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New proactive noospheric innovatively educational system must comply with information society with sustainable development, based on knowledge and information.

We intentionally focus attention on the information aspect of education: property of anticipation is a brand new mechanism of its formation. Here information factors are a priority component of upcoming globally noospheric and initially information civilization. In this sense, property of "anticipation" is inherent not only to education.

So-called anticipatory reflection presumably emerged in the process of evolution of life [Anokhin, 1962]. According to Petr Anokhin, this type of reflection is like the accelerated model of what else should happen, to the highest extent fast reflection of future events of the outside world. Anokhin believes that proactive reflection of reality is the main form of adjustment of living matter to the space-time structure of the inorganic world. Anticipatory reflection acts as a temporal reaction of a living organism, which was previously prepared near consistently repeated impacts from the environment.

Previously it was assumed that anticipatory reflection emerged only at the level of living matter. However, in our view, proactive reflection still first emerged and existed in inanimate nature, in any case, in the real, observable universe. It was formed in the first moments after the Big Bang in the so-called inflationary futurization [Ursul, 2012], in any case, when four kinds of fundamental interactions were formed from a single physical interaction, whose aspect is the reflection.

Furthermore, there are grounds to believe that exactly anticipatory reflection and temporal futurization as ultrafast extension of time into the future are ones of motors of the universal process of evolution, what until recently was not in the focus of attention, emphasizing on spatial expansion and leaving temporal characteristic of adaptation, coevolution and evolution actually in a state of even flow, as in the contemporary era. However, anticipatory reflection in inanimate nature presumably in post-inflationary era was already sporadic and was manifested in a small scale, and therefore it was not noticeable as in living matter. With the acceleration of evolution on its main progressive trajectory (superhighway) there was a process of a larger formation of anticipatory reflection in the higher material systems by level of development.

Actually, property of "anticipatory" will be characteristic for all upcoming era of the noosphere. The emergence of the latter from sociosphere is associated not just with the fact,

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Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul

which mind will take a priority position, but also with the fact that "proactive" intelligence will be not just for individuals, but integrated into the noosphere as a whole, i.e. noospheric intelligence. Noosphere will differ from sociosphere not just by its informational potential, but also the fact that the latter in form of noospheric intelligence will anticipate, predict, forecast and manage activity of noospheric civilization. All fields of this activity will be "anticipatory" - scientific studies will be anticipatory, education in its sustainable noospheric form will also be futurizing, management will be functioning in proactive regime, forming intellectual information base of education for sustainable development. In this respect, "smart education", which began to develop nowadays, becomes noospheric education only during globalization and futurization after gaining a property of "anticipation."

The emergence of innovative proactive processes in global education leads to significant futurization of it and formation of anticipatory education. The latter will not only develop faster relatively to global practical activity, but also to focus on the future in the content of learning, development and education, basing on the principle of temporal integrity. In this sense during the evolution of global education, there will be a shift in emphasis from modernization of education to its futurization and formation of global noospheric education through education for sustainable development as a contemporary prototype of future noospheric education.

Taking into account mentioned earlier, there are other arguments in favour of the formation of anticipatory education, for example, in connection with already mentioned studies of the formation of noosphere. We note that the noosphere is often understood as a sphere of interaction between society and nature, within which reasonable human activity becomes the determining factor of the development. Such an understanding of the noosphere is still prevalent in the post-Soviet "scientific area" (including Russia), and this interpretation can be found in the works of Vladimir Vernadsky [Vernadsky, 1991; Vernadsky, 2004].

However, the "intelligent human activity", being dominant in the field of socio-natural sphere, is not rational, because, as noted, in the future leads to a global anthropoecological catastrophe.

Therefore, it is natural to assume that the noosphere is not a contemporary prevalence of the human mind in its interaction with nature and the rationalization of this interaction, giving a coevolutionary harmonious character to it. This is condition for the survival of mankind and the noosphere should be defined as the future state of socio-natural sphere, which ensures the survival (preservation) of mankind and the natural conditions of its existence on the planet and in space [Bazaluk, 2013; Bazaluk & Blazhevich, 2012; Ursul, 2015]. Meanwhile of not only the current and next generations, but also future generations of people, what the concept of sustainable development suggests. That is why we believe that the emergence of the noosphere and the transition to sustainable development are not just close processes and the formation of the sphere of mind begins through the transition to sustainable development and is significantly increasing with the gradual inclusion of information and intellectual factors in the overall global development.

This transition will gradually lead to the fact that humankind will have a new state of collective consciousness, which was called a noospheric intelligence (despite some editorial tautology). Such an integral hybrid (human-machine) intelligence will have a quality, which is absent in contemporary social consciousness (especially for all humankind), which lags significantly behind social life and therefore cannot fundamentally implement the formation of the noosphere and the transition to sustainable development. In order to do it noospheric intelligence should possess property of anticipation of social life, directing it to the optimal trajectory of survival (existence). The need to develop a new form of integrated intelligence is caused primarily by existential circumstances.

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There is a conclusion from proposed property of anticipation by noospheric intelligence of mankind being, that a priority mechanism of formation of such intelligence is science and education not in its contemporary states, but brand new anticipating education and science orientating in its basis on transition to SD [Environmental education, 1996; Ursul, 1995; Ursul, 2008b; Ursul, 2012; Ursul, 2015].
