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Innovations in high education should be based on the latest scientific researches, approaches and technologies. Therefore, the one of the most perspective direction is cognitive. Cognitive technologies in education based on multimodal learning, embodied cognition and interactive-learning framework. Cognitive technologies aimed to cognitive effectiveness improvement not using of new neurotecnologies (neurodevices) but training of various mental abilities

(neurobics, eidetic and mnemonics). Cognitive technologies based on practical technologies of interactive communication (facilitation, mediation, active learning based case studies, serious games, etc.).

Educational cognitive technologies - are the set of technologies, which are based on the using of the cognitive channels - first of visual. All these technologies aimed to the creativity development and other directions of cognitive effectiveness. In addition, they deeply involve students in interactive processes of teaching and learning for better results in education for better cohesion, teambuilding and social intellect training. One of the most innovative approaches is Interactive Visual Communicative Technologies (IVCTs) because of connections of these technologies with the most powerful mechanisms of human cognition - visual communications and mutual games. These technologies will help to improve a cognitive effectiveness and proper decision making because of involvement of learners in to the educational virtual dimension with the immersion in the real context.

Traditions of the "Future Human Image. The Scientific Journal" demands to keep both focuses of the consideration: academic and practical. Following to the scientific discourse on the pages of the above journal, "different learning theories should be viewed from the perspective of several main scientific orientations: behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, developmental theories, social learning, constructivism, which have different philosophical background and, accordingly, different understanding of the nature and methodology of learning" [Lytovchenko, 2016: 67]. But the main focus of this consideration is opportunity of the practical implementation of methodological concepts and theories in to the modern educational system.

Perspectives of Interactive visual communicative technologies in education

The objective of the above approach is implementation of interactive communicative cognitive technologies based on the visualization. They are applied in the gaming, design, marketing and business spheres. Now they are successfully implementing into the educational system. These are technologies of video scribing, doodle video, serious games, graphic

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facilitation and art scribing which could be effectively connected with the teaching and learning processes. These cognitive technologies will help to increase a cognitive effectiveness, social cohesion in education, motivation and involvement in teaching & learning processes. These techniques will allow starting education from the youngest students and successfully educating them by creating of motivated learning dimension. Therefore, these IVCTs will strengthen the concept of secondary and high education. In addition, this approach will help to solve the problem of social cohesion by education of various groups of students (with different social and cognitive styles).

Implementation of the visual technologies in the educational processes started very early.

For instance, the predecessor of modern visual presentation technologies (like Microsoft Power

Point or Prezi) - Kamishibai theatre. Kamishibai is part of an ancient visual storytelling tradition that originated during the 12th century in Buddhist temples in Japan (kami = paper, shibai = drama; paper dramas). Monks there used picture scrolls to pass moralistic stories to a largely illiterate audience. Traditionally it is a small theatre box in which large prints can be inserted. On the back of these prints is a story that the kamishibai narrator reads or tells: image and language coincide perfectly. A kamishibai story is reminiscent of delayed animation. For thirty years, from 1920 to 1950, this narrative technique was all the rage in Japan; it was the forerunner of the popular manga culture. For the past several years, this unique narrative form has made a global comeback not only in Japan but also in Europe. Kamishibai stories for educational purposes are still being published and can be found in schools and libraries throughout Japan and more recently, through the efforts of Kamishibai for Kids, in the United States and Canada. (www.kamishibai.com). It is very popular in kindergartens and various types of schools. It is connected with the one of main task of education - morality and sense making. The main approach is to develop thinking of the students, to increase the level of their cognitive ability. Moreover, the one of the efficient methods is implementing of philosophy in the system of high education. This approach is well known in the pedagogics. PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN (P4C) is a worldwide educational movement that began in 1972 with the work of Professor Matthew Lipman and colleagues at the IAPC. Mattew Lipman wrote special "philosophical novels" for use with children and comprehensive "manuals" of accompanying resources. He also suggested the "community of inquiry" as an appropriate method and aim of P4C. Now Philosophy for Children is practiced in more than thirty countries around the world (www.P4C.co.uk). Doubtless, this approach with the proper impact of visualization should be implemented (in accordance with the age psychology and axiology) into the system of high education. Luck of values platform for the successful adaptation and personal self-development of youth is the one of the most fundamental and painful problem nowadays.

The normal practice of using innovative cognitive technologies is video scribing in the education processes. It is really practical because of possibility in a 5 steps to create your own whiteboard video (http://www.videoscribe.co). The same approach proposes other companies like Sparkol - Doodle Video, etc. This is sort of a new type of kamishibai: an interactive approach in drawing the pictures and following speech.

It is actual, that the above cognitive educational technologies are aimed to the involvement and motivation for learning of youth. Video and graphic connects with young people. Multimedia whiteboard videos are not just fun - they are shown to grab attention, invite engagement and boost retention for exams. In addition, it will help to empower teachers by using interactive visual communicative technologies (Video Scribe, in particular) to illustrate complex and difficult for understanding ideas. These technologies will bring dry topics

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alive, teach storytelling, design and media, to learn IT skills. The results of the application of the above cognitive educational technologies - new educational tools, new approach for subject education, methodological courses for supervision and upper-qualification of teachers (especially of high education schools).
