Television is the most powerful tool for the mass influence. As Dario Salas Sommer men-tioned "it is the strongest and the most excellent hypnotist." That is why to distract the viewers from the thoughtful life reflection and to change positive worldview they substitute true cul-ture and high art on the cult of entertainments and cruelty, depreciation of high morals and no-ble deeds as well as second-rate stories and characters. The "hypnotist"s" target is to "weaken" people"s pure intentions and high aspirations. The focus is on dealing with the everyday issues.
Personal culture is formed in the context of cultural diversity. It includes friendly envi-ronment, well-cultured people, self-education and considering culture phenomenon as a great value. These points show the way how to create an ideal personality. Level of an individual culture must correspond with the national scale and the culture level accepted in the whole world. An image of a Man of Culture reflects harmonized aspects of both external and internal worlds. Neither perfect, aesthetic appearance nor good communication skills and an ability to give a professional assessment to the works of art can be considered apart as a complete image of a cultured person. It is too little. It is also necessary to remember about human inner world, sincerity, integrity, honesty, justice and behavioral culture, attitude to the world and other peo-ple. At each historical stage there was presented a particular model of a well-cultured person. Immanuel Kant described a Man of Culture as a mystery, "an unknown object in itself." As it is mentioned by Sommer we can describe a well-cultured person as a man who "believes that his inner spiritual world is the main value. Moreover, that evolution of his consciousness helps to fill his every wish, deed or though with goodness. It will allow people to come closer to the main purpose of human existence - self-improvement. That is only thing that can help us to change the world where we live for better" [Sommer, 2014].
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Today"s reality shows that instead of helping people to get noosphere and, particularly, a cos-moplanet level of consciousness when everybody lives in harmony with nature, the Universe and his own soul, when people are able to transfer higher cosmic spiritual energies into the human world which is aimed at forming the noosphere civilization, technosphere rules the real world. It maims human hearts and souls, inhibits emotions and feelings. That leads to increasing the distance from the true human culture as in general sense so in national aspects. Development of
Pedagogy of Noosphere is a current trend. This science has an important spiritual mission - to lay theoretical and methodical foundation for harmonization of human life and the Universe [Fu-ture Human Image, 2011; Future Human Image, 2012; Future Human Image, 2013]. Also, it en-courages next generations to realize the main purpose of the mankind existence on Earth planet. A cosmoplanet human has a highly developed spirituality which can be found through showing care about the surrounding, creating Goodness and Beauty, a strong desire to improve personal inner world. Vladimir Vernadskyi underlined that an individual existence full of positive energy would encourage human transferring from the biosphere stage to the noosphere one. Modern scientists pay much attention to the noosphere education problem. They stress the necessity to harmonize a Man and the Universe relations on the basis of culture centricity, aethetization, artistry, spiritual and value aspects of the content and methods of education. It conditions the ne-cessity to "pass through the filter of a bracing higher consciousness," which will allow people to follow the Universe morals. As Dario Sommer states, "Everyone is connected with the Universe through invisible fibers and once been sending those vibrations will get back much intensified. Nature forgives nothing. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated. Therefore, if you want a better life you should sow the best seeds... As much you are ready to give so will get." [Sommer, 2014: 236] In addition, it is worth revising the following moral Rules, which are the basis for the Universe and Man further harmonization. The author states: "Do not claim on what you doesn"t deserve. Do not feel hate as it will get back hundred times intensified. Do not commit perjury and contempt. Show respect to older people and support them. Always defense truth and justice. Do not do to others what you would not have done to you. Be free from negative emotions and thoughts. Follow the Universe rules and you will be rewarded. Live in harmony with Nature and you will get the highest goodness." [Sommer, 2014: 236] If people follow the mentioned, above recommendations it will be possible to get higher spiritual level and morals as well as better situation in the context of interaction culture between individuals and nations. It will give an opportunity to create an ideal image of humanity in people"s souls. In addition, the author identifies morality as "a cause-and-effect, vibrating and energetic connection between a Man and Space where the following rule works - everyone pays for what he does." [Sommer, 2014: 235] If a person is considered as a Man of High Spirituality, it is obvious that he should have high morals and culture. He should live in accordance with his spiritual values. It is worth noticing that Sommer has introduced the "morals physics" term, which considers such aspects as consciousness and voluntary interaction with nature all around the Universe aimed at getting the highest sake. It supposes general human perfection and, particularly, aesthetic aspect. [Sommer,
2014: 6]
What system of values does our society believe in and suggest follow? The information space is weakly controlled. It affects a personal value system, an ability for critical thinking as well as spiritual, moral and aesthetic ideals. The TV guide"s analysis makes us to ask the following question: What has happened to those television programmes which consist of spir-itual, cultural and art contents? We mean high quality arts: cinema, theater, painting, music, literature. Also, it is important to become familiar with museums around the world, meet out-
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standing scientists and people of culture, as it will help to rich a higher level of spiritual life, to broaden the worldview, to observe examples of a bright human spirit and greatness. Then the second question has arisen: How idealization of successful in business and "cool" TV characters can help us to form highly educated and well-cultured individuals and society? If we want our country to become harmoniously developed in the context of accelerated changes, we should think about the following: Who are those examples for young people to follow? Dario Salas Sommer reflected on the mentioned above in his "Morals of 21st century" book. The author asked: "Are there Pythagoras, Socrates, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Shakespeare within those people? Socrates was convinced of talking too much. Nero killed Seneca because he could not stand the truth. Jesus Christ exposed an imperfect world and was crucified. All those stories illustrate that at all times perpetrators could not hear the truth. That is the reason for destruction and defamation of true prophets by people who try to imitate goodness." [Sommer, 2014: 30]