which generally contributes to growth of the Internet economy. Smart-society transforms business, which makes management more in-telligent (flexible, smart), and direct to use knowledge and innovation for activities [Kyvliuk,
