Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Consideration of issues of global education has led experts in the field of pedagogy to the opinion that it provides education of students interest and respect for the cultures of the peoples of the world, gain of an understanding of common global origin of these cultures and attention to global events, awareness of their character and anticipation of the consequences, use of a systemic approach to the study of global processes.

Recently issues of formation of global education were associated with the prospects of open and distance education, primarily via the Internet. However, along with the formal organizational and technological aspects related more to the issue of globalization of education, conceptually meaningful aspect of global education was developing. Above all, we are talking about teaching of globalistics and concept (strategy) of sustainable development as already developing global process (now mainly in high school).

Evolution of the global education

Development of global education can be considered as a stable trend of last four decades and achievable positive perspective of further transformation of subject field of the educational

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Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul

process, which not only gets its planetary commonality and integrity, but also detects the actual and potential opportunities of globally meaningful evolution. As mentioned, these opportunities were first implemented in the transformation of contemporary education (including now existing experimental options for global education) into education for such global process of sustainable development (sustainable development), which is accepted by the international community and evolves into noospheric formation during the subsequent formation of the sphere of mind through the global transition to sustainable development. At least, they are next two stages of largest and most anticipated globally evolutionary transformations of world education in the field of planetary development, which is considered here.

These are stages, which should be studied in detail by the educational globalistics.

It is not just very inefficient, but really impossible to manage the processes of globalization and solve global and other issues effectively by means of contemporary, but "conservatively lagging" education. Education "is detached" from active participation in the search for optimal solutions in the emerging global anti-crisis activity and is not conducive to the survival of humankind. On the contrary in contemporary "conservative" form it contributes to the further "slipping" to global anthropogenic disaster, not giving the necessary knowledge and skills to get out of growing planetary crisis.

The current global transition of civilization to sustainable development and its coevolutionary interaction with nature raises the question of radical transformations of all forms and areas of social activity, including education.

The new model of world education must comply with the model of sustainable development of civilization and facilitate an innovative transition to global sustainable future.

As noted, the evolution of global education is implemented first in the transformation of contemporary education into education in the interests of sustainable development as the main educational process of the 21st century, whose preservation and development is aimed at achieving the goals and principles of sustainable development of global community. In the future education for sustainable development during noospherogenesis will be transformed into noospheric education, and in parallel with it and even more so in the future into the "globally-evolutionary" education, which is oriented at significantly more developed by noospheric science global evolutionism as a main integrative general scientific core of scientific and educational process of the present century [Polischuk, 2015; Ursul, 2015].

In relation to the formation and evolution of global education along with evolutionary there is a proposed so-called ontological approach, when education is considered not only as individual public (in the system "man-society"), but also as a universal global creative form of development, when all universum, not just socio-cultural, but also globally-natural (and universally-cosmic), being involved with man, co-evolutionizes and informationally affects the formation of personality.

Perhaps, in this broadest representation of the educational process the formation of man is considered through "the prism" of global evolutionism in a more general - socionatural system "man-society - nature". It is not just one of the processes of socialization of man, but his perception of informational evolutionary interaction with entire universe in its social and natural aspects. From the standpoint of this (so called globally-evolutionary) approach education implements the function of formation of man by informational processes in planetary cosmic system of evolution "man-society-nature". In this interpretation education is not simply as a student-centered process of socialization of the individual, but as an informational and co-evolutionary process of interaction of man, society and nature.

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Education and Globalistics by Arkady Ursul and Tatiana Ursul

Not only spatially global but also early mentioned its temporal integrity is important for optimization of the development of the global educational process (as well as for other spheres of human activity), which is one of most important historical and evolutionary principles. Education in contemporary super dynamic global situation cannot be limited just by continuation of translation of knowledge and other information, reflecting the world of the past and partly happening.

Proceeding from the principle of temporal integrity and identified above perspective of the evolution of the global educational process it is possible now to offer some recommendations for the contemporary development of global education, which have practical values. This refers primarily to temporal optimization of educational courses, which are included to education, i.e. gradual but discrete introduction to practice of such elements and factors (teaching materials, programs, courses and etc.), which will determine future pedagogical process from a content point of view. Main process of futurization as evolutionarily temporal optimization is in this strengthening inclusion of "factor of global future" in modern education.

Global education will fully become a proactive education, particularly if it is combined with its fundamental nature and humanization.

Now it is important to summarize the practical development of global education in dozens of countries around the world (including Russia), where already first "sprouts" of this type of education, facilitating obtaining of planetary unity of educational space emerged.
